I guess people just don't think about fuel stabilizer or maybe it was sitting for that long...
It had been sitting 3 years according to him. He got the baja blew it up and rebuilt it. Then just gave up and got a new boat.
I get 4 wheelers and weed whackers here all the time look just like this inside. And won't run or run like crap. One winter is enough to do it. The ethanol gas is just garbage. I saw a video on it. And boats due to having such a well vented system it starts almost immediately. Guy put it in a quart mason jar and a fan on it to simulate conditions in a boats gas tank while in use. In 5 minutes you could see water settling out and running down the sides of the jar. Within 30 minutes there was a pool of water at the bottom.
Lucas injector cleaner dissolves the mess it makes. And the 2 stroke oil labeled TC-W3 encapsulates this non sense and keeps it from settling out. When things are brought to me I drain them add fresh gas with these 2 things in them. Within a tank of running the carbs are usualy cleaned out and work perfectly. First I will put some kerosine in there and some pea gravel and shake it around to get this crap out of there. That is how we do the old muscle car tanks that are trashed inside. I got some tank treatment sealer I will use on it once it is clean.
Like I said I got plenty of other things to do once I get this caught up in the winter months. I am sure the carb is coming off and getting soaked and cleaned make sure it is ready after finding this mess everywhere else. I am sure its little idle galleys are loaded with this stuff to. Take the head off inspect the valves and see if they need anything. Check cylinders for rust from sitting. It has rediculous oil pressure i already checked that. Turned the pump through the distributor hole with a oil gauge on it.
My buddy who has had a boat for 30 years and blew up quite a few has inspected the outdrive and taught me what to look for. It seems in good shape. It is a sickness doing this stuff. It carries over from the old POS cars I do. I am going through everything before it hits the water. It is apart anyway. Now is the time.
As was mentioned elsewhere on this hull portion of the forum. Half the fun is building these things. I just like old restored junk over newer stuff. I have the bug now. I really look forward to just working on this old barge. I been shopping new stripes for the boot stripes to match the new interior colors. Since they go under the gimble housing and it is off. Again now would be the time.
I am learning and often wonder now. Why didn't I get one of these things long long ago.