Prez Bush talks about Iraq


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Well, SCO, to answer your question, every proposal this president has made, domestically, has been targeted to his conservative base, and his rhetoric has been targeted to the poll data on what is politically popular.<br />There were no exceptions in this recent speech.<br />There must be some reason this President has chosen Iraq as the most likely first target, and I still have not seen any evidence, and even Tony Blair in the last week has said there is no evidence Saddam has anything to do at all with Alqaida and 9/11.<br />Without any evidence, mentioning them in the same sentence is simple fear mongering.<br />So again there must be some reason beside what is stated for calling Saddam our "biggest, most immediate threat".<br />I have seen many conservatives in public opine that they get angry at OPEC's control over world oil prices, and postulate that once we get control of Iraq's oil production, OPEC will no longer be able to control prices as they have, and we can get oil prices down to the high teens, rather than the middle 20's to thirties a barrel we see with OPEC.<br />Both Bush and Cheney are initmately familiar with this industry, and these conservative postulations do not go unnoticed with them.<br />Now having oil prices down in the teens per barrel may well be a noble goal, but it is not the reason to start a war.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Skinny,Don't interpret the idea that the middle east was a technological self sustained region that America decided to take over one day for their own benefit.Sure, we and the rest of the world are dependent on oil in the middle east and abroad.Fact is , is that civilizations other than their own developed the knowledge of locating and extracting the oil.Not them.So now I'm sure that they would be quite happy if we just went away and let them reap the benefits of marketing and controlling it as they see fit.They also would like the benefit of moving there families to America and reap the benefits of our educational systems,opportunities ,and freedoms that we have to offer.What would they offer you?Beheading for speaking your peace?Or should we Americans just stay out of their country and stop telling them how to run their business and let them come over here and tell us how to run ours.I liken their attitudes to a spoiled heir that would prefer his predecessors just go away and leave him with his millions.<br />Man , I'm glad Gore and his "lock box" lost.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Plywoody, I dont attribute what those conservatives speculate about to the President. Would you feel differently about this if 100 cities were simultaneously attacked with some wmd? We are facing that danger right now. The pres knows that. Thats why he declared a general war on terror. I dont think a link to anything else is required for action. The BofB has kept his people in the stone age in order to keep and develop his wmd. No, he wont use them as long as we are appeased, but someday, when he is ready , he will. That is our new post 911 realization that we can no longer avoid. I just hope we didn't get with the program too late. A vulnerability has been revealed to all of us and the world. That ought to scare the bejeebers out of you.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

What Sec. of State Powell has to say come Feb. 5th should shed some light on this issue( I hope).


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

I wonder how other presidents might have reacted to today's threat of terrorism.<br /><br />The following quote from JF Kennedy leaves me in no doubt about what his position would be on the Saddam / war on terrorism issue;<br /><br /><br />"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Don't misinterpret me, SCO. I do think Saddam *MUST* be disarmed of whatever WMD he has. I have never suggested he posed no threat, but rather I still don't think he is our biggest, most immediate threat.<br /><br />I would much prefer we work within the UN, tone down the rhetoric substantially, and force the UN and the inspectors to continue to pressure Iraq to cooperate--and at some point in time if it becomes necessary, we can honestly and sincerely go the the world community and say we tried our best, and there seems only one way left and that is to disarm him by force...<br /><br />Perhaps it is too late at this point, as we have been making rhetorical noises about attacking Iraq for over a year now, we kind of got drug into the UN thing kicking and screaming, as near as I can tell, we have not been particularly forthcoming with intelligence with the inspectors, and from virtually the first day of inspections, we have been telling everyone that will listen that we don't think they will work.<br /><br />Your basic self-fulfilling prophecy.<br /><br />Frankly, in my view it has been a diplomatic fiasco, but then so have our diplomatic relations with Palestine and North Korea, among other places.<br /><br />And Afghanistan is still out of control, and the war on terror, which we need the cooperation of every country in the world if possible, is far from over, and should be our primary current concern, IMO.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

This is a good post that goes against what I've argued Plywoody. Grist for the mill from Pat Buchanan. Youll note that he doesnt think the Presidents motive is imperialistic, but hapless.<br /> <br />I gotta turn off this computer for a few days, it's a bad influence.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Skinny, I can't take offense at anything you have posted, and allways prefer a cival debate,even if it is a slightly heated one, over name-calling and the "PPD" .<br />Even tho I am a John Birch conservative, I think Keyes/Buchannon would've made an excelent pres/vp administration also. There is only one reason I am not a staunch indepenant...Zero representation. The third,fourth and fifth parties steer us towards a problem faced overseas, in other democracies...Confusion, vote dilution, and poor representation.<br />I'm not saying that is any worse than what we now have, iether.<br />I just get tired of all the "Devision Bells", that pull humanity in every direction,can pull us<br />into inpotantcy (SP), by wavering.<br />It has spread opinion so thin in France, that they only need official documentation of thier capitulation, just like they handed Hitler after only 20days of committed defence of thier own homeland...Not to drag France into this (they want no part of action against Saddam).<br />But what I see happening, is our country being hacked appart just before an allmost inevitable conflict abroad. I'm worried deeply about this.<br />As other nations and half of our own population back-out before the hammer falls, I get flashbacks of the Vietnam era. The Beatles singing "all we are saying, is give peace a chance",over the B-52's intercomm,as the bombs fall, and the clowns at Berkley, setting fire to my flag.<br />As many Americans, I am anxious, and uncertain about the number of body bags that will be required,while at the same time, diamond-hardened against the 'axis of evil' ,as described September 13th or so,by the commander in Chief.<br />But I'm in 'lock-step' ,despite the images it brings to the minds of Jewish survivors of Hitler's Germany,and the minds being poisoned for life in our own communes of higher learning.<br />We iether get behind our C/O, or we pay the awefull price of our wishy-washy party-wars.<br />And that is what has me worried the most. not the impending fight, but the hearts and minds of our own citizenry, over our peactime-learned pacifism.<br />We are better than France. We are more than that. And we have been attacked in our houses of commerce on American soil. As long as I breathe free air, I'll try to get other Americans to unite behind our government,in this task at hand.<br />I pray that it is a single-minded resolve to bring security to our own people, and the rest of the globe vicariously.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Digging way back into the past, here are a couple of quotes from Theodore Roosevelt. I don't think he would have favoured inaction when it comes to national and international security either;<br /><br />"The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life."<br /><br />"Speak softly and carry a big stick. . . . " <br />


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

SCO,<br />"Our job isn't to pick a motive for the President that fits our personal<br />world view, it is to figure out what his motive really is so our conclusions<br />will be valid.In a perfect world you build your world view around the<br />reality, you dont build your reality perception around your world view."<br /><br />That's correct. And you shouldn't take my word for it. Simply punch in seriously hard questions into your favorite search engine. I prefer black and white since gray is usually a manipulation of the truth. <br /><br />ebb,<br /> "you pulled part of my words, and then expl how it is a liberal<br />view."<br />" but i don't try to pay homage to a certain camp"<br /><br />Hello ebb, actually I was razzing :p you on the "more democrat then I" comment you made to crab bait.<br /><br />"so - what did you think of the speech?"<br /><br />So we don't have any assumptions here, I voted for him. Bush has always struck me as the kind of guy that would be fun to spend the day with. I like the way he talks and I think he has deep convictions. His speech however pandered to the liberals in health care and aid to Africa. <br /><br />"does our constitution direct us to only concern ourselves with our country?<br />does it give direction on how to deal with being involved in a union of<br />nations, and what limits of responsibility we have to other countries?"<br /><br />Our military is supposed to be a defensive force. A "just cause" for war according to John Jay (Federalist Papers)is a direct attack or a violation of treaty.<br /> Article 1 section 8 states clearly the need of CONGRESS to debate the use of our military and wage war. The Constitution specifically prohibits the President in doing this. Again, we are a system of checks and balances. Weather you or I agree with this is not important. The President swears under oath to uphold this concept.<br />It's obvious that in the case of the terrorists we have a bonafide "just cause" and I'm all for it. As far as Iraq, I'm not so much against the attack as I am skeptical of the reasons set forth and our role as world police.<br /><br />Read Article 1 section 8 of The Constitution. It's pretty clear who has the responsability of wageing war.<br />This site explains our founding fathers view on specifically what you ask.<br /> <br /><br />Here is (just one of many) a site that explains the problem. The suspension of Article 1 section 8 and the entire Constitution. <br /><br /> <br /><br />A few states acknowledging the problem.<br /> <br /><br />Here is a good one.<br /> <br /><br />Hey liked I said before, don't kill the messenger just because you can't handle the message. ;) <br /><br />ob,<br />"Or should we Americans just stay out of their country and stop telling them<br />how to run their business and let them come over here and tell us how to run<br />ours."<br /><br />Well no ob. I would like Italy or Greece or Germany or anyone on the same stinking continent as Iraq to deal with Iraq for a change. And yes, I'm all for closing our borders during this time of war against terrorism.<br /><br />"Man , I'm glad Gore and his "lock box" lost."<br /><br />Me too. Some politicians are more "mealy mouthed" then the other. The mold was broken after the Clintonites were made.<br /><br />SCO,<br />"I gotta turn off this computer for a few days, it's a bad influence".<br /><br />There's that queasyness again. <br />SCO, learn and pass it on to the kids. I'm really inspired by many of them. Clinton had a great opposite effect on them. They recognise the BS easier them many on this forum do. Learn the truth and teach them that it is The Constitution and the flag that we are fighting to get back to again.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

SCO,<br /><br />Frankly I have had the same thoughts as Buchanan. I am loathe to agree with him, but it is what I fear most in this strategy.<br />And I think we are on at present an inexorable path to war with Iraq that I think is unfortunate, and a fundamental mistake. Time will tell.<br /> Historically, every country that has ever embarked on a purely imperialistic strategy has failed. Today in the senate hearings I heard talk that I was more comfortable with, in that they were couching this in phrases that suggest this is simple implementetation of a surrender document that has not been followed. I am more comfortable with that. <br />However, I think one of the things that concerns me most is the religious tone and language that Bush seems to put in this. It is bad enough to have Allah on the side of the terrorists, It is far worse to have God on our side. When God gets involved, reason and good sense seem to take a back seat somehow. And have for all of history.<br /><br />I do think Bush painted himself in a bit of a corner with an ill thought out "Axis of Evil" speech before.<br /><br />I am really glad that Colin Powell has remained with this administration, and I hope he continues to be a trusted advisor, as he is a modifying force in this debate.<br /><br />And Kiwi, I don't believe there has been a president of the US ever that would have disagreed with the Kennedy quote. The question and the debate is more about how best to proceed, rather than what the goal is. Sometimes, no matter how well meaning a strategy is, if it is not well thought out and implemented, it can have disasterous unintended consequences.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

ok skinny, i checked those links. it seems the original powers (to make war) were vested to congress. but by 1933 it was beaurocratically manipulated to create a constant state of emergency, so the prez has all the power. and even clinton signed a draft extending this state of emergency. but TX & CA have petitioned against it... <br /><br />so much for the knowledge... maybe thats why i didn't like political science - what the heck does it all boil down to? <br /><br />i think it means that Prez Bush still has the power to declare war, but he's pushing it, because Congress knows it up to them to declare it, with a couple of yrs of voting the emergency invalid... but they probably can't make it invalid, since it really is valid after the 911 incident...<br /><br />well, i appreciate the links. i created a new folder for them <constitution>. i like what you said about going after the bad guys, just not sure of the iraq issue. i feel pretty sure of the iraq issue, but then i probably base it mainly on my belief that our presidency/white house provides the full disclosure of all info & the brains to figure the best solution. i even felt that clinton or any prez is worthy of this faith, since they made it to the top. <br /><br />oh, i only wrote that to crabbie because i've seen enough of his remarks on behalf of the democrats to know that is where he stands. i didn't try to postulate it from his last comment here.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 14, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Since this is a friendly post that has actually NOT gotten out of hand, I would like to ask a simple question. Please don't assume that since I'm asking the question, that I am for one side or the other, it's just a question. Let's assume the date is 1939,'40,'41'42'43,'44 or 1945. At what point do you/we/they continue to use "diplomancy" in dealing with the Nazis??? Is that any different than Saddam???


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

Skinnywater,I completely agree.America is baring the burden that our European allies should be handling.Also,the citizens of Iraq need to figure out that Hussein is bad for their health. It's a big can of worms.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 29, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

<br /><br />A copy of a cartoon that appeared in a local paper. Our government and politicians are totally against the US declaring themselves world police but are quick to stand with the hand outstreched in the begging queue....


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

PV<br /><br />the fundamental difference in my mind between the Nazis of the late 30's, and Iraq of today are many.<br /><br />The Nazis were on a path of military/industrial expansion, and were producing materials of war at a huge rate, and getting vastly stronger by the day. <br />Iraq, on the other hand, is not getting stronger. They have been under sanctions since the last Gulf War, their military is arguably at 10% the strength it was during the last Gulf War, they are living with a No-fly Zone that pretty effectively limits what they can do, and how they could prepare for any aggressive action against any of their neighbors, and with all of this in place, it can hardly be argued that this is a strategy of "appeasment" by the west.<br />Any references and comparisons between Hitler's pre-war Germany and Iraq are, in my view, rhetorical hyperbole, designed to inflame and not justifiable by any facts.<br /><br />OTOH, it is *possible* or maybe even *probable* that Iraq has WMD and might at some point be willing to sell them to potential terrorist groups...<br />but the same can be said for a myriad of different nations, most notably North Korea, who, unlike Iraq, has a history of doing exactly that, and is willing to send any weapon system to the highest bidder, and realistically, from an economic standpoint, it is their best and most effective source of cash. (Why did we allow North Korea to deliver those Scud missles to Yemen recently that we had intercepted?)<br />Iraq, on the other hand, does not necessarily need the revenue from this as it has oil. Saddam, as bad as he may be, knows that if he were ever actually linked with WMD sales to terrorists, he would be vaporized as Afghanistan was.<br />So the question is, in my mind, at least, who poses the most urgent immediate threat to the US?<br />While Iraq needs to be disarmed of WMD, is immediate war really necessary, and will it be helpful to making the world a safer place?<br />My own view is no. Not right now at this moment, at least.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

The debate has taken a good turn, could have spiraled out of control. Good question PV. There is no country on earth that can beat us conventially. Iraq has never been that kind of threat. The BofB is backed into a corner, wounded, humiliated and I think that makes him more dangerous than ever before. Time is capability to him. Maybe he has agents in place already with wmd ready to go. He can only have more with more time. Those passengers on the plane that crashed in Pensylvania knew what they had to do. I edited this because I wont be doing any fighting unless the war comes to our streets. I'm not going to call for war though thats what I think we should do, but will support the President and armed forces.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

I have a couple of questions: <br /><br />1. Is there any chance that Saddam will obey the directives of the UN and the promises he made 12 years ago unless he believes that it is the only way to avoid a war he will lose, big time?<br /><br />2. If you ask GW, that is the only option. But what about the anti-war uproar in the rest of the world and in the liberal halls of public opinion? Doesn't Saddam now have some basis to believe that he can continue to lie and decieve without consequences?<br /><br />I think that the answer to #1 is NO, and the answer to #2 is YES.<br /><br />I expect that Secretary Powell will present conclusive evidence next Wednesday, which will prompt the Security Council to pass ANOTHER "final warning" resolution. Saddam will ignore it in belief that our President has now been labeled the aggressive warmonger.<br /><br />Therefore all this second guessing and squawking about the "smoking gun" has played right into Saddam's hand, but almost guaranteed war rather than forestalling it.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Prez Bush talks about Iraq

How true JB. United we stand, divided we fall.