Re: Love, Necessity and Pride
Ya know, I kinda like the shag carpet dabbing technique now that I can compare the two.....

Don't even try...I have changed my address, phone# and Name and am contemplating plastic surgery!!!!!!!
---------------------------------- nada ------------------- zip ---------------------------------------------
Words continue you to escape me. That's ^^^ something right up there.
Just 1 step short of that liquid chrome stuff that's out now. Man, she's good looking, even down side up
The paint's good, the painter's even better but the prep makes it all perfect!
What's the plan for the below the rubrail areas that didn't get paint this go around? The graphic swoosh & etc?
As great as this turned out, are you planning on using this paint on the cap too?
Never been so happy for someone & had hull envy this bad before. Breaking new ground, GT.
And absolutely new ground with that hull & paint too!
You have me in stitches, I am laughing so hard...
Makes it hard to type...
Yeah, I am kind of sticking to the original MS Paint rendering...sort of, maybe a couple of tweaks here and there...I'll have to wait till it is cured and flipped back over to see how it is all going to come together...
But, don't worry, I'll be looking to you guys for approval or disapproval of any schemes I come up with...
I gotta tell you's guys, I am still in total awe at how good this tub has come person it is like a liquid plastic coating that always looks wet...
After all is said and done, I don't know if it was the prep work, the quality of the paint, or the artistry with which it was applied, but it has made everything up to this point well worth all the effort...
I don't know how well it is going to hold up to the upcoming use and abuse, but I will always have these pictures to remind me of how good it looked...
Now, unfortunately, for good measure, I am in a wickedly unhealthy waiting period of at least a week before I can do much of anything else, and I just know that it is going to be driving me crazy...
The only thing I have to look forward to, is the wax job that I am going to give it before the BIG flip and maybe a few minor little things that I can accomplish until it is sitting back on its ride...
Until then, may you all have fun, productive days...
I will be spending most of my free time just sitting in the back yard staring and hanging out here on the Forum...