Re: Restoration: 1988 Wellcraft 170 Classic 3.0l Mercruiser Alpha 1 gen 1
managed to remove the cap today with my brother after finding a couple hidden screws that kept us from getting it off. with the cap off we also removed all the floor except one good piece upfront, and all of the foam out of the boat. of which every section that had foam in it was water logged, or i should say ice logged. also removed all the rotted wood. i managed to salvage a few parts that had good edges to use as a template, mainly bulkheads. im just going to post and scribe the stringers like oops did. although they are fairly flat and taper in the bow obviously. i also realized that the stringers are only 2 pieces bow to stern not 3. and the main stringer that runs to the motor bulkhead from the bow is 9ft. so im just going to use 1x8x12 for them instead of ply. doesnt make a whole lot of sense to seam only a 1 foot section in the bow thats only a few inches thick at most even if i dato'ed them or whatever. and it will save one money for ply as i will only need 1 sheet of 3/4 for the stringers now.
and only 2 sheets of 1/2 for the deck.
I bought chisels...very good purchase, helped in removing wood below the 41/2 grinder cut. i may leave the existing glass where its good but only to the top of the fillet, and to use it as a guide. if its bad ill remove it. everything else will be prepped. the glass job is good. just pour on the capping of the bulkheads toward the bow.
I may only use CSM as well as the boat was originally constructed that way, and only a few side bulkheads were capped/wrapped. everything else was not. so i figure if i just CSM wrap everything it will be plenty strong enough.
all the foam finally gone
That one piece of dark wood was the entire reason why i removed the floor, and would need to move the cap to check how bad it was....not knowing how bad everything else was. that piece thats all the way in the bow is good its yellow and solid on all sides. im leaving it there for now, it has to help support the hull from shifting along with the transom on a bunk trailer. ill most like end up removing it anyways.
doesnt look so big without the cap on it. This stuff seams pretty easy. thats my brother(21)