tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2007
I have an 86 Chris Craft Stinger 222. Little bit of gas leaking into the bilge. Its probably been going on for years, but this is the first season I've noticed because for the 1st time I'm keeping the boat in a wet slip whereas before would always drain the bilge after every outing on the trailer. The tank is a 55 gal below deck alum tank which to remove will require cutting the deck and then even then it might be wedged/glassed in there. I've never needed a 55 gal tank anyway. ...I hate to cut the deck up and then not be able to get the old tank out. Anybody else replace the gas tank in a similar type boat?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Moving to Boat Topics and Questions (not engine topics) forum


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Before you do anything drastic confirm that the tank itself is the source of the leak rater than hoses, fittings, sending unit, etc.

If you plan to sell it at some point consider the difficulty in selling with a leaking fuel tank. I wouldn't buy it.

Oh and a little bit of gas creates the same fumes as a big leak & can go boom!! so do something before you go out again.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Floating time bomb....rip the tank out..do whatever needed..THEN do something else..
Put a drop of gas in a shotglass...drop a match...watch yer eyebrows...:eek::eek::eek:

Al Kungel

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 9, 2004
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

I just went through this last year. Get it fixed as soon as possible or someone could be seriously hurt or killed. Gasoline vapours are extremely dangerous.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 23, 2004
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Hey, it sucks. I have a 1984 Chris Craft Scorpion 230 that I think might have a leaky tank too. I don't get actual gas in the bilge like you do, but I can smell it sometimes.

Whether you replace it or not you need to remove the old tank so the fumes don't linger. Even an "empty" tank can explode because of residual fumes.

Here is one source: www.rdsaluminum.com or
Try to get the dimensions of your existing tank for them to give you a quote.


Jan 29, 2008
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

When we used to pull gasoline tanks from the ground, we would always drop dry ice into the tanks to displace oxygen. If you are cutting around the tank I would suggest the same. A full gas tank is less dangerous then a tank full of fumes. As with carburetors, it the air to gas ratio that determine flammability. I don't think I try to disprove this theory in the field though, so drain the tank and drop dry ice into it. It is better safe then sorry. Dry ice can be bought at either ice retailers or soda distributors.

(Dry ice is just solidified carbon dioxide) :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Hey, it sucks. I have a 1984 Chris Craft Scorpion 230 that I think might have a leaky tank too. I don't get actual gas in the bilge like you do, but I can smell it sometimes.

Whether you replace it or not you need to remove the old tank so the fumes don't linger. Even an "empty" tank can explode because of residual fumes.

Here is one source: www.rdsaluminum.com or
Try to get the dimensions of your existing tank for them to give you a quote.

Yeah it sucks big time...I missed half of last season due to all the rain we had in Texas plus was down for month replacing the motor. Was all excited about this season and now this. I need another project like I need a hole in my head.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Hey, it sucks. I have a 1984 Chris Craft Scorpion 230 that I think might have a leaky tank too. I don't get actual gas in the bilge like you do, but I can smell it sometimes.

Whether you replace it or not you need to remove the old tank so the fumes don't linger. Even an "empty" tank can explode because of residual fumes.

Here is one source: www.rdsaluminum.com or
Try to get the dimensions of your existing tank for them to give you a quote.

I really want to avoid cutting the boat up to get this monster tank out...at least until next winter. Can't I fill/drain old tank with water several times and minimize the residual fumes, air it out, then seal it up best I can until fall. Since a 55 gal tank is overkill for this boat, I can get a new 20 gal plastic tank and put it in on the floor of the cuddy cabin. Even if there are some residual fumes in the tank, unless someone lights a match around the tank, I doubt the pinhole leak in my tank is going to spew enough fumes to cause a hazard. I know the leak is small, otherwise all the gas from the tank would have leaked into my bilge by now and the tank has held around 30 gal steady for the last 3 mos. Still need to addr this because someone mentioned earlier, a little gas creates enough fumes to be dangerous.


Dec 8, 2006
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Floating time bomb....rip the tank out..do whatever needed..THEN do something else..
Put a drop of gas in a shotglass...drop a match...watch yer eyebrows...:eek::eek::eek:

Get it out.

Jack Daniels

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Your best bet is to get that thing out of there, not to mention the explosion hazard gasoline fumes are also a serious health hazard. If you have kids, i wouldnt mess around with it, people dont realize that one of the main ingredients of gas (benzene) is a big time carcinogen. Dont mess around, a little hard work will save you in numerous ways.

Also the only way to render a gas tank nonhazardous if your not going to remove it is the completely fill it in with concrete. But as i am sure your aware, thats not an option.


May 20, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Do you really want to put a gas tank in your cuddy cabin where the tank will vent fumes? Maybe you plan to have your mother in law sleep in there or something. Bite the bullet and replace the gas tank the right way. Sure no one wants to cut up their floor to put in a new tank, but then no one wants to blow up their boat either.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

what's the best way to cut the fiberglass floor? I have a drill zip which cuts pretty well. The tank is about 3 in below the floor.


Dec 8, 2006
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Use a drille, find the thickness, probably 9/16", then set saw/router/ etc to that.
You might want to start a peek hole away from the tank.
Relax, once you read in here about the deck patch, your deck will be stronger.


Jan 29, 2008
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

I have never had a built in fuel tank on a boat, but I know there are products that line auto/truck fuel tanks. Isn't there a liner, usually liquid, that can seal a boat tank without removing it?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2007
Re: tank leaks...replace or put in a topsider

Fumes are completely gone now. Took the boat out this last Saturday. I did the ole sniff test and couldn't smell anything. Maybe the fuel level moved below a point in the tank where it was leaking...I'll still replace the tank though...The boat is 22 yrs old.