Thanks! Progress was painfully slow in 2017 but is finally picking up now. The boy is really bonding with the boat. Albeit reluctantly! :lol:I hated stripping my boat. You and the young fella are making great progress on it. Looking forward to coming months and a 2018 splash?
Yahhh, I can see it going that way too! :lol:I can see the KF belonging to the boy one day, no way you could ever sell it now.![]()
Thanks! Glad to have you following along.I really enjoy watching your progress. It's inspiring to watch you get your boy involved. I hope I'll be able to restore my Starcraft this year and have my boy help me. Keep up the great work!
W the fan on, there was probably enough airflow to speed drying....
Cover w a piece of painters really thin plastic dropcloth..... Even cut open grocery plastic bags....
Plus when you pull it off, it'll take some stripper and peeled paint w it..
Oh sure, now ya tell me! :lol:
The details you provided make sense. Lots of good, helpful information. Thanks! And based on that info, I can't help but wonder if the ideal way to apply the stripper would be to spray it on. Ya know?
So after my earlier post, we tried a couple different techniques with improved results.
In this pic, we applied to a smaller area adjacent to the previous poor results section. This time we brushed on a thick coat, covered, waited 20 minutes and scraped. Worked better than the prior method.
The section in the foreground was the second attempt.
For this attempt we poured a large portion then spread with a wide scraper. Didn't cover it. It bubbled up quickly. Waited 15 minutes.
Scraped again this time. The section towards the bow had been done previously. Some stripper dribbled down the stern and did well.
Then we took it outside for a rinse with the pressure washer, which also cleaned around the rivets very nicely.
Back in the barn, ready for more work tomorrow!![]()
Seems it went ok.....
I'll hit it with the heat gun tomorrow. Thanks!Try heat gun and putty knife on the goop since chemicals didn't work.
Lookin good :thumb:.