rep Foley


Feb 27, 2006
Re: rep Foley

ratracer said:
ABC posted contents of IM conversations that they claimed were with a 16 year old, but there are rumblings that he was actually over 18 at the time. They also screwed up and released the kid's real name.

Any of you remember the Democrat congressman Gerry Studds? His sex acts with a 16 year old male page only got him censured, and he got re-elected to his House seat for several more terms after he was censured.

Gerry Studds and the page he was involved with held a joint news conference at the time. The short version of the event is that they basically told everyone to mind their own business. As the age of consent is 16 in DC, there were no laws broken. The censure was a punishment for the consensual relationship. The censure happened because it was a homosexual relationship. Heterosexual relationships between male reps and female pages were documented during the whole thing. No censures happened to the male reps that sex with female pages. I remember this event very well as I lived in Massachusetts at the time. A girl I was dating at the time was very involved in Democratic politics, along with the rest of her family. I heard all about it, it very great detail.

Nice try, right wing hypocrites...

Gerry Studds ended up being a very good representative during his tenure. People in Massachusetts are among the most highly educated in the country. Smart people vote for their best interests. Ignorant morons vote their emotions. He did a good job and got re-elected on the basis of his performance.

Take a look at what Foley presented himself to be, as opposed to what he really is.

To you righties, I have one question.

Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?

I mean overall.

Are you making more money or less?

Are your health care options better and less expensive, or worse and more expensive?

Has college for your children become more affordable, or less affordable?

The billions of dollars wasted in Iraq could have provided health care for everyone for the next 30 years, twice over. Are you happy that the borrowed money is being spent on a premeditated war of aggression against a country that was no threat to the USA?

If you are in favor of the war, what are you doing to actively support the troops on the ground?
If you are young enough, have you joined the National Guard? Why not? They are hurting badly for recruits. One weekend a month, and two weeks a year. That isn't so bad, is it? I hear that they'll take recruits as old as 50.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: rep Foley

Fun Jumper, eh, did Studds take him across state lines? How smart can a man be that engages in a homosexual affair with a child? Lets see a 16 year old can't vote, drink, enter into a contract, heck can't even buy a car. But I am sure it was true love. How about a little road trip to DC, we can party with Marion Barry, (he's bringing the party favors and clean needles) and maybe we can cruise the high schools looking for deep meaningful relationships on an equal intellectual playing field. DC sound like a great "enlightened" place. His entire relationship was improper regardless of the "childs" consent.

A smart person votes the best interest of society, but your post explains the democratic party to a tee. Watch the story, I think it will provide some strange turns that should prove to be entertaining.

As far as your other questions, I am far better off now than eight years ago I make lots more money, and my health care benefits are twice as good as they ever were at less than 1/2 the cost I paid before. By any measure I am better off than I was eight years ago. As far as sending a child to college, I am starting to beleive that it is more likely todays college students will actually be diminished as a person for the time wasted there. Of course if you measure a persons intellegence by the number of pieces of paper hanging on their wall, then I am sure you will have difficulty fully comprehending this position. I am sure Stubbs little plaything learned immense amounts without ever stepping into a classroom. The entire relationship with the "child" was inappropriate regardless of consent. Check the house rules on interaction with pages.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2002
Re: rep Foley

Haut said:
How did that happen?
KaGee's quote has some of my words in it.....


Go into edit and see if your added comments proceed the {i'm spelling it out so the software doesn't execute the commands} BRACKET, SLASH, QUOTE END BRACKET code that setup up what is a quote and what isn't. Your curser may have been at the end of the qutoe but ahead of the BSQEB command...Capish?


Jun 19, 2002
Re: rep Foley

Haut said:
Pshaw! it might be a drive by, but he was the one doing the driving .....
That page has a bright future as a Rep, just look at the training he has all ready recieved!
The "party of other people's responsibility" is losing face....
I can think of four criminals in the past year right off the top of my head.......
Bunch of hypocrites, I tell ya!
Nice try OJ, but this guy is a foul as they come.......JK

Nice try? At what? must have forgot to put some words in my mouth...go ahead and edit it correctly and do over..thx!:love:

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: rep Foley

oddjob said:
There is another page, he also coming forward with some text lines. He must of saved them for keepsake I suppose. Why didnt he come forward for the sake of his other page pals.....This first page that was interveiwed sounded as if his already running for the senate...this drive buy too will backfire on the dems..8)


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2002
Re: rep Foley

Hastert has changed his stance in the last couple of days. At first he was claiming the Dems had set this up and that the Repubs would go on the offensive. I think I read that in the Limbaugh interview.

Now he is borrowing a line onced used by Truman, "The Buck Stops Here".

I think the second position will play much better with the public.

Even if the Dems set it up there seems to be mounting opinion that the house leadership should have know it was more serious than just "overly friendly" emails.

Just what our congress needs, something else to distract it from the business of governing our nation.