Re: Sidewinder (Cobra) 16 SS
Just have to vent....... I am on a sightly overbuild mentality but did not think the spashwell through......... now I am in the process of correcting my errors.
My transom boards are laminated with csm, the transom was glued to the hull with csm, the spashwell was glued to the transom with csm everything being done with epoxy. Well I glued the splashwell and had to slice the splaswell to remove the 3/8" of overage I created.
Yup had to cut the splaswell all the way across and now I am in the process of re-attaching it with more csm, epoxy and fiberglass. It is working out but a comment need to be acknowledged - archbuilder is right
I have done a few fiberglass hulls before and the epoxy is too time consuming....... however...... stronger then hell! Incredible working time...... even during 90 degree days.
I will get some more pictures up soon but only have been devoting about 2-4 hours a week to the boat. Since our season is soon to change here my next goal will be to flip the hull, work the bottom and probably leave it flipped all winter. I still have my Starcraft to play with.