Re: Rehab on 65 Texas Maid
I am starting the sanding on the boat and was a bit confused about the best way on a couple of things.
When I am treating bare metal I need to:
1 clean and then apply vinegar
2 bondo areas needed
3 prime with self etching primer (once bondo is smooth)
4 Paint
I am wondering if I need to switch 2 and 3.
The areas I need to bondo are close to rivots. what is the best way to get these areas without going over the rivots?
As I am sanding I am remembering what I did 20 years ago when I first painted. Between JB weld and bondo I smoothed out the best I can but did not sand very well. What can I say, I did not have internet back then and did not have access to information I get from this wonderful site. I promise I will do a better job this time.

The sanding still sucks like I remember it.