Sloopy - pushing limits


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Moose.<br /><br />Thank you for the explanation. Perhaps I have a bit of a paranoid streak.<br /><br />Among the things to which I am sensitive is a behavior profile I had to do a paper on in Grad School. <br /><br />Often operates in pairs for mutual support.<br />Insults, demeans and ridicules others.<br />When challenged, pleads innocent fun and accuses challenger of lacking sense of humor.<br /><br />This profile is commonly called a bully.<br /><br />I think you can see why I have an itchy trigger finger. :)

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Bravo JB.<br />Ross


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Wow,<br />Moose, you just hit a HUGE nerve, don't own a John Deere? How the **** do you stereotype somebody by that? <br /><br />ok,, sorry, I am a bit partial, only because I sell the GREEN stuff! but I think anybody in American can appreciate the ingenuity and quality of a good ol John Deere Product, whether it be a simple ol string trimmer or a 500 horsepower self propelled forage harvester!!!!<br /><br />anyway, I am amazed at the number of posts in this thread! It seems Sloopy has a rather large following, and it is bringing out all sorts of different opinions of his personality, but who here really knows the kid? I sure don't, and I doubt anybody else posting here does, but he sure has brought on some attention. Kinda like the companies that put out some wild outlandish advertising campaign that nobody can understand, but it brings attention. And being in sales, I respect the individuality of it, and I respect the attention it gets. Holy Crap, I think that makes me a Sloopy Supporter.... <br />Oh well...........<br /><br /> :D :D :D

Kelly Ann

Jul 29, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

JB <br />I only felt it was a personal attack because the thread originally was about Sloopy's behavior, not his spelling or breeding. To an adult, it would be meaningless. But to a teenager it could be quite hurtful. No offense intended. <br /><br />I do find MM's reference to "giving him a spanking" to be a very curious choice of words. I wonder how Sloops parents would feel if they knew how "helpful" MM was trying to be. I'm quite sure that MM would not tolerate someone to admonish his son in such a manner.<br /><br />I feel that Sloopy responded well to a gentle, caring rebuke. I hope that he will learn from this that one cannot demand respect. It is earned.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 15, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Moose really shouldn't be talking about correct spelling, or grammar. :rolleyes:


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

i'm all choked hoo, poor moose!<br />nobody likes you? gee I wonder why...<br />you need a hug?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Well I can see that someone struck a nerve in Moose. All I can say is this has been and is a silly thread. Sloop is a teen ager. Plain and simple. He will get older and wiser just like the rest of us have. Give him a chance.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Go on Moose, you looked back didn't you. You just couldn't leave without taking another peek back to see if anybody took a bite eh!<br />I have never seen a moose yet I'm told they were shot once apon a time down in Fiordland National Park. I wouldn't recognise moose spoor if I stood in it!<br />Still never mind, if you're off then this board will note the passing.<br />Darn now how do you mount a moose on the board?<br />Ross


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

HOLD ON I THINK I'VE GOT A BITE...Wow Moose you sure can dish it out but you can't take it.... Until now I have kept my comments on this matter short and to the point..I guess by replying I'm only stooping to your ignorant grade school mentality level but I'll play along knowing it will only arouse you...I can sling mud with the best of em'so bring it on big boy.. The only difference is I CAN TAKE IT... JB nailed it right on the head... Your a BULLY plain and simple...You can't stand it when someone pokes fun at you as I was doing...It's your way or the highway... You have to be at the center of everyone elses attention....Am I hitting a nerve yet???? GOOD!!!!<br /> Now I must confess to having enjoyed some of your earlier statements especially on the thread pertaining to the three young ladies...Shame on me... :p But still, it was quite funny..LMAO..<br /> I find it strange that you question my intelect with your hamburger flipping remark... :confused: Never flipped one... And NO I am not Sloopys Father but I would be proud to be..He seems like a pretty good kid as kids go...<br /><br /> P.S. "PIE HOLE" thats funny..... :D

Allen Henry

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Every time I see a post or reply given by moose, filled with their slanderous attacks on others, I picture this very small person sitting at a computer boasting at how big and tough he is. He makes mention of "real life" alot in his posts, it's as if he considers this a "make believe" world where he can be a super hero. In my real world I have learned that it's not the barking dog that I have to watch for, It's the quiet dog sitting on the porch that will get you hurt. Maybe this is a way for him to compensate for what he is lacking it his "Real World." Now having said all that, I do truly and honestly hope you find your place in life moose, a place where you can be happy.<br /><br />TRP251


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

I like that it took Moose this long to come up with a response. I never attacked your family Moose I just wondered that people would have wasted good sex to produce something like you. I think your parents should have rolled over and went to sleep instead that night. As to spelling ans such perhaps Sloopy operates too fast. I am the same my brain works much faster than my fingers and hands whether typing or writing. I usually have what I am going to say next in mind before I can finish what I am trying to put to print. That is not a short comming but rather a sign of a high IQ. I won't debate my or anyone's intellegence but I do know a little more than a lot of the fellows here about what to look for in both bright and dim students. I would label Sloopy as among the bright seeking aproval and attention from those who he looks up to. You on the other hand I would not label as quite so bright as it seems all you intend to do is drag others to your level.


May 17, 2001
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Cheese Whiz fellow boaters! Grown adults will always will get their buttons pushed by teenagers. If your college educated or not, it doesn't matter to me. My morals are that money, education, and looks do not let me classify anyone better than anyone else. I put everyone on the same level. It would be nice if everyone could practice this.<br /><br />I have been taught and teach my children this "If you can't say anything nice about someone, you don't say anything at all" In this world where terror can strike anytime and anywhere, we need as many friends as we can get, we don't need no enemies" Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you have to hate them. We are entitled to our own beliefs.<br /><br />Sloopy and I had a run in a while back, but it is cool now. I feel that he has his right to post what he thinks even if some of us doesn't like it. If you don't like what he has posted, then read on, there is alot more stuff to read than waste your time on cutting people down.<br /><br />I'm just glad Sloopy is here instead of dating my daughter, ripping off my stereo, vandalizing my mailbox, getting drunk and stoned. An adult occuping a teenagers time is time the teen is not in trouble. Keep them busy and they are less likely to be in trouble.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL!!<br /><br />The horror of it all! To lose our way amid the chaos<br />of false paths, broken lanes and desolate byways<br />that is the iboats forum! Is there no hope?<br />Can we find no beacon in<br />the gloom to point<br />us back toward<br />civilization?<br />But wait!<br />What's that<br />in the distance?<br />There amidst the dark<br />and the sinister that surround us:<br />could it be the dim glow of a welcoming doorway?<br />It is! There is the prospect of warmth and solace here.<br />Who would have expected to find a bastion of light and cheer<br />surrounded by such an endless, boundless and depthless sea of disorder...?<br /><br />I see antlers in the treetop..................<br /><br />Who GOOSED the Moose ??!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

**** theres as much fighting here as the christian vs. atheiest forum I go to. Guess people just love to fight.(hate it personally)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

Dang....It took me darn near a half hour to read all of this.<br /><br />Don't sweat it boaty....I can't spell either.<br /><br />I think you are doing better at keeping your cool. When you get someone that blasts you for some reason, just kick back and think about it for a minute, then proceed to reply with the respect that they did not give you first.<br /><br />You don't get a bloody nose on a computer so you don't have to get mad and punch back without a little thought. And when you earn the respect of the pepole here, witch it seems that you will be able to do pretty easly, they will come to your defence without haveing to ask them for it. Some already have....that is what freinds are for....and that is what respect is all about.<br /><br />If You have treated someone with respect first, that sticks with them that you gave them respect, and when somebody has been given respect they tend to give it back and take offence to pepole that do not.<br /><br />Its kinda like a good virus....It spreads.<br /><br />Moose,Moose Moose....Come on now....You need this worse than 00-Boaty does from what I just saw.<br /><br /> JB is a smart man because he wanted to learn. You don't have to go to collage to be a smart person, just have the guts to say you don't know in the first place and the will to find out the answers.<br /><br />Knowlage is power and your only dumb when you think you know it all and don't need to learn anymore.<br /><br />I was dumb in my youth....not because of my I.Q. but because of my attitude. My I.Q. is 148 and it does'nt mean a thing if your not willing to learn anything.<br /><br />Don't be busten on Peter or JB....for that matter anyone elese if you yourself are going to complain about that very thing.<br /><br />Now see....yall got me all caught up in this....CAN"T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?<br /><br />Peacewood.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2002
Re: Sloopy - pushing limits

"I don't own cattle, hogs, or a John Deere"<br /><br />Despite the fact that our fellow boater (Moose) is fun to provoke, I would like to propose a moment of silence on his behalf. He doesn't have the land and/or funds to afford his own cow, hog, or Deere. This is indeed an American tragedy. If any of you have a spare hog, cow, or Deere that you can *lend* Moose, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. <br /><br />Moose, buddy...we're aren't gonna let you suffer. My pop has a couple of John Deere combines but he's using them to harvest his corn. Would you like to borrow it after the corn and soybeans are in? I can't stand the thought of another human living in deprivation.