Just acquired a 170 Horizon. Assembly required.


Mar 29, 2017
I glassed over the inside of my keyhole as well. It's the waterproofing details like this that will make her last a very long time.

Yep I am old and the boat made it 30 years the way it was from the factory. So if it last longer this round. I am set the rest of my time on this big blue marble. That is the plan anyway.

Like you said chuck it is a hobby and they are never really finished. I admit I was kinda discouraged when I found out it was a wasted bathtub full of mulch. I never did this before and was concerned I would screw it up. But now leaving the realm of what I have never done before. And entering things I have done for 45 years. So I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Out side of getting the transom in correctly. The rest I have done a million times.

I know it isn't popular and I avoid the engine performance section like the plague. I am a mech and plan on porting and getting a cam in the ol wienie 3 liter. I saw a guy in europe get 65 MPH out of one of these things in a boat my size. I don't expect that. I just want it to run like it can. There is a guy selling 185 Hp 3 liters for boats. And I am getting the cam he uses. I like a challenge and enjoy playing with things.

I went through the same thing on the van forum. The negativity it can't be done. I got 0-60 in 6 seconds with a 4500 lb safari van and a 4.3 mercruiser naturally aspirated. Little porting works wonders for things. That is my driver. Once I wear this ol girl out the 3 liter. If I want more I can upgrade to a bigger engine. First I need to learn to handle this thing on the water without killing myself. Kinda like a motorcycle start small and move up.


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
there is a whole world of 4 cyl racing engines out there, they even make a aluminum block , also look into putting a sbc chevy head on it :) there is all kinda things you can do to it but the money spent in that compared to a jump in engine size or outboard is why folks don't ,
i too looked into maxxing out the 4 cyl but in the end i just stuck with however much mercury squeezed out and ported and polished the heads de burred if you will and matched the gaskets.
i like the fact it pushed my monishka along at a decent clip and sipped gas while it does :)

also rounded the edges of oil passages to help oil return quicker, heard that painting the inside of the engine helped, too google that :)
don't use a high volume oil pump because pan is too small for it and the pump will starve i was told.
i went electronic on the fuel pump because it seemed as though there was a bad design on fuel pumps and worried eating camshaft lobe.
one of the biggest things you could do is put the threaded rocker studs in as they like to pull the number 1 stud over time .
looked into roller lifters and rockers but again i kept it mostly stock in the end:)


Mar 29, 2017
It ate the distributor gear so I figure it needs the cam. That gear can't be in good shape after seeing the gear it ran against. I am just going to pocket port it deburr it. And get the new cam. I looked into the engine upgrades and the gas eating they do. I am leaning toward the gas sipping like your talking about myself. Being able to use it more often cheaply is attractive to me. More torque right where It needs it is attractive tho.

But since I got to fix it. It is the same price stock cam or this small cam. If it makes it a few seasons I be more than happy with it. I been in a 3 liter boat skiing with a friends boat alot. I can live with it. But hot rodding is a disease like boating its self.


Mar 29, 2017
I made my school run The Admiral is in class. The engine mount popped right in and fit perfect., Yea for the home team. I worked on the drain hole between the gas tank and bilge area. Looks like the mouse hole on tom and jerry now. flat at the bottom.

Now as much as it pains me to do so. I got to clear all these parts out I made to make the skii locker floor and do the drain there once that is in and i see what is going on.

I been saving my pennies and after the honda job I got Admiral approval to shoot the wad on some glass supplies. Not as much as I will need but enough to keep on working till the weather turns on me here. Don't need it sitting going bad if I can't even do anything anyway.


Mar 29, 2017
No Title

Got the skii locker bottom done and the drain helpers. Pic of the motor mount where it will end up being popped right in and doesn't rock. cleaned the drain hole out and filed it so it is perfect flat to the bottoms of the skii locker and tank area. engine bay cut outs are dry and brought them inside. Work on the backs of them make them easier to glass when the time comes. Then basically threw away scraps and moved things around so it isn't so crowded in the garage boat/work area.


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Mar 29, 2017
looks like good cuts!
Thank you.

I Make a million measurements. Then draw it on carboard cut and trim with a razor till I feel it is close. Transfer it to the wood. Use a jig saw at a angle on the curves. Then use the grinder to make the cuts smooth and increase the angle on the bottom. Get the irregularities out.

I obviously am getting the hang of it now toward the end. I cut the skii locker part put it in and it fit. I was like WTF that is new. Usually I am in and out at least 20 times trimming.

I am down to the strips attached to the tops of the stringers they had for attaching the deck. The fuel tank door and a few rips around the fuel door. But those will wait till the deck is permanently fastened down. Clean the backs of the motor cut out up. Make the edges sooth and rounded for the glass to go on.

Then I got to do the final things to the transom. Dowel rods inserted in below water line areas.

I was reading about that. The comment was if it leaks it eats and rots the dowel. So It is a waste of time. My take on that is this. I would rather deal with a stripped mounting hole. Than a rotted transom. I willing to do anything it takes to slow the rot down. As friscoboater said there are stages. Denial, acceptance, and rebuilding. Well it is kind of the same. I accept no matter what I do it is going to happen. Lets just do whatever we can to slow it down as much as possible.

Pitot tube is the only thing I see ever being a issue since my guess is they get replaced periodically. They look kinda fragile and hang down. Any small debris would take that baby out quick. I will use sealant on everything when I assemble it.

On my boat the main issues were. Poor sealing in the corners of the tank and skii locker areas. Bilge drain and drains between the skii locker and tank area. Tank area to bilge. All open wood. Tank mounts attached at the lower parts of the stringers got rid of those. Transom was not sealed at the top. Water ran in the vents and onto the top of the transom when it rained. Because it only ever had a cockpit cover and the vents were exposed. There was a 6 inch wide section from that point to the open spot in the bottom of the transom in the bilge. All that wood was wet but not rotting yet.

It has been a Pandora's box for sure. Lots of little mysteries to solve and things to try to prevent. I have enjoyed doing this. I didn't think I would when this circus started. I could live without the grinding part but it is what it is. I feared the unknown what I had never done before. Now it is a adventure in and of its self. I get up and ponder what to do as I have my coffee every morning now.

And every boat should have a name. This one never had one. I picked hers out now. Event Horizon. I will even go through the little ceremony at first splash. May as well tie the knot and marry my mistress. We been dating a long time now.


Mar 29, 2017
Got the strips cut and the backsides of the motor cut outs. Then it was killin me i sat and tried to pick the glove box lock a couple hours then broke out the drill.
Well it was full inside maps, ropes, first aid kit, goggles and snorkle. And the faceplate and box for the stereo. So now i got 2 faceplates.


Jul 29, 2016
That wood work is looking top notch. She's gonna be solid when you're done. Like you, I like the strategy in problem solving in boat building. The how's and whys and what to do to fix it. Good stuff.


Mar 29, 2017
Thanks chuck. One thing I am tickled with. When you take the cover off it smells good in there. The old dirty underwear and socks smell is long gone now.

Glove box lock has shipped. I actually found the same lock as it had originally. Grainger has them. But wont sell them to you. Nice way to run a business. Advertise wont sell online to you. Call them they spam you to death with ads for crap you don't want. Then if you don't subscibe to their ads they just hang up and never answer. As Ged Clampit used to say. "Pitiful just pitiful".

Anywho it is made by American lock and they sell them on e bay if you enter the part number supplied by grainger. Only positive thing that came from them. I measured the ignition hole and space I got to work with for the ignition switch that is in my brothers boat now. I ordered one from a bayliner of similar vintage.

I am going to do something easy today. Make the bow rider hall floor and i got a bunch of floor blocks I need to make. The little canvas covers that hide the battery and trim pump. Where they snap to the floor. And a couple in front of the seats. That anchor the bottoms of the front panels in front of your feet at the bottom. From there we will see where the four winns take me. I am sure there is stuff I am not remembering. I got to look into removing the bow rider interior as well.

About had enough coffee. I see the sky lightening up as dawn approaches. On your marks, get set, GO.


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
forgo the pitot and use a gps speedo or hell now adays everyone has a cellphone you can use that, or do as i did i installed a radio with a 7 inch face that is a android , joying has one with a detachable face single din , it works flawlessly:) used a wifi fish finder and i got charts and fish finder all on one unit :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
i still need to get pots in the water:) actually setting them up today to drop this weekend:)


Mar 29, 2017
forgo the pitot and use a gps speedo or hell now adays everyone has a cellphone you can use that, or do as i did i installed a radio with a 7 inch face that is a android , joying has one with a detachable face single din , it works flawlessly:) used a wifi fish finder and i got charts and fish finder all on one unit :)
I am figurin on using the GPS on the phone app, But it has cool looking gauges I want them all to work reliable reading or not. I have been looking at fish finders as well,


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Raymarine wifi fish finder joying single din android radio and i was pretty mu h set esp with navionics boating app :)


Mar 29, 2017
Raymarine wifi fish finder joying single din android radio and i was pretty mu h set esp with navionics boating app :)

Thank you. I am late because I was reading their ad. I am thinking one of these are in my future. They look awsome.

Glove box lock is installed and looks factory. I think I was happier having a key to the boat than anything else I have done. I came up whistled and said I need your attention we have keys to the boat now. LOL. My son said wow that was loud. Wife was more happy I was acting like a little kid and happy then the fact we had keys.

Ignition is shipped and on the way. Now I got to find a couple boat key chains one for the extra set to.

I got the bowrider hall piece made. And all the little blocks of wood for the bottoms of the interior. I admit I spent most of the time adjusting the glove box lock. Bending the little catch correctly so it was snug but locked easily. Then grinning and locking and unlocking it for a while.

And the truck. Hauler of ye olden boat. The battery died. So I had to take it out and go get a new one.

Does that count? Making sure the trailer and truck are working. If not disregard last transmission.


Mar 29, 2017
The snow/boat mobile (4WD Durango) was intermittently not starting still I was messing with it. Battery isn't dead anymore that is progress. Need to whip it into shape for winter. Hour of boat hour of truck kinda deal. Seems the nuetral safety switch was going out. It is a pain trying to diagnose intermittent. It sure checks good while it working.

I took a toothbrush to the inside of the blower on the boat cleaned it real good inside and out. Oiled it. Tested. Looks like new now. Motor mount I cleaned and made the spacer wood under it, Old one looked real rough. Still good just looked nasty.

The bottom of the interior blocks I mentioned. I sanded all sides smooth and rounded the edges. Then pained them black like they were originally. Maybe Charlie A. was visiting I don't know. It is just the way I do things. Someone may stick their head in the bow storage and see them. Wow those look like azz dude.

I think next take the trim pump apart and clean the connections. Clean it off real good. Do some easy sitting in my chair watching TV while I work stuff. Kinda a mini break. I need this stuff done so i can clear the work bench of it and box it up clean and ready. Gonna be needing to make another mess on that bench soon.


Mar 29, 2017
No Title

I been slacking on the boat porn. So I took a few today.

I sanded the vents and put a first coat on them. They were really nasty before.

I couldn't handle it so I untarped the boat and put the old nasty convertable top on see what was going on with it. I am missing the 2 side panels. That gonna cost me some zippers. back window is good poles all work fine. It just needs redone it has shrunk and the mice chewed holes in it. Now I know I put it away for a later project in a winter some time. Got bigger fish to fry right now.

The picture of the parts. Ignition switch came for it. The bottoms of the interior panels I been tinkering with. Today's main adventure was I disassembled the trim pump cleaned everything. All the contacts. Sanded the bottom of the frame where it was bolted to the carpet and rusted. Painted a first coat on that to of rust proof paint. That wont be sitting on carpet again so it stays dry. Took the skii pylon and too the Cerium oxide window scratch remover and the buffing wheel to it. Then buffed with the buffing compound then waxed it. Good as new.


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Mar 29, 2017
It was raining today. I got under the tarp and put the ignition in the dash in the rain with a flashlight this morning before the sun was up. I got a little boat anchor keyring on the way for the boat.

I finished the trim pump today. It leaked between the tank and the body. I took the tank off and cleaned it out real good inside. Then put it back on and re sealed it. Attached it back to its frame. Cleaned the rest of the wiring and hooked it all back up.

I finally got on the fiberglass site and made a list of things I can afford for now . At least get the transom in and glass down the keel and bulkheads ,motor mount. Then I can permanently attach all the stringers and radius them.

I am plotting and planning the next moves at the moment. While I am cleaning up these parts on the bench. Chevelle is filling up with boat parts now as they are finished. Trunk is packed full of boat stuff.