rep Foley

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: rep Foley

Well I think we should put all of the xenophobic, homophobic bigots on an island & nuke it....
They are far more dangerous than what they hate/fear......JK


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: rep Foley

Haut said:
Well I think we should put all of the xenophobic, homophobic bigots on an island & nuke it....
They are far more dangerous than what they hate/fear......JK

It's not hate and it's not fear. It's just PC that makes people like you, that eat that up, accept. Normal people won't.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: rep Foley

How are homophobics more dangerous than gays,or for that matter the people that would have them rounded up,put on a island, and nuked?I'm all ears.

The very word 'homophobic' is a gay movement generation X(in your face) term that is intended to be a convenient pigeon hole category of society members that don't accept the alternative lifestyle.

A 'phobia' is an irrational fear.I personally don't consider it an irrational fear(concern) for a mother or father not wanting one of their children in the company or mentorship of gay adults. Call me overly cautious or homophobic.I'll call you a heterophobe.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: rep Foley

ob said:
How are homophobics more dangerous than gays,or for that matter the people that would have them rounded up,put on a island, and nuked?I'm all ears.

Well said and good question! Monday nite football is on now so Hasta la vista baby


Aug 13, 2003
Re: rep Foley

Firestar said:
.Homosexuality is a mental disease period.

As is homophobia...

Do you think we should put all the mentally retarded people on an island too? Most of them can't reproduce...


Aug 1, 2006
Re: rep Foley

ZmOz said:
Firestar said:
.Homosexuality is a mental disease period.

As is homophobia...

Do you think we should put all the mentally retarded people on an island too? Most of them can't reproduce...

I think you are absolutely right, and I think we should extend that policy and let Charles Manson out.... he was just misunderstood.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: rep Foley

The guy is lower than pond scum. He needs more than alcohol treatment..maybe a date with bubba would cure him? Same for all perverts like him.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: rep Foley

OB, I do not believe "gaynesss" is a learned behavior.....
Just like (I think ) we are both hetero males.....
So what do you do if you are "different"?
Suck it up & be straight?
I have one child & at the age of 13 he is "straight"....
I would have a hard time if he were not, but I would still love him, nonetheless....
Preaching hate is dangerous,IMHO.......JK
Religious retardation is dangerous as well.....


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: rep Foley

Haut said:
OB, I do not believe "gaynesss" is a learned behavior.....
Just like (I think ) we are both hetero males.....
So what do you do if you are "different"?
Suck it up & be straight?
I have one child & at the age of 13 he is "straight"....
I would have a hard time if he were not, but I would still love him, nonetheless....
Preaching hate is dangerous,IMHO.......JK

Treat it as a desease. Simple. But how would you feel if a grown man was making moves on your son? What if that grown man got his hands on your son? How would you really feel? Would you just shrug it off as oh well he's just different? Or would you like to have a few minutes alone with the guy?


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: rep Foley

Religious retardation is dangerous as well.....

And this is not hate? Theophobic? ? ?

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Aug 13, 2003
Re: rep Foley

Firestar said:
Treat it as a desease. Simple. But how would you feel if a grown man was making moves on your son? What if that grown man got his hands on your son? How would you really feel? Would you just shrug it off as oh well he's just different? Or would you like to have a few minutes alone with the guy?

Pedophelia and homosexuality are two completely different things. You seem to have them confused.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: rep Foley

wow the more news on this I watch the less and less I can trust our govt.
this year I will vote a non-incumbant ticket.
but should some of the other representatives be sacked for not sacking a known pedophile?
it starting to look like they tried a face saving hush up rather than sack the pervert a year ago.
a very sad comentary on todays politicians.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: rep Foley

ZmOz said:
Firestar said:
Treat it as a desease. Simple. But how would you feel if a grown man was making moves on your son? What if that grown man got his hands on your son? How would you really feel? Would you just shrug it off as oh well he's just different? Or would you like to have a few minutes alone with the guy?

Pedophelia and homosexuality are two completely different things. You seem to have them confused.

Let me put it to you this way. If a male has the hots for another male what do you call it?
Now how I see it is that you are saying there is an age preference with these twisted people that sets them apart.
What is the cut off age that differentiates which category of twisted brainards one belongs to?
If a 50 year old man has the hots for an 18 year old boy what is he considered?
If that same man has the hots for a 17 year old boy what is he considered?
Lets say 16, 15, etc.
Now he has the hots for a 20year old. What is he then?

Since you know what the difference is.....please explain. Share your knowledge so you may educate those that have a hard time differentiating between the two.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: rep Foley

The answers :
1) (18 Gay & legal
2) (17>Gay & criminal if he has sexual contact......
3) (20) Gay & legal
It is an age thing that makes it a criminal act.....
Not a straight or gay thing.....
These laws would apply to a young lady as well......
Hope this clears it up for ya!.......JK


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: rep Foley

Haut said:
The answers :
1) (18 Gay & legal
2) (17>Gay & criminal if he has sexual contact......
3) (20) Gay & legal
It is an age thing that makes it a criminal act.....
Not a straight or gay thing.....
These laws would apply to a young lady as well......
Hope this clears it up for ya!.......JK

So a homosexual can be labeled a pedophile, a homosexual pedophile depending on what perverse recipe fits their taste? So it is fair to conclude that Foley is a homosexual pedophile with an alcohol problem thrown in for a little color.