PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics


Apr 24, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

LOL Vegas I wasnt on the phoenix Cl that would be our resident CL nut JimBC he showed it to me in an IM and I said Hey thats not that far from Vegas and I knoooooow how bad he wants a Starcraft LOL. I keep telling him to quit searching Cl so far out as it only drives him crazy to find such nice specimens just to remember thats way to far to go pick one up :D. The new po\roject as I said is looking great your better half could have that Super Sport Starcraft looking awesome in no time :D.



Apr 24, 2009


Jul 13, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Just had to spend all day saturday out on the lake in one of our other boats....awsome sunny day ...81 degree water at Lake Mead 100 deg air....little wind....AWSOME...caught 1 smallmouth and a decent cat...DINNER!!!!
I have business related work to do sunday and monday, so small delay on the TURBO PROJECT.....dang business! getting in the way of REAL work lol :D

Should be back in turbo mode tuesday at the latest, we're going to eliminate a drain in the bottom of the bilge, it looks almost like a lamp top (you know the threaded hollow rod that the wiring goes thru) was used to make a smalll drain in the bilge, one good rub on the bottom would shear it off! sticks down about 3/8" will be ELIMINATED, we'll add in a second bilge pump as a backup, and a small fountain pump to suck the very last few drops out of the bilge since most of em only pump to 1/2" then suck air.........

we also need to do a small fiberglass repair at the bilge frt bulkhead, had a pinhole leak thru the fiberglass allowing water into the area below deck level where there should be NO WATER....we drilled out the rot (small area) aired it out all week with a fan and should be fixed up ASAP

also I have new heater hose for the water header feeds and tstat water feeds.......needs install...

the engine box and jump seats will go in after those fixes............(I want to gel coat the bilge...we'll see if the wife allows it!) she's in a real hurry to get her on the water!

Scavenged a nice wood steering wheel that we restored, off our other project boat Newman Pla-Ville, that wheel wouldnt go with the new look that boat will have (house of kolors sunset orange and blast white) we bought a new wheel for the Newman boat.......

AFTER the wife sanded it down and oiled it up with teak oil...ALOT of times!
we also tightened up the rivets using a hammer/punch/small 1/4" socket behind each rivet and hit em tighter....the wood was shrunk from being so dry...looks and feels like new now!



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 29, 2008
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Awesome. That wheel looks just like the one on my 'Tron. Man, there are so many similarities between my 'tron and that Plaville it's scary.

Can't wait to see and 'hear' the maiden voyage post!


Jul 13, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Since this fast restore is ALSO supposed to be BARE BONES BUDGET...we decided instead of spending $120 per seat minimum, and yes there are $3900 captains chairs out there, who would buy one? someone with way too much cash
anyways it would run $120 ea for decent fishing seat/s for captain and navigator.......seats that aren't hard as rocks (IE wise brand for instance) We are going to try the used office chair from my old Studio office...and the old studio office workstation desk as the base! CLASSIC redneck! Jeff Foxworthy would be proud!Couple new pics of the new seat base for the captains chair and cooler storage used a couple year old office computer workstation desk unit, it was 8 ft long, 3/4 inch nice plywood, already urethaned clear...sprayed the seat as explained earlier with vinyl spray paint...

The wife spent an hour cleaning the hull and applying Poli-glow---WOW is all I can say, great for boat flippers working on faded boats, HUGE difference...will post before and after pics tomorrow when it sunny out......
she got 1/4 of the boat done in 1 hour.....I had to work today and this evening, and her being ancy to try it (the UPS guy delivered the package this afternoon) well she did a great job....looks awsome so far


Note OSHA approved safety shoes




we'll try this setup out this season....since now its fall..if it sucks we'll change it up later at little loss, just some leftover scraps, a cople cans of vinyl spray paint and some "free" labor

we already covered the seat base (no pics yet) with some off color vinyl, need to hit it with vinyle paint add the drink holder drop in cups, andle brackets for holding it all down and voila!

Any ideas on raising the deck area in the center? let me know (see photo) I dont like thr drop down right there and its kinda pricey for oak....alternatives wanted! must be able to allow air in like a skilocker door...and be removable for mopping up.........


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Come on Vegas, admit it, you were born here in the south weren't you? :D

Love the office/captains seat! Foxworthy and the entire Redneck Nation is proud of you!

One question though, have you ever used the vinyl paint before? How does it hold up?

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Chopping up the house furniture to finish the boat... You sir are a true boater!:D

What about using 2 or 3 redwood or cedar dog-eared fence planks? I think they're like 6-8" wide and 6 feet long. You could rip them lengthwise and leave about 1/2" gap between them for air flow. ?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 29, 2008
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

That side view of the seat makes it look like there isn't much room for your knees!

Will filling in that recess in the floor create a big step down into the cuddy there at the front?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 10, 2004
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Looks like it's pretty tight for your feet/legs at the captains chair. If your planning on re-selling, give some thought to the "larger" look like your in pretty good shape and it might be pretty tight for someone a bit "larger."


Jul 13, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Come on Vegas, admit it, you were born here in the south weren't you? :D
Love the office/captains seat! Foxworthy and the entire Redneck Nation is proud of you!
One question though, have you ever used the vinyl paint before? How does it hold up?

Rickairmedic has used it and says it lasts YEARS and looks great even after afew years...good enough for me! We will likely replace all the vinyl in a season or 2 anyways ...since we eventually want to gel coat the boat white and add grapics..(RE: not tan or woodgrain graphics :D)......and hey if it does last Ill send in a few pics to duplicolor, Im sure they'd love to see some of thier stuff in "action" real use etc

Chopping up the house furniture to finish the boat... You sir are a true boater!:D
What about using 2 or 3 redwood or cedar dog-eared fence planks? I think they're like 6-8" wide and 6 feet long. You could rip them lengthwise and leave about 1/2" gap between them for air flow. ?

Hi CN, actually, that of-course, was my first thought....I was a bit worried about splinters as that stuff is kinda soft wood and or brittle.... the cedar may hold up better...I did make a "bridge" for our yard over a "dry riverbed" of gravel...out of cedar planks that we ripped in 1/2 about 10 years back, its held up to the sun and elements well....good call, thats what Im going to use.(cedar dog eared fencing).....Ill just sand the crap out of it....seal it with some matte finish polyurethane THANKS!

That side view of the seat makes it look like there isn't much room for your knees!

Will filling in that recess in the floor create a big step down into the cuddy there at the front?

Hi Racin, actually Im 5'7" 160 lbs...there is decent room for the knees...and the little cabinet near my feet is a bit in the stand one foot to the rt of it and one either sideways behind it or on top of it kinda Captain Morgan style!it's easliy removable either small angle bracket holdin her in. far as the step down, it would be about 3 1/2" higher of a deck than it is now.....our gang is all pretty dont think its an issue...besides it is also removable and will just be "placed" there...not a permanant install...I want to try it with a flat deck in the main walkaround area...

Looks like it's pretty tight for your feet/legs at the captains chair. If your planning on re-selling, give some thought to the "larger" look like your in pretty good shape and it might be pretty tight for someone a bit "larger."

Hi Schmoe...thanks for the input everyone.......I tested it out sitting there....its dang comfy for me....either way...that seat base, and little drink holder stowage box at my feet are super easy removable and were very cheap so no loss getting rid of em..You shoulda seen the lack of foot and leg room before with the original oem layout....wasnt very fun, jammed up legs in a few spots.......I wanted to install a regular bass type seat post...found one on Cl for $ it, too short though! can't see over the bow well enough..need 22" base and only have a used 12 to18"adjustable base DOH!!!..and new ones are about a $100 for a decent adjustable one...

SEE PHOTO attached>>>>>>>>>>
.the other option I was playing with, was (a more expensive option about $130 for the SS parts) Stainless L shaped deal coming up from floor, going over to side of interior boat.....make 2 of em...mount seat to that...they have that style seat base in the new Sleeks and other performance boats if you look around a bit online in pics.......that would make for tons of leg stowage tho...the cooler was an issue the wife wanted dealt with...didnt want it out in the open or in the cuddy, ducking in there scraping your back while grabbing beers every 1/2 hour! lol


  • SSseatbase.jpg
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 29, 2008
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

That looks like it would work pretty well. The cooler won't fit under the legs, though? I hate having the cooler/s in the way on my boat as well, and the cheap-o plastic under seat coolers made by Glastron (at least in my boat) seem to work better for rope storage than for keeping my beverages cold.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Know what ya'll mean about the coolers in the way. When I build my wrap around seating it will be designed around a 5 day cooler hidden from sight.


Jul 13, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Know what ya'll mean about the coolers in the way. When I build my wrap around seating it will be designed around a 5 day cooler hidden from sight.

Hiya Mddubya
on your earlier comment that mebbe' I'm from the south....My father was born in Richmond, Va I grew up a northerner tho....Does that count kinda???????

Racin, with that SS seat system would hold a cooler underneath...but you would have to rig somethin to keep it from doing the slide of death to the stern when you accelerate!

Well the wife want the SLEEK done for SUNDAY..:eek:.I kinda doubt it but stranger things have happened! :D we'll see how the sterndrive housing replacement on the Chrysler unit goes! might need some more seals and stuff not anticipated, plus the prop is slightly harder to turn than on my Merc Alpha one outdrive.....wondering what the deal there is.........guess we'll see!


Jul 13, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~TO Do LIST

Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~TO Do LIST

Well, heres the TO DO list...............I'll double post this on the 1rst posting of this thread maybye later...and check em off as completed!. Last update OCT 3rd 2009 1pm PST 2009

Must Do's or WANT to do's - GREEN indicates complete...Red needs to be done! before sea trials.............. Yellow is work in progress

Clean and re-paint engine, polish chrome and exhaust COMPLETED
Replace all rubber hoses on engine COMPLETED
Compression test engine add marvel mystery oil to each cylinder before startup, replace spark plugs COMPLETED
Rebuild carb...adjust carb COMPLETED
Check ignition timing <>
BILGE - fix holes that we drilled to air out the pinhole leak in the frt of the bilge separator plate (frt of bilge) COMPLETED
BILGE - remove prev owner installed jerry rigged drain hole ...will post pic of that one! also found a screw blocking a hole, fixed that while in there (back of transom)COMPLETED
BILGE - add second NEW bilge pump <may not do that>
BILGE - replace old bilge pump hose it is swellled a bit... COMPLETED but with a snag!
BILGE Install new bilge exit port (3/4") prev owner had 3/4 inch hose clamped down onto 1/2" fitting! nice having bilge water come back ini the boat when it leaks eh? COMPLETED drilled bigger hole...replaced bilge exit port with 3/4" new fitting
BILGE - old bilge pump clean and test (it's the cartridge kind and is epoxied in) - COMPLETED / WORKS
BILGE - Gel coat entire bilge area! or paint it since we started doing that. COMPLETED (painted it aluminum)
BILGE - oil bilge blower and re-test or REPLACE bilge blower COMPLETED replaced with new atwood inline turbo

Sterndrive - Test trim/lift hydraulics - COMPLETE / WORKS but has leak!
Sterndrive - Found leak at port trim cylinder! need a reseal kit or replace BOTH cylinders I will check it off = once I look into it or fix it<>
Sterndrive - Order NEW upper housing, Starboard trim sensor, orings & gaskets & recieve parts - COMPLETED
Sterndrive - Replace upper housing, inspect guts, replace seals, re-assemble upper unit, mate to lower unit - current work in progress
Sterndrive - Strip and paint sterndrive and transom plate, gimbal Chrysler White! the ol' WHITE ANCHOR!!!! lol :eek: <Got it all tore down and stripped, might paint today but 25 mph winds are called for (dust and sand)>

Strip out old interior[/B] and chocolate colored carpeting BARF!! COMPLETED
Manufacture new captains seat base / cooler stowage COMPLETED
Cover new seat base with scrap vinyl from prev project, paint with tan vinyl paint COMPLETED
Engine box / jump seats Recover vinyl as needed, paint to match using vinyl paint COMPLETED
Engine box / jump seats Install into boat / bolt in place COMPLETED
go out and eat mexican food [/B]in celebration of interior work done YEA! COMPLETED

Replace blown tire <>
Grease and inspect all wheel bearings <>
Replace all wheel seals <>
add bearing buddies <>
Check trailer brake pads <>
Double check trailer lighting <>

Poli-glow gelcoat restore the entire hull - COMPLETED looks awsome I-Boats should carry this product!
Make wood lattice for deck drop down area (I want a flat deck) <>
Polish trailer wheels <>
Prep / Prime / Paint the whole trailer! <Got the paint the other day!>
Replace Bunk Carpeting <>
Repair a couple exterior gel coat chips and dings near transom <work in progress repaired all the dings and scrapes, holes....faired it all in ..have to sand the new gel coat down and polish it>

---------LEGAL STUFF
DMV title for trailer / out of state inspection of trailer / license plate <>
DOW boat title and tag <>
BOAT TAGS = Lake Mead Natl Rec area FEE AREA! need the OTHER tag for the boat <>
Make sure all safety equipment on board and TEST HER OUT on the water! <>
Last edited:

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Looking good Vegas,
Wow, and I thought my grocery list was long
looking at your list I see your bilge pump was epoxyed in. The geniuses that installed the one in my boat had screwed it straight through the bottom of my boat, with 4" wood screws clean out the uderside of the boat :eek:

Keep up the great work


Apr 24, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Come on Vegas, admit it, you were born here in the south weren't you? :D

Love the office/captains seat! Foxworthy and the entire Redneck Nation is proud of you!

One question though, have you ever used the vinyl paint before? How does it hold up?

As Vegas said I have used the vinyl paint quite a bit in fact the bar stool I am sitting in now was painted 2-3 years ago and honestly needs to be recovered now as the vinyl itself is splitting but the paint still looks decent , I have done several car interiors over the years as well .



Apr 24, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

Looking good Vegas,
Wow, and I thought my grocery list was long
looking at your list I see your bilge pump was epoxyed in. The geniuses that installed the one in my boat had screwed it straight through the bottom of my boat, with 4" wood screws clean out the uderside of the boat :eek:

Keep up the great work

Bill at least it was only 4 screws and not 30 like my boat :D. One of the PO's of my Tincan thought it would be a good idea to add wood stringers and they screwed them in from under the bottom of the hull:eek:. I honestly couldnt believe it when I found them LOL.

Vegas you do have quite the list to complete in a week I hope you have a good supply of 5 hour energy :D.


HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

As Vegas said I have used the vinyl paint quite a bit in fact the bar stool I am sitting in now was painted 2-3 years ago and honestly needs to be recovered now as the vinyl itself is splitting but the paint still looks decent , I have done several car interiors over the years as well .


sitting on a bar stool at 12:30 what about all those needing A/C :eek:


Apr 24, 2009
Re: PROJECT ~ JEZABEL 23' Sleekcraft Executive ~ Turbo Restore ~ Tons of pics

LOL Bill its almost 3PM here and in the low 70's I am waiting for the 40^ temps at night next week to kick in the Furnace season :D. Thje barstool is in my garage so I am not actually sitting in a bar although with the wonderfull AC season we had here not a bad idea LOL. We had temps in the 70's here for the month of July should have been high 90's :eek:.
