OOOhhh yea I guess they are but like somethings always another challenge. Puters!!
So the darn ding seems to be running better than ever fingers X.
So here are some pics of the tank. I know she is an old beasty gal but maybe some things have to be said for that. I ran some 60 grit paper with my da sander to remove a limeish tint off the tank. It was very thin. I wonder if that what others have called the "aluminum oxidation" naturally?
Of course there is some small pitting on the exterior but not bad. The tank was supposed to be from fresh water. The 3# test worked perfectly so that is reassuring.
I'm gonna install in such a way that I will be able to pull out if at a later date I see any fuel leak issues. Going to bury her in a coffin with some deck plate access to fill, vent and sender but include a drain **** that will allow me to drain out {hopefully no moisture or fuel}.
I'll propably be taken the ole coot to a shop and add brackets.