Re: Lund Nisswa Restoration
Transom Pieces are cut to fit and ready to epoxy together.
Have never worked with Resin before, so I decided to do some practice, mixed up a batch of thin peanut butter, (Baby Food Consistency of Resin, Hardner thoroughly mixed and then added wood flour-Mixed again- and added chopped Glass-Mixed) Practiced on some scrap wood, applied evenly and lightly clamped two pieces toghether, checked it this A.M. and that sucker is like iron.
Then I practiced a bit with some 6oz Cloth, whole different story here, this must take some experience and lots of practice because I made one big sticky mess, that is why the practice is important i guess. Next practice session I am going to try really hard to keep the fingers out of it!
Some specific Epoxy Resin/Hardner Questions
1.) Metering pumps, do you guys use and rely on these for the 2:1 mix or whatever? My resin pump seems to spit and sputter really bad, cannot imagine how I could get a reliable 2:1 mix with it?
2.) Temperature, the shop was at 55degrees when i started, then I turned the heat up, is this too cold to begin applying glass?? I am buying heat lamps today so I can apply heat to a specific area.
3.) I used a respirator and goggles and of course lots of rubber gloves, I was suprised at how little smell this stuff has, is that normal?
4.) Clean-up, I used MEK to clean up a rubber scraper, came right off. If it gets on your skin what is the best method for that?
5.) Frayed edges of Cloth, what do you guys do with that? Cut off all fraying before you start applying? Oh and a Great Big OLD Knife Edge Scissors cut right through that cloth, will have to see how it does on the Biax1708 next.
Today I am going to epoxy the transom halves together, lightly clamp and practice more on laying cloth.
Tommorrow I am going to adhere the Transom Wood to the boat, will the same peanut butter (Resin/Flour/chopped glass be ok for this, or do I need to add a layer of Biax??)