Yeah, I'm thinking that I missed part of the leak by not going far enough astern. I'll remedy that tomorrow. I counted the rivets from the stern to the leak location and I'll be sure to get plenty of overlap. And if I can, I'll get a real close up look to see if there are any crooked rivets, etc.
Bugs me that I made a dry boat wet. :yell: :frusty:
In this pic I can see what appears to be a hairline crack in the paint continuing from where the new Gluvit leaves off, which might indicate a problem beneath. There's water covering it and some debris floating over it as well, so it's hard to make out. It's in the leaky area too. :mmph:
The thing is, I can't see it "in person" with my tired old eyeballs. Only when I have a pic that I can zoom in on do I see small stuff like that. :nerd: