HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

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Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

:eek: it looks like we lost jserb ...

i hope he's just head first in glass........its a good thread.....hope he keeps on it !

What gives with the nationwide craigslist search. I typed in a Honda model and it said; "Your search - honda - did not match any documents."

I also tried that craigs website and it also drew a blank when i entered "honda" "yamaha" or "boats"??????

did you spell it right ????....... lol..:D....i think search engines are .....welll.....faulty ! :eek: :eek: :D


Mar 11, 2008
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

i wonder where he went


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2005
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

Hahaha I like it snapping turtle?Well so you all know I typed up this long thing once and my computer froze and erased everythin I wrote before I could post it? so here is the SECONd time for me writing all this to you. This weekend was a good weekend. I did what I was told and I am SLOWING DOWN. I cut ALL the wood out and off the transom, and I began cutting the stringers (but this is the second part of my story).
So I have a few questions. I know the procedure I am taking to redo my transom; however I am totally confused on how the transom truly gets its strength. I say this because: I am taking 3 layers of ? in ch ply and sandwiching them together with layers of resin in between(then let dry), then I am going to take put resin allll over the interior of the exterior fiberglass and then put the wood up against this and clamp them together and sandwich the wood and exterior fiberglass together(then let dry). Then I will put about ? thick fiberglass layers which will run over and bond into the sides of the hull (starb and port). ??. Now I know the threw bolts are going through the wood through the exterior fiber glass and bolting the interior all together, but to me it just doesn?t make sense? I mean It seems like if that fiberglass that ties the interior layers of fiberglass to the hull fails on the sides of the boat..BANG that?s it the motors will just pull right threw the exterior fiberglass and that?s that! I mean maybe I don?t really know how strong fiberglass is?but dang?.am I missing something?just wondering if anyone can explain to me how the transom gets all of its strength. I mean granted after I put the ? think layer of fiberglass on them I am going to attach some stringers to it and then that?s it, but I?m confused?

Ok now my second endeavor,

I have this new radical idea for redoing stringers? we go!

I plan on cutting out ONE side of the existing stringer and pull all the glass off of it, and then remove all the old wood. So I essentially am left with a 1/8 inch thick piece of vertical fiberglass sticking out of the hull. Then I put my new wood in, and then fiberglass in the side that was cut out. Thus keeping some of the old lay-up that the factory did and adding new fiberglass to one side? I think it just might work and be just as strong (WELL no MORE cuz I will have replaced the wood!!) It will save me TONS of time and money in this project. Its not that I want to cut corners but I am trying to do new things and I truly don?t think this is any less strong than if I were going to do it the other way. But that?s why I?m here explaining all this to you?.I want your input so HELP HELP!

Lastly, now that the transom is all cleaned out my only question on installation is the corners. The wood I am going to be installing should it butt right up against the hull sides?(port and Starb). This corner is a bit confusing to me? let me know?


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2005
Well OOPS! I did what you said and I read read read!

Now I have some VALID questions that were not fully addressed.....
When I sandwich my transom ply together I plan on using that PL construction adhesive.... is this ok to JUST use this to adhere the ply together.....I mean after all the threw bolts will be pulling the wood together as it is...

Next I have read that some people coat the wood in epoxy and some put a layer of 3/4 oz. Glass around the wood first before it goes in...sooo since I have NO epoxy on this project would you suggest that you do the 3/4 oz. fiberglass process???

Lastly I looked and looked and 99 percent of the projects on here people are replacing their floor, however my project has an interior shell.... and this floor in this shell has a few weak spots. I plan on addressing these by grinding out the underside of these soft areas, replacing the rotted plywood and then replacing over it.... like I said I did not find any reading on a boat with intioer shells and redoing the soft spots... any help here would be appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

You can glue the sheets of plywood together and you don't need to pre glass the transom wood before it's installed. When putting the wood in against the transom, use at least one layer of mat to bed it in first and don't press it in place too hard, you don't want to squeeze all the resin out.

All wood needs to be coated with resin before being glassed and let the resin at least start to get hard before laminating on it.

With the liner out you can fix all the soft spots, but you may find most of the wood is starting to rot, so if possible replace all of it, it will be easy (easier) to do right now.

You can do the stringers that way, it may or may not save time and money.


May 4, 2008
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

Glad to see your still among the living, was worried there for awhile. :D


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2005
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

I am looking for a twin motor mount that can hold twin 250's. I called Armstrong marine brackets and they wanted 3000!!! And we ALLLL know thats outa the budget, anyone have any sugestions as to who they have used and where I can find a decient buy on twin motor mount?


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

I thought it came with a bracket for twins.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

as far as the not sure up in canada.....but is there any used places around there?

glad to see your still with some pics for us to help guide you



May 4, 2008
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

I am looking for a twin motor mount that can hold twin 250's. I called Armstrong marine brackets and they wanted 3000!!! And we ALLLL know thats outa the budget, anyone have any sugestions as to who they have used and where I can find a decient buy on twin motor mount?

How about these ...

I understand they belong to a guy that is undertaking a really big restore job and is looking for ways to help finance his project. :D

Maybe he would part with them if the price was right. :rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

rofl turtle :D


Mar 11, 2008
Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual

thats what i thought. how bout those for a 17ft larson ? :)
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