Well, my wife foolishly went to work this morning and ended up having to come right back home a couple hours later, so I was minding her until I picked up the boy from school in the afternoon.
But with the boy in tow, I headed out to the garage to see what could be done with that blotch.
We tried the Xylene with the wire wheel in the drill, but that didn't work very well.
Then I took a really good look at the hull and I'm thinking that the blotch was road rash mixed with the old paint and which corroded the aluminum. Or maybe the aluminum was anodized and the shiny stuff got knocked off while trailering? And there is a ton of road rash. Like 42 years worth. Makes the hull look "freckled" below the spray rail.
started getting it off the hull. We spent just a short time in the garage because I wanted to get back to m'lady and make sure she was okay. But the process was working.
I used Mineral Spirits and the little triangular Scotch Brite pad with the handle. I started scrubbing and the scratches and blob started to reduce. When I started seeing the MS turning black, I knew I was hitting the aluminum pretty hard.
As I was demonstrating and explaining to the boy about what I was doing and that we'd have to do the entire hull that way, he said "Why?" I replied "Uhhh... because the surface has to be properly prepared for paint." At that point he said "Why?" again and pointed out that we're
not going to paint the lower underside of the hull. Hmmm... :lol:
When my wife and the weather are both improved, I'll work it harder to see how it goes.
Big chips, little chips, scratches and grooves abound.
After some scrubbing with the MS and Scotch Brite pad. Not finished, but progress made!
And now we come to the keel. It has chunks torn out of it from years of rough service. This is in the area which will not be painted. Suggestions on how to improve?