I'm rescuing my thread from page 8.
I have been working on her but it has been slow going.
I've removed as much foam as I feel comfortable at this time I have a 3' wide by 7' long section still attached to the hull. At this time I'm leaving it in place as other work is performed. Having no stringers or ribs means the foam provides the support needed to be working on the inside. I can flex some areas of the bottom skin by about a half inch.
The side seams have been a daunting challenge.
There is a double row of rivets under there.
From the rear to mid hull there is pour in foam. the next quarter has a mix of what I think is liquid nails, a similar green glue sealant and at points some fiberglass resin.
Up front the rivets are covered with fiberglass resin.
It takes a while but it does come clean. Also finding small areas of white chalky surface corrosion.
As the work progresses it has occurred to me that the hull will need structure installed just to continue removing the foam.
The rib / stringer issue was discussed above. With materials I have on hand a couple stringers have been rough cut and formed.
These are 1/8" thick 2 1/2" wide, one side is 1 1/4" tall the other is 2" tall.
My plan would be to make 6 of these. They would fit one every other lapstrike. Thinking that a good coat of 5200 and rivets should keep it in place. The plan would be to install a stringer on each side and then peel out enough foam to install the next on in towards the center.
Part of the reason I have decided on longitudinal stringers is this
Found that while doing some research and it makes sense to me.
Also having the material helps.
I'll get back to uncovering the rivets.