Project Fuggly - No Longer Fuggly And Splashed!!!!!!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
This shot show the front of the splash deck, relative to the front of the engine well. The front of the engine well is about 26" in front of the leading edge of the splash Deck. From the leading edge of the splash deck, to the transom is about another 26" or so. (some one help me, I know there is a better word than splash deck!)



Sep 8, 2006
I was also thinking about the upper raised deck in front of the bow.....its sort of a casting deck or something. I really haven't come up with a use for it. (other than a hot tub). I was just thinking after Sam mentioned removable, that might be a place for a sun deck. Maybe a goofy idea, but its some unused real estate. Keeping the back simple might be the best idea! Actually keeping it all simple is a good idea, lol :D

+1 from me! Did exactly that for my FIL on his tri-hull and made it removable. NO glass work required. Worked great for him for many years with a pedestal seat and access panels to the storage areas. Indoor/outdoor carpet on 3/4inch treated plywood. Sorry, no pix. Good luck!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
One other note, just to confuse things, I want to keep something of a period look. In other words I want the interior to be updated somewhat, but look like something that could have come in the boat.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
arch, when something like this crops up, make a mockup with cardboard and place it there and see what it looks like. I know that takes a lot of effort. But if it looks good, you have a pattern to use and go by then as well. :noidea:


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Hey GM that is my plan once I get the motor in. If you want to see cardboard mock ups you should look at my pontoon thread from a few years back, lol! I put my model building skills to work, architecture school was good for something!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
With the d/h being so high ya don't have many good options ...You would also have to figure something with the vents ...Is there no room to take some off the top of the d/h ?
Just throwing it out there . Maybe ,and I know you don't want the jump seats on both sides of the d/h , build some really thick cushioned jumpers where the back and bottom hinge and will slide back onto the splash deck creating the sun deck ... Use the jump seats for cruising and when anchored the seats raise up somehow to make the deck .. An extended ply backrest to make the cushions the right height when used as a sun deck ...
I see it in my head but it's hard to explain ... The bottom of the seat will need some sort of rail or clips to rest on when you make the conversion ..
Thin foam on top of the d/h ...
Yeah I know it sounds kinda :crazy:


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Hey Sam that is a good idea! On the dog house, I don't see it getting any shorter, and the spark arrester rubbed on the insulation as it was. I think the 6 will be about the same. I'm sure some kind of light bulb will come on when I start the mock up! Hopefully its not a dim one!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Sooo, are you saying the DH sticks above the existing lip where the Cresent Wrench is by another 4" ?? So the Top of the DH is 7" from the surface of where the crescent wrench is laying??


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
No work on Fuggly this weekend. I have been working on the and on, kind of holding out on you guys since December :D. So half of the Hangar is going to be storage and half is going to be shop. So that works out to about 1,100 s.f. on each side. I wanted the ability to divide off the shop half to make it easier to heat and cool (yes adding a package AC at some time in the near future). So I put a layin ceiling, similar to office buildings, but with a vinyl coated Sheetrock tile in the shop half. That gives me a nice clean lid, that traps some of the heat and reflects the light. I put in 6 highbay florescent lights, so it looks kind of like an operating room now, lol. I also added 2 Canarm 29,000 CFM ceiling fans to stir up the air. I have also had an electrician adding power, so far about 1,200' of romex for the rough in for the shop part. I have a couple of rolls of 6-2 romex for the welder and air compressor that he hasn't got to yet. Its amazing how this thing eats stuff.......I have a box of 60 plugs for the whole building, but I can see that going fast.

Anyhow I put up the curtain with the help of a friend this weekend. it was a bit of a struggle even with a scissor lift, kind of like putting up king kongs shower curtain.

I also put up a 9'x3'-6x12 pallet rack and decked it. I'm slowly loading it up with rough sawn lumber.....mostly pecan that I had sawn after the tornado. Hopefully I will be back on the boat next weekend. I hope everyone had a great Sunday!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 2, 2013
Arch, that shop looks sweet!!!:clap2: You really can not have too much light either. Makes Miss. Morgan look good.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Very nice work on the KKSC arch ! Looks like it was a hand full to install ... And man MM sure looks sweet !


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Thanks Nurseman, MM is really dirty.....still haven't cleaned her up from the last run of last summer. The lights do work awesome!

Sam, we were on the lift, with the platform extended out.....the curtain was folded end to end....we were trying to hook it on as we unfolded it......and it kept unfolding and unfolding......even with it in two sections I felt like i was caught up in a giant sewing machine!


Apr 18, 2008
Arch, permission to come aboard, sir?

Project fuggly has an extremely clean hull, but alas, you are correct in calling her Fuggly...she has a face only a mother can love (and iboaters). As a side note my wife had a Dalmation dog for 14 years, her name was Morgan...we named our Cobalt "The Morgan" in tribute to her pup (I let her know about Miss Morgan and there was a moment of hesitation on my end).

Anyway, this is a cool boat and your shop makes me quiver...I need a shop...maybe next year!




Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
arch, WOW nice shop indeed. I can't even imagine putting up that monstrous curtain. It had to weight a ton...maybe literally. :noidea:

And I have to go along with nurseman, you can't have too much light. I have six four tube florescent lights in my shop with under cabinet lights as well. But on the colder mornings, they struggle until they get warm enough to glow bright.

Any time you can work inside in a controller dry shop, the projects get to be more fun. :thumb:


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Welcome aboard Baja! Yes Fuggly isn't quite as sexy as Miss Morgan....but she will be a cool cruiser!

Hey GM, the curtain probably ways about 60 pounds per section (there are two halves). It was more awkward than anything, but we got it done fairly quickly. Now that I have it up, it supposed to be in the 60's and 70's, go figure, lol. If i didn't have it, the temps would be in the 20's!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Welcome aboard Baja! Yes Fuggly isn't quite as sexy as Miss Morgan....but she will be a cool cruiser!

Hey GM, the curtain probably ways about 60 pounds per section (there are two halves). It was more awkward than anything, but we got it done fairly quickly. Now that I have it up, it supposed to be in the 60's and 70's, go figure, lol. If i didn't have it, the temps would be in the 20's!

Ha arch, yes I do know what you mean. But look at it this way. That curtain is a great shop heater then. :smile:


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
It was really warm yesterday, so I took advantage and fished up foaming below the deck in front of the forward bulkhead. I also welded up the bow winch tower solid. I also added the spare tire carrier to the right side of the tower. I drilled the transom this morning and plan on mounting the gimble assembly after lunch and the motor mount bracket. I'd line to drop in the engine, but don't know if I can Round up a helper today.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
You gotta get that motor in, Arch. It's been lazing around far too long. LOL


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
I totally agree GA! This is my jig for drilling the transom to keep the hole perpendicular to the transom.


I just drilled through a piece of white oak on the dill press with the same bit I was using to drill the transom. I ran the bit through the block so that a little was sticking out. Then I use the protruding bit to align with the old hole in the hull skin. After that you just push the block up flush with the transom, and it gives you a nice guide, perpendicular to the transom. I used the white oak because it is so hard, it works well and doesn't develop slop as you are drilling.

After 3 hours of moving stuff around I got Fuggly, the engine hoist, and the motor in the hanger "operation' bay. I will be glad when I finally finish the hanger, it seems like all I do is rearrange things! Oh well getting closer....I do at least have all the major stuff ready to go.

The only question right now is where this spacer goes. I think it was between the bell housing rubber mounts and the gimble plate mounts on the transom.....I nee to dig through the pics, but if anyone knows.,please chime in!

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