A little experimenting today. While waiting for other stuff, the boy and I did a little testing today with the stripper and whatnot.
The boy has been off from school for over 2 weeks but the temperatures here have been truly winter-like. Too cold to do paint removal and repainting, etc. But today it got up to 63 degrees and we were outside doing other stuff and I wanted to see what could happen.
We opened the can of stripper/flour slurry mix leftover from a couple weeks ago. Surprisingly, it hadn't gelled into a Jasco stripper cake! :lol:
So I laid into it with my HF heat gun! Blew the hot air into the can while stirring in an effort to warm it up. I figured it was warm enough when smoke started wisping from the can!
After the slurry was warm, I then warmed the aluminum hull of the KF and applied the slurry. We let it sit for nearly and hour, then the boy took a new brass bristle brush to it and the paint came off easily. That was nice to see.
Temps are supposed to rise back into the 70s this week but the boy will be back at school so I don't know how much more will get done.
Oh yeah, the HF heat gun tried to give up the ghost. But, I "tapped" on it with my claw hammer and it mostly came back to life. Cheap stuff though.
Stripper/flour mix glopped on.
The boy with brass bristle brush removing that 40 y.o. original Starcraft baked on paint.