Just acquired a 170 Horizon. Assembly required.


Mar 29, 2017
Well I got to quit early today. So reckon start earlier. Go hook up some lights and start running this wiring on the transom.


Mar 29, 2017
No Title

Admiral got to get a flue shot is the reason I had to quit early. Then grocery shopping yippee LOL.

I got the wires run and the hole in the bulkhead for the fuel fill, vent, fuel line and electrical for the tank. Then was making sure the next parts in line to be done fit with the new glass. Few slight trims here and there nothing major.

I did something so I feel better anyway. Now off to do normal stuff I got to do.


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Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
That's cool progress. Anything relateds to wiring and moto is NICE!
Glad you feel betta...lol! Luck a drug it is.:cool:


Mar 29, 2017
That's cool progress. Anything relateds to wiring and moto is NICE!
Glad you feel betta...lol! Luck a drug it is.:cool:

It is like a drug isn't it. Got to get my fix.

I never thought in my wildest dreams anything would compete with the chevelle for my attention. But the boat pulled it off LOL. Now I keep wanting to pull the restored boat with it. Get to play with both my toys at the same time.

Today I won't get squat done I bet. All day busy doing something starting at 5. And I got to clean the van it has been neglected long enough. The front of it is fuzzy looking from bugs LOL.

I just looked at the tracking my csm should arrive tomorrow afternoon. 10 lbs of it. I probably will cut up the rest of the 1708 I got into stringer tabbing if I get a break today. Then I can see how much more I will need.

I been thinking about the floatation foam going in. And how my boat was originallly made. It had that foam everywhere in the seams of the deck. It says it can have glass put right on it once it is set up. But my idea is and I think this is what was done with my boat originally. To avoid air pockets under the deck. Tab it in after the foam.

I see everyone tabbing the deck first. I think I am gong to leave the tabbing off and put the foam in first That way the air can escape out the sides and get a full fill under the decks and various other places it goes. Then just deal with wire brushing the mess down on all the edges before tabbing it all in.

Make it good and solid. One thing I did notice on mine during demolition was. Where the foam was solid and no air space whatsoever. The water could not get in and that wood was still always good. So eliminating the air gaps is a beneficial part of the building process. Only the gaps in the foam got wet.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
Are you concerned at all about not having any gelcoat or paint behind the transom plate? I'm not sure how true it is, but I've read that gelcoat or paint reduces the water absorption of the fiberglass. Theoretically you should never have water there to begin with, but we all know its gonna happen some day lol.


Mar 29, 2017
Are you concerned at all about not having any gelcoat or paint behind the transom plate? I'm not sure how true it is, but I've read that gelcoat or paint reduces the water absorption of the fiberglass. Theoretically you should never have water there to begin with, but we all know its gonna happen some day lol.

I considered painting it. Gel coat also lets water pass as well. I put several layers of glass in the keyhole. That is why I had to file the silly thing to get the gimble to go in. If it isn't sealed now it isn't for lack of trying.

Odarvr said that it takes literally months for water to pass through the glass. Glass dries in one day. If the water is gone. He seems to be the glass expert.

Yes I am very concerned about water. That is why I went through all that sealing the keyhole and the the bolt holes. I own stock in GM 4200 sealing everything up as it went on. I also went through all that with the bilge drain hole so I could get every drop of water out of the bilge every use with the shop vac if necessary. Believe me this thing will get inspected every time it goes out and hand dried if need be. Wet vac on the carpet the whole nine yards. I already made a attachment for the shop vac to get in the bilge drain hole. Went through all kinds of craziness in the skii locker and tank drains.

LOL even now not finished if it rains I open it up the next day and look for water.

I think the real secret will be let it dry every use, and if water is getting in there. Find out why and stop the leak.

It made it 30 years and was still usable with raw open wood everywhere and water sitting in the boat all the time. It had a ton of water sitting in it every where when I got it. Bilge, skii locker, under the seats, in the back of the boat where the battery was. Should do better with everything sealed and me taking care of it. Hell in 30 years I will be in my late 80's.

Anywho I didn't get to do squat today like I thought. I vacuumed it out was about it.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
If ondarvr says you're good then you're good lol... it's just something I read around the interwebs so it must be true haha...

I feel your pain about not getting things done.. I haven't been in mine in 2 weeks and its killing me.. I really want to get my floor and foam in before I lose glassing temps..


Mar 29, 2017
My original goal was just get it gutted by cold weather. I made it far past that now. So I am contented.

My CSM should arrive tomorrow I just checked the tracking. Seal the stringers and get them in. Bed them. I don't think I got time to order more glass and get it finished before the temps are to low. Make the final trims on the decking after that. But it will be a busy spring finishing up.

Once the stringers are in permanent I can walk on the deck and bow section. Start getting that interior out. Bring it in. That way I got inside work in the winter.

Trees are loosing their leaves already. That will create a ton more yard work. Cutting plants that return in the spring. Turning the beds over. I be busy soon doing other things that got to be done.

I love working on the boat and it will be hard waiting once the freeze hits. But I am very happy with what I have got done this year. I look at the old pictures when I started in the computer and cringe. Those were the hard times. The despair seeing the carnage. Wow what did I get myself into and can I do this.

Where it is now is like seeing the chev in primer ready for paint. Rust fixed new metal welded in. Deep sigh and life is good.

This boat got lucky coming to me. Some one else would have scrapped it. She is getting a second life now.

LOL I thought wow these guys are crazy when they said half the fun was doing this. When I was doing the demolition. Now I understand. This summer was a good time.


Mar 29, 2017
It id 55 degrees this morning. But I am sure it will be warm enough by the time I get the pieces I need cut out.

We have weird weather you can't count on here. It could be in the 70-80's til X-mas. And I have seen it snowing already this time. It is killin me I want to get more resin. But better just to wait and play it safe. Keep busy doing the other parts of the boat a while. Use the resin I have wisely in a way that creates the most work when it is gone.

I am about to go move the van out of the garage. Put down plastic and roll out and cut a 13 14 foot piece of the csm to make the pieces for the 4 stringers.


Mar 29, 2017
No Title

Main stringers csm covered, outer resin covered. Now grind the wild stuff off and see if it needs patchin.


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Jul 29, 2016
Great progress man!!! I agree with JR concerning the transom. I used gelcoat on mine. Not only perfectly sealed, but looks fabulous too.


Mar 29, 2017
Great progress man!!! I agree with JR concerning the transom. I used gelcoat on mine. Not only perfectly sealed, but looks fabulous too.

I can put some clear coat I got down there on it I reckon. I will look into it and see what is the best water barrier. Paint or gel coat. I do like the clear Idea tho. I got some good clear I keep in stock down there.

Like a kid at X-mas. I can't sleep. I want to go grind the stringers and prep them and put them in. And it is way to early to be running a grinder. Don't think the admiral would be with that program so much.

Guess I will clean the aquarium and do a partial water change kill some time till it is time to go to work.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
HEY GET BACK IN YOUR ROOM OR THE GIFTS WILL DISAPPEAR! Or you could use Woodonglass paint recipe. Eazy, waterproof and hard as nails.


Mar 29, 2017
Well A long long day for me today. I got all 4 stingers finished and bedded in. I know what I will be doing for a long while now. Sanding impossible to get to crevices. Wow went through at least 40 shop rags doing this and 2 rolls of paper towels.


Mar 29, 2017
Pictures or it didn't happen, lol. 😜
I was wore out. I will get one today. My boating buddy came as I was finishing. I had to run the hose after I vacuumed the drive. Because I did the grinding there. I learned last time. Vacuum it up or it is all in the grass and looks nasty a while.

Honestly I was dragging bad by the time I remembered pics and was putting the tarp on. I thought ah they seen it with these in before. I knew I was gonna hear about it. I pl glued them in so it got to dry a while. It was a sight. I was using my fingers and finger painting them in. It turned out good. I whiped it all up. Now I got to sand the excess off for doing the tabbing.

How do you get to the last 8 onzes in the bucket of resin? There is a rubber seal on the lid that thing isnt coming off. I cut it then fought with it using to huge screw drivers. I needed it to patch the places I ground the bubbles out. LOL I cut the bucket in half so I could pour the last little bit out. It was just enough.

I a out of resin now. And this has to dry a few days to mess with it. So I will cut the tabbing I need and wrap it up. Then I got to clean that mess I call a garage. There is fiberglass and fiberglass hair everywhere. Put all the tools away. So I can start with a fresh mess. Even I got limits to what I can tolerate down there.

I am up having a smoke now and am going back to sleep. LIke I said I was pushing it and am wore out. I need some rest. I wanted this all bedded down so it could cure. I had in almost 16 hours yesterday on it. Counting the hours spent doing the aquarium waiting for it to be late enough to start work.

Now that I am out of resin. I think I gonna crawl under it next and see about the gel coat cracking where the staple holes were. It is a tiny spot but I need it prepped. I think I gonna resume where I was when I joined the forum now. Sanding and buffing the white out. Peel the stripes off and redo them and get it waxed real good for the winter. Sand the fillets for the tabbing. Once it is sanded adjust anything it needs there.

I found a gel coat repair kit I will get. I don't need much. a silver dollar sized place where the staples through the hull happened. And the spot where the color stripe wore through. For its first 10 years this thing sat in the water at a marina where the original owner had a cabin. So the hull bouncing off the dock wore a hole in the gel coat.

This boat had a color that was only used 2 years called wine. And you can only buy it in gallons. It is priced steep and I only need a touch of it. The repair kit comes with pigment so I guess I will mix my own. It will kill 2 birds with one stone. It Doesn't have to be perfect I will do my best matching the color. But the white spot on the side has got to go before the stripes go on. The tiny cracks in the gel coat on the bottom are white. It isn't even important. I can't find the silly thing looking for it. I usually have to look in twice to find that one. So any white in the ball park you would never even see looking for it.

My brothers boat got crashed into a few things so he is getting some white gel coat to fix that to. So I will inherit when he has left over from that to.

Well I got to run wifey to the hospital in the morning. She is doing internship for her school. Until I get back later guys I gonna crash. I will get the pics when I am alive again LOL.