Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

I'm not quite sure what that means does it mean both sides have a smooth finished look? if so then yes it's double faced.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

$50 a sheet for double faced MDO is a good deal.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Happy Monday guys.

Well not too much progress this weekend with my sons baseball game Friday night, a double header on Saturday and football yesterday. I did manage to get all the decking cut but I have not dry fitted it yet so there may be some trimming and sanding to do.

As of right now the weather for this coming Saturday is supposed to be about 75 and party sunny so I am aiming at putting on the epoxy then. Is one day enough time to epoxy everything? I will be doing my transom and 4 pieces of decking.

Oh Jigngrub, I realized this weekend that the MDO I believe may be single faced. Both sides look similar but I noticed on the back it has "this side back only" or something like that stamped on it.



Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

At 75*F there will only be enough time for one coat and you'll be lucky if it sets up enough to be able to handle it to bring it in the house for the overnight low temps... but you'll have an extended pot life and working time.

If you have some place to do this inside with a portable heater or 2 it might be better. Epoxy isn't bad to work with inside because it has a very low odor (almost nil) and no harmful/noxious/flammable fumes.

The chemical reaction that sets/cures epoxy stops below 65*F, but will resume when the temperature rises back to 65 and above.

The main thing you'll have to watch out for now is the amine blush and heat is the best cure for that.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

I started a new job yesterday and unfortunately I get home 2 hours later than I used to at the old job so this leaves little time to work on the boat at night.

I did dry fit the pieces of decking that I have cut last night and I was very happy with the it. All of the pieces fit perfectly and it felt really good to walk on it.

Oh, my Nautolex was delivered last night too :)

I guess I will have to start cleaning out the garage (of all my boat stuff) so that I can put some heaters in there and do the epoxy. It does not look like the weather is going to cooperate. This may take a little longer than anticipated.

Jigngrub, I found this to use on my deck seams. I think it will work out well.




Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

That "T" trim was a good find for your deck joints Mark, I'd have used it too if I could've found some locally.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

It looks like I will be doing at least most of my epoxying this weekend and I have a couple questions.

1. How do I mix it? I mean I know it's 3 pumps of epoxy to 1 pump of hardener but what do I mix it in? I think I've seen people use red solo cups? Also how do I mix it? I think I read of people using a plastic fork in a drill?
2. I bought a package of foam rollers I also have some cheap paint brushes. I've read of people using the rollers but if I do how long can I use a single roller before the epoxy hardens on it?
3. How much epoxy should I mix at one time assuming I have all my wood laid out and read to go?



Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

I always just use disposable plastic silverware leftover from summer picnics. Heads up, mixing it thoroughly is important for the curing process.

I like cheap chip brushes for epoxy work, just toss em out when I'm done.

I usually mix up about 2 or 3 cups worth as any more than that I risk having it kick off, smoking and turning rock hard when I least expect it.



Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Morning Mark!

This is what I used:

The red solo cups are the way to go. I'd start out mixing 6 pumps and 2 pumps per batch, you can make bigger batches as you get the feel for it.

That black tool is a wallpaper tool from Home Depot. I used it for a spreader/screed. Dump some epoxy on the wood and spread it around with the spreader, this will enable you to cover a large area quickly. Then back brush what you spread out with the chip brush to even everything out. I didn't use rollers because the temps were high and my pot life was short... I'd have been changing roller covers every 10 min.

I mixed my epoxy by hand with homemade stir sticks I cut out of plywood and 2x scrap, but again... I was mixing small batches because of a short pot life. I mixed like crazy in a clockwise direction for 30 seconds then counter clockwise for 30 seconds for 2 minutes. Never had any problems.

Wear latex exam gloves when working with this stuff, you will get it on your hands. Buy a box of gloves so you can change them when needed. I can see a picture of this stuff on TV and get some on me.;)

Mineral spirits will clean your tools up before the epoxy completely hardens, after it hardens it's either cut or scrape it off or throw it away.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Thanks guys.

Yeah, those brushes look like the ones I have. I think they were something like .88 at Wally World.

I was thinking of spreading the epoxy but I could have sworn I read a thread on here where that was frowned upon. I think I will try that.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Okay, I got the first coat of epoxy on the top of MOST of my decking. I simply could not fit it all in the garage at one time but I am still happy with what I got done.

I have a question The epoxy says it has a set time of 3-4 hours and a dry time of 8-10 hours. How long do I need to wait to flip the pieces and do the bottom side?

If it is less than the dry time can I re-coat the edges at that time too?

I got my transom cut the other day. While I am waiting for the epoxy to set I am going to glue that together. I got gorilla glue and a bunch of clamps. I am also going to screw it together an put some weight on it.

Also up for the day is more cleaning of the inside of the hull.

I bought a roll of easel paper 18"x75 feet. I am going to use that as a template for the Nautolex on the hull sides. I hope I can get that one next weekend.

Hope everybody is having a good weekend.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Get some scrap 1X's or 3/4" plywood, run drywall screws thru the wood evenly, and spaced so you can set the scraps wood down & screw tips sticking up. Once the epoxy starts to set, carefully flip the coated pieces & set them epoxy side down on the screw points.

Does that ^^^ makes sense. I can see it, but not sure it reads correctly.

Many do the edges w/ every coat on both sides of the plywood. That way the end grain on the edges gets 2X the coverage, they are much more likely to absorb & wick water then the ply face.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Get some scrap 1X's or 3/4" plywood, run drywall screws thru the wood evenly, and spaced so you can set the scraps wood down & screw tips sticking up. Once the epoxy starts to set, carefully flip the coated pieces & set them epoxy side down on the screw points.

Does that ^^^ makes sense. I can see it, but not sure it reads correctly.

Many do the edges w/ every coat on both sides of the plywood. That way the end grain on the edges gets 2X the coverage, they are much more likely to absorb & wick water then the ply face.

Yeah, that makes sense but wouldn't the screws poke little holes in the epoxy or does that not matter because they would be so small?

So you think the 3 - 4 hours set time is enough before flipping?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

If you touch the epoxy surface & it's not tacky at the 3-4hr mark, it should be good to flip. Many epoxy's have a much longer cure time.

How many coats of epoxy are you applying to each face? And how will you protect the epoxy from UV? As long as you are not bearing down on the plywood & have at least 3 screw points of contact, once the epoxy starts to set, the screw points should make very small divots & should be well filled in w/ the next coat. Probably should wait the 8hrs to flip on the final coats...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

I will probably do 3 coats on each side which would be 6 on the edges.

I am covering the decking with Nautolex after the epoxy.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Wakey Wakey! Time for a flip and coat!

If you can put your portable heater under each piece after coating to warm it up, it should help kick the epoxy quicker. Just check the bottom side with your hand to make sure it isn't getting too hot.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

It's about time you're awake, I'm already done flipping and coating :p

I have 2 of those oil filled heaters. One on each side of the garage and the dehumidifier in the middle.

The top sides of the deck we still a little tacky this morning but I don't know what is normal or not normal. It was NOT wet but it also did not feel completely dry like rubbing my hand on a wall in my house.



Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

You're good to go. Epoxy coating is a plastic coating that will have a smooth but plastic like feel when running your hand over it, not like a latex paint.

The epoxy will really slick and shine up after the second coat, and should be like a mirror after the third coat on that MDO.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Well the second side dried in 8 hours. I did mix this batch for a full 2 minutes using a plastic fork in the drill, not sure I went a full 2 minutes on the first side...either way I flipped them again and the second coat is on the top side now.

Jigngrub, you are so right, the wood looks great with that second coat's almost a shame ot cover it up.



Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration

Jigngrub, you are so right, the wood looks great with that second coat's almost a shame ot cover it up.


Wait until that third coat goes on there!;)... it looks better with every coat. I put 4 coats on mine and probably would've put 10 on there if I had enough epoxy.:D