my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Based on having the deck out*, and not mentioning that there has been any 'flex' in the hull while working on it, I would use the 2lb. The 4lb is more expensive, as in equal quantities (it's sold by weight), it only fills half as much as the 2lb. In equal quantities by volume, 4lb weighs twice as much.... 2lb per Ft*3 vs 4lbs per Ft*3 (Ft*3 = cubic feet). In small quantities, 2lb & 4lb come in a 4lb kit for $22.50. The 2lb foam kit fills 2 Ft*3 and the 4lb foam kit fills only 1 Ft*3. So to fill the same size volume of 4 Ft*3, you'd use $45 in 2 kits of 2lb foam, but $90 in 4 kits of 4lb foam.

You should watch some YouTube videos on the use of expanding urethane flotation foam. It goes quick once it starts to kick after mixing. And using too much can force distortion into the surfaces surrounding it. Using too little can make it difficult to fill the remaining areas, depending on how the cavity was initially under filled.

Here is 1:

*You want to take a close look down the hull from many different angles & make sure nothing has moved out of place, sagged, dipped, kinked etc before getting too far into the tear down & put back.

Patrick was very careful, meticulous even, on his teardown & starting put back on his ChrisCraft Lancer. And he still ended up with a problem that may have been much harder to correct if he had proceeded much farther:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

great to see you making progress on this, i look forward to pics of the transom replacement. i don't think you will find the job to be as scary or difficult as it sounds, just time consuming.

it's a good kind of time consuming though because you can see your progress as you go and at least for me, i enjoy having a project to complete because that's where i can spend personal time just getting away from it all.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

I can do it. I just have a habit of making double sure of everything, maybe a little too much so. Anything wrong with mounting a cooler flush with the floor? That will reduce some of the foam, dunno if its an issue. I really wanna cut the back to back's in half and make then single seats up front, and put a bench seat across the back too.


Jul 19, 2010
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

You can change all that interior to any set-up you like. That's kinda the "pay-off" for all the hard work, lol. Nothing wrong with dropping a cooler into the deck....but; keep in mind every opening is another opportunity, as far as water intrustion is concerned.

Of course, if you're going to put a bench in the back it's just as easy to make the bottom of it hinged which is ideal for cooler storage. (plus built-in coolers are so much harder to clean). If you do put it in the floor, don't forget to plumb it for a drain. Ice turns into water and we want all that on the "outside" of the boat.

Keep at it and keep those pics a'comin'!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Yeah, I was thinking a small cooler, and run a small piece of PVC pipe into the bilge area, and modify the plug so I can pull it from inside the cooler. The reason being,deck space is limited. Try moving around with 2 kneeboards, a wake board, and a set of wake skis on board! I would hinge the bench so i could flip it forward to access the battery area anyway. Thought about simply finding a bench seat from an automobile and build a base to set it on. Boat bench seats aren't cheap!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

If you can get the boat deck, stringers & transom sorted, you can build a bench seat...

mrdj's signature has a seat link

WOG has 1 too

If you get the plywood sealed up & the foam cut, it won't be as expensive for an upholstery place to cut & sew the vinyl. Some will let you supply the vinyl:) But not all, may have to call a few to find 1 that will.

WOG used free CL donor couches to get the foam


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

My phone decided to quit working, so I can't get online for a while :(, and my central air took a dump. So these matters will take financial priority right now. I'm working on figuring out how to separate the splash well from the transom.

Also wanna know how thick the transom wood should be, and does it span the whole rear of the boat?

I am gonna hoist the cap with ratchet straps and hang it from my carport a above the boat. It'll. E protected from falling limbs and out of the way. Built a motor stand, and it's ready for a couple buddies and me to pull off.

That's as far as I am right now. Been working some crazy hours to buy supplies ;). Can I purchase resin from home depot? I'll worry about glass cloth later. Wanna stock up along the way, and resin is first.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Transoms are usually 1 1/2" thick, 2 pieces of 3/4" plywood glued and screwed or clamped together.

From what I understand the polyester resin from the big box hardware stores is less than desireable because it contains wax.

Polyester resin is pretty much useless without the glass cloth, if you're going to use resin by itself use epoxy resin.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

I thought the process was to coat all the wood with resin for waterproofing, and use the glass cloth to tab the stringers to the hull, and go over the top of the deck?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

You're close, but not quite 'right' as it were....

There are 2 often chosen 'ways' commonly used @ these parts. The resin/glass application method & procedure is the same. It's a matter of when & what order, but both essentially follow the same steps:

Roll resin onto the wooden stringer, allow it to tack over.
Roll additional resin over the tacky 1st coat & apply CSM, fully wet out the CSM w/ resin, allow the 2nd coat of resin to tack over.
If additional fiberglass is needed for specific applications, roll additional resin & apply additional fiberglass wet on wet, or until final cloth layer is applied.

The difference in the 2 commonly used ways is that 1 way is to fully encase the stringer wood in resin & CSM prior to installation & allow it to cure. Once dry, it is scuffed and installed onto the hull w/ PB or PL. The stringer can be scuffed after installation, but the PB contact surface needs to be scuffed prior to install.

The other is to install the stringer wood 'raw' and do the 1st resin coat, then the 2nd coat & CSM after the PB/PL has cured.

Both ways have resin applied 1st, allowed to tack over, then a 2nd coat of resin followed by the CSM.

The confusion is this 1st application of resin. It is to ensure that neither the wood nor the CSM are drawing resin away from the other while curing. They both will draw resin upon it's application, and if the 1st coat isn't applied & briefly allowed to tack over, the wood or CSM will draw resin away from the other & starve the bond of resin, weakening it.

It is similar to contact cement, apply to both surfaces & allow to dry. Once stuck together, it is incredibly hard to separate the 2 pieces. If you only apply it to 1 surface, or stick the 2 pcs together before the glue dries, the joint is no where near as strong.

Does that ^^^ all make sense?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Mostly. I still get lost in the abbreviations.

Here is how I thought I understood it before: the resin could be applied without any glass at all simply to waterproof the wood (on stringers). Then a little fiberglass was used at the joint of the stringer and the hull to bond it to the hull. Now I believe this was incorrect?

Also, the deck need only be glassed on top, and resin for waterproofing on the bottom?

The transom will be resined well, on each side, cured, then clamped in place with pb slathered on to bond it to the outer skin. Then I can use pb to 'glue' the inner fiberglass layer to it.

I guess I need to ask, stringers need to be fully glassed all around, contrary to what I thought?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

There are 2 kinds of resin.

1. Polyester resin... this is the most common resin used in laying fiberglass because it is the cheapest of the two. It only works when used with glass cloth and mat. It is too weak and brittle to be used as a sealer without fiberglass.

2. Epoxy resin... some people use this resin when laying fiberglass because of it's superior strength and it has virtually no odor or fumes. Epoxy resin is about twice as much $$$ as polyester. Epoxy resin can be used by itself for a very strong sealer.

Since you're on a budget I suspect you'll be using the polyester resin, and if you're going to use it as a sealer you need to use at least one layer of CSM (chopped strand mat) glass to reinforce it on the bottom of your decking.

Your transom will be glassed in as well:
Starting at post #22 explains the proper way to glass and install a transom.

Your stringers will need to be completely glassed in as well, keep reading in the above thread for that proper procedure.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout


This link,"Fabricating Decks, Stringers, and Transoms"
has some drawings and info on how to do your Deck, Stringers and Transom if you are going to use Polyester resin, CSM and 1708 Biaxial Cloth. All of the info contained in the link has been taken from the hundreds of postings here on the forum and condensed into this one section to illustrate how the majority of everyone does it. You can also use epoxy and if so you do NOT use CSM only Cloth. Let us know if you have further questions.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 20, 2012
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Do I still come out ahead price wise to use poly resin and at least one layer of csm over everything, versus epoxy resin and only glass Mat where it is necessary for tabbing?

If the inner layer of transom glass comes off, it can be reused, right? I believe I read a thread where he epoxied the inner glass skin to the transom and used some fiberglass to reattach the glass where it had been cut.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: my minor boat restoration...first boat on a budget! 84 dixie ski 19' runabout

Do I still come out ahead price wise to use poly resin and at least one layer of csm over everything, versus epoxy resin and only glass Mat where it is necessary for tabbing?

If the inner layer of transom glass comes off, it can be reused, right? I believe I read a thread where he epoxied the inner glass skin to the transom and used some fiberglass to reattach the glass where it had been cut.

I don't think I've ever read a thread that had a recycling use of the inner transom skin after replacing the wooden transom. Don't know if that can be done or not.......

You should probably confirm the amount of Poly & CSM + 1708 vs epoxy & mat needed and then price it out from the vendor you choose.

Some low cost poly retailers don't include the MEKP. Some are cheaper per unit of product, but recoup their money overcharging for shipping. And shipping X volume of poly & glass to you may be more or less then shipping a comparable volume of epoxy & mat to me.

If you know that thread, let me know, I'd be interested in reading it.