Some People ?

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Did you take any pics of the condition? Edit: Saw that this quest. was asked.
I even got a closeup of a big chunk of old dried yoke on the shutter that she pointed out, followed by a sharp remark regarding my ineptness.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2008
Re: Some People ?

When I was younger I would do some handyman work on the side. Did some work for one lady and she sounds like the lady Socey is having problems with. She was telling me how she had filed complaints and tried to sue different contractors. I decided to get the *#@@ out of there and not go back. I didn't want any part of working for her after that. Some of these folks have to much time on their hands. They just want to get something for nothing and if they have to ruin some guy out working for a living to do it, they are fine with that. You know as soon as these people walk into a courtroom they are going to be acting all sweet and innocent and tell a judge/jury how the big,bad man took advantage of them. Socey, I hope this all gets dropped and you don't have to pay out a bunch of money for something you didn't cause. Best of luck man.

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Just playing devil's advocate....

You seen the siding before washing, did it occur that it was old and power washing might creat a problem? Was that communicated to her, preferably in writing?

Yeah I know, a royal PITA but when you sell your services you MUST do all you can to CYA and try to anticipate where things can go wrong and put them in writing. That lesson comes from having been in your position. :mad:
I have never had this happen before - the house was so dirty the existing blight was inscrutable. The varigated pattern unveiled can not be replicated with a powerwashing - that is intuative! I did not solicit the job. Hovever, your observation is valid in that the only way to protect yourself is with a contract - and of course you need an attorney to verify that the contract is immutable.
When I was younger I would do some handyman work on the side. Did some work for one lady and she sounds like the lady Socey is having problems with. She was telling me how she had filed complaints and tried to sue different contractors. I decided to get the *#@@ out of there and not go back. I didn't want any part of working for her after that. Some of these folks have to much time on their hands. They just want to get something for nothing and if they have to ruin some guy out working for a living to do it, they are fine with that. You know as soon as these people walk into a courtroom they are going to be acting all sweet and innocent and tell a judge/jury how the big,bad man took advantage of them. Socey, I hope this all gets dropped and you don't have to pay out a bunch of money for something you didn't cause. Best of luck man.
I appreaciate your sentiments, but I have already lost in that I have a letter from a government official asking for evidence of rectification; what have I done to fix the problem. Guilty until proven innocent - the new American way! I should have been the first to complain - her siding messed up my powerwasher! Then she would have the onus on her; but I didn't know. :confused::facepalm:

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Some People ?

In response to your offer to repaint, if she really said "that won't fix the hail damage", that pretty much shows her intent.
Maybe put your $250- offer in writing and wait for her written refusal.
Submit copies of those two letters to the clown from the Gov who is on your case.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: Some People ?

In response to your offer to repaint, if she really said "that won't fix the hail damage", that pretty much shows her intent.

I TOTALLY AGREE. ^^ She might just as well have said "that won't get my siding replaced".

Write back to the OCP and plead your case with all of this info.- including how you were doing the job next door and his story about the fence. I'm sure they've dealt with these kind before..


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Some People ?

Sorry, jkust. political comments are not allowed.
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R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

In response to your offer to repaint, if she really said "that won't fix the hail damage", that pretty much shows her intent.
Maybe put your $250- offer in writing and wait for her written refusal.
Submit copies of those two letters to the clown from the Gov who is on your case.
I have that in an email, not the hail damage - the offer refusal. The hail damage remark was a blurt.

What part of MD?[/QUOTE

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?


I agree, but I don't want to go political, and get another post obliterated :D
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R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Again playing devil's advocate, it was intuitive to you, doesn't mean it was to her. Just a quick story, I took a job to repair the paint on the bow of a boat (sun faded). The owenr stopped in to check progress and had a hissy fit when he seen we were sanding off the old paint / clear coat. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I HIRED YOU TO PAINT THE BOAT, NOT GRIND THE PAINT OFF"!!! Most would understand it had to be sanded down but there is always someone that has no clue. Yeah, it took an hour to convince him the sanding had to be done, he even called a buddy on his cell to ask if I was BSing him to justify the man hours.

Ah the joys of running a business. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Bubba: When there is a drip stain running down the siding from the edge of the gutter, anyone can tell that there is a stain coming down from the edge of the gutter - it is intuative. When their are sockerball size anomalies that are lighter in color than the ambient, it is intuative that a back, and fourth washing motion will not replicate, but will only reveal their existance. Would one say that I stayed aloft in one spot at random locations in order to produce a varigated pattern of oblong shapes - removing the finish, but leaving the primer in tact -to what end? The egging was intuative; as she pointed it out, and idenified it too me! This preponderance makes moot any legalities. The hell with the devil, I'm talking about right, and wrong here. Isn't it intuative that after 25+ years of abuse, maintenance cycles were necessary! It is intuative to many here that she has an intractable position of " I'll screw you by any free means I can to get all I can from you regardless of the facts" Don't try to sell me the ignorance defense. No one is that ignorant about their abode that they have lived in for 25+ years ; she had intimate knowledge of what lied under her dirt. Can't you connect the dots that lead to dispicable subterfuge? Your customer could have been ignorant. The political affirmation was wrong - I apoligize. Are we to the point that we can't look someone in the eye and agree to less than $100.00, worth of work without trying to extort $1,625.00, from them? Do we have to cover every conceivable eventuallity with a contract? I offered to restore the degredated finish for a fraction. Since that was not enough, than the hell with her too.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: Some People ?

Did she ever collect from the neighbor for the fence? That might be a good bit of information to keep in mind.

Are you insured? Take the hit and let a sub deal w/her.
Encouraging her kind of behavior only perpetuates it.


Feb 18, 2009
Re: Some People ?

I'll wager she's a lonely old biddy. Karma? If you let her get to you, she wins. Maybe an ins. agent w/the right questions will cause some sputtering on her part. Just throwing stuff out there. Don't see a win here.

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Did she ever collect from the neighbor for the fence? That might be a good bit of information to keep in mind.

Encouraging her kind of behavior only perpetuates it.
She did not collect any money as she had no grounds in which to do so. If I had known that bit of information, I would not have offered her any compensation. She will not now receive any releif from me short of a judge putting me in jail, and confiscating my property, and giving it to her. She may soon find herself on the end of a criminal complaint. I'm sure she has a further history of preying on the unsuspecting. You don't become that insidious with a zero compromise policy without refinement. I believe that what goes around comes around. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I wrote a letter to the man who has the complaint at the consumer agency. Hopefully he will disuade her from pursuing any more attempts at redress for an existing condition.


Dec 8, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Thomas Jefferson once said....In matters of fashion swim with the current....In times of Principle, Stand Like A Rock!!!

If it were my name and business....I Would Stand Like a Rock.

I would spend MORE than she is asking in defense and Not give in.

Good Luck !!! :)


Jun 7, 2011
Re: Some People ?

I would do a little local research and find out who else she has pissed off and/or frivolously sued.

If it's small claims court, she will prob be liable for YOUR legal costs if she loses. Don't give in and try to settle...that only encourages her behavior.

If my neighbor sued me, I'd make their life a living hell from that point on. I'd play music loudly all day long....let my dog bark...and do anything I could to annoy her(all within the law, though).

BTW: I believe that ANY offer to settle etc is an admission of guilt in the eyes of the courts. Being "nice" and just trying to settle wil bite you in the arse.