Im just up the road from you in sault ste marie.Im not sure about princecraft pontoons reputation but there are a lot of them.Legend is made just east of me in the Sudbury area.Stanely boats not far away either,their a premium aluminum boat made to order.Went with a friend today and got 20 1x6 ruff cut lumber boards off of the Mennonites.Picked up 2 dozen large brown fresh eggs off of them too.Lazy is not in their vocabulary.82rude
You are in Canada if I remember...ever hear of Princecraft boats? I understand they make a premium Al fishing vessel. I wonder, do their pontoons enjoy the same great reputation? I ask because I have a tri-toon in the shop to weld up some leaks. Seems well made for the most part...the center toon is less than well thought out though.
Nice Martin. What year? I've got a '69 12 string.
VERY nice!It's a limited edition d 21 . I believe it was silver anniversary so roughly 1977 or 87. Cant remember. The top has been replaced though. The steel finger picks went through and then the binding let loose. Luthier I knew had this really old piece of Adirondack spruce so that's what it has now...