Sounds like you could use a "stern" warning about making bad jokes!:facepalm: :laugh: :drum:
Lol, I "bow" to your humor, and look "fore" "moor" jokes, but maybe others will "chine" in.:hopelessness:
shame on u for glassing in the winter, get back on the couch like the rest of us
ps-when I saw pics, I thought is was on the wrong thread!
Ummm beer with a cork?
The dribbled beer is just a pre - christening ! :tickled_pink:
That looks like great work that you're doing KC.:first:
I like to use epoxy for holes and fairing, but once I glassed a piece of CSM with epoxy resin and I felt like I was cheating on Poly, so I vowed to never do it again:afro:
I don't know how you epoxy guys do it. All that measuring, mixing, sags, etc. but the outcome is gonna be one bullet proof galleon!
As for the beer, sometimes when you post I've wondered...oh, nevermind:laugh: