My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Know first hand how hard those carp can pull and most of the ones I've caught are half that size. So that's some good clean fun there.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Wicked fish, they must be a fight to land. I'm thinking your right, fishing is a good enough reason for not working on the SC.


Know first hand how hard those carp can pull and most of the ones I've caught are half that size. So that's some good clean fun there.

Thanks for not coming after me with torches & pitchforks guys!!!

You know when you get a big girl on right when the rod loads-up. Its typically a slower, more powerful run than a teen... but when you go to palm the spool to slow it down, you may burn your hand...or worse, pull the hook! She's daring you to try and turn-her!

I promise... as soon as I get a 30# fish in the net, I'll get back to the SC tub! :thumb:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Thanks for not coming after me with torches & pitchforks guys!!!

You know when you get a big girl on right when the rod loads-up. Its typically a slower, more powerful run than a teen... but when you go to palm the spool to slow it down, you may burn your hand...or worse, pull the hook! She's daring you to try and turn-her!

I promise... as soon as I get a 30# fish in the net, I'll get back to the SC tub! :thumb:

But what if you need the "SC tub" to get that 30 pounder? :watermelon: :D


Apr 12, 2007
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Thanks on those rivet-related posts - my rivet removal method has not differed all that much from yours. Drilling a small pilot-hole center head does help the heads pop right off with one good wack. However, some of the rivet stems were still quite fixed into position, requiring I carry the pilot hole all the way through. Then I approached from the bucking-side and crushed the now hallow stem out with needle vice-grips.

Another issue I am seeing whilst I wait for my brazier sets to arrive is the hull skin is much pitted under some of the old rivet head?s, obviously a place where water seeped under and sat. Again, the hole is fine, just a pitted circular pattern around the hole where the head was. So my thought-pattern is to wire-wheel/clean thoroughly, then smear JB Weld into it and trowel it level with a razorblade before it sets-up. Once hard, a light surface-sanding and re-clear the hole is all that should be required. Then, when time to re-rivet, dunk the new rivet in some Gluvit just prior to setting the new rivet. Hopefully, these added measures prevent future seepage under the new rivet head.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Thanks on those rivet-related posts - my rivet removal method has not differed all that much from yours. Drilling a small pilot-hole center head does help the heads pop right off with one good wack. However, some of the rivet stems were still quite fixed into position, requiring I carry the pilot hole all the way through. Then I approached from the bucking-side and crushed the now hallow stem out with needle vice-grips.

Another issue I am seeing whilst I wait for my brazier sets to arrive is the hull skin is much pitted under some of the old rivet head?s, obviously a place where water seeped under and sat. Again, the hole is fine, just a pitted circular pattern around the hole where the head was. So my thought-pattern is to wire-wheel/clean thoroughly, then smear JB Weld into it and trowel it level with a razorblade before it sets-up. Once hard, a light surface-sanding and re-clear the hole is all that should be required. Then, when time to re-rivet, dunk the new rivet in some Gluvit just prior to setting the new rivet. Hopefully, these added measures prevent future seepage under the new rivet head.

I like the way you're going using solid rivets! :thumb:

removing those old crusty rivets is a little daunting at 1st...but once you get into it, its as fun as popping bubble wrap :lol:

The only thing that I'm not sure about is how well the JB holds-up to the pounding it will take during bucking...pretty violent process. idk, maybe a skim of 5200 just prior to bucking? :noidea:


Apr 12, 2007
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

removing those old crusty rivets is a little daunting at 1st...but once you get into it, its as fun as popping bubble wrap :lol:

The only thing that I'm not sure about is how well the JB holds-up to the pounding it will take during bucking...pretty violent process. idk, maybe a skim of 5200 just prior to bucking? :noidea:

Fun - yup! Once I got the really bad rivets removed I was actually a bit disheartened the fun was already over.
So the next day I up'ed my rivet quality inspection pass/fail standards so I had an excuse to pull another 20 - LOL!

I agree with your concern on the JB holding up to rivet setting. I hope it will be fine because the JB is really functioning as a filler of grain-sized pit marks in the skin and not so much in structural. In most cases there is plenty of aluminum skin surface area under the head at the original thickness to prevent the JB from getting dislodge/squashed. Perhaps the Gluvit step will re-bond any JB that does. True, 5200 might be better. Experimentation - I'll report back what I observe.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Wow... Nice carp...

Boat building is just something to occupy the downtime between fishing trips, right?


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

My Monthly Mob Dues ...hopefully there's a grace period! :eek:

Time is a precious commodity these days but I always make sure to spend some QT with the tub every week.

I've started working on the bracing for the spray-rail / outer-chine.

A few days were spent cutting the aluminum tabs from a sheet.

The 30" sheet metal brake from HF ...55gal of water make a nice counterweight:

poppin' out rivets (my refined technique: using a wood chisel to blast-off the bucktail (instead of the head) and punch-out the head with a nail set):

when working alone, getting the holes perfectly aligned in the braces take a little tinhead ingenuity. I used a 2x4 to push the brace against the seam, then drill 1 hole. Pass a long 8/32" through the brace / seam and cinch-it up tight...then transfer the other holes from the seam to the brace.

get the seam tight with more 8/32's before transferring the holes to the bottom of the hull:

Only 27 more to go...then we'll have a rivet bangin' party! :drum:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

By the time you get to #23 you can do those in your sleep, Blue. I think your hull flexing days are over. Or will be. :)


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

By the time you get to #23 you can do those in your sleep, Blue. I think your hull flexing days are over. Or will be. :)

Yeah's not bad once you get the hang of it. Once you get that 1st hole properly placed in the brace, it's all down hill. I'm 1/2-way through the Starboard side & only consumed 1 Amber Ale :drunk: :laugh:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Yeah's not bad once you get the hang of it. Once you get that 1st hole properly placed in the brace, it's all down hill. I'm 1/2-way through the Starboard side & only consumed 1 Amber Ale :drunk: :laugh:

Only one? Must be easier than it looks. :lol:


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

That's some serious work there! So it looks like your putting in a brace between every rib. Uhem, here is the white evil oozing goo? No way, you can't be that good with 5200. :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Blue is just test fitting, Water. Goo to come. :)


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

I'm so sorry to disappoint guys!

I have no intentions/need of using 5200 on the inner-hull guys have no faith in my rivet skilz??? :p (I don't blame ya!) These holes are perfect, outer surfaces are perfect...rivet should form a perfect seal. If it doesn't, Gluv-it will take care of the rest!

...the exterior patches on the other-hand will be buttered with the Evil Goo!
Last edited:


Oct 1, 2008
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

She looks awesome and strong as all get out. Great work Blue


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Blue - I think you should reconsider not using 5200 on the rivets. No matter how close the tolerances are drilling in the backyard or in a machine shop for that matter, water will find it's way in. Gluvit is fine, but why use a single prevention when you can use two. IMHO.


Oct 25, 2009
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Great BF, I agree with GA ^ just a little on the rivets is good insurance, and heck why not start out with that white goop all over you fingers. :D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Yup, x3, 5200 is a good move no doubt:thumb:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Is the bucking of solid rivets going hamper using 5200 effectively? Or I guess, really, it'd be the other way around......