Update: Haven't had much time to work on the boat lately due to other commitments. I did want to post some pics of the progress and ask a question or two, three, four...
Here is a pic with most of the inner FG removed.
Okay, first question. Was this the standard way they installed transoms in the late 70's ???
It appears they stopped the wood about 2" or so from the side. No fillet, No PB. Seems they just ran the cloth/CSM straight off the face of the wood to tab it into the hull. This left a gap along the edge of the wood. This, to me, seems an easy way for water to get into the transom.
Should I run the wood closer to the sides, fillet with PB and then tab into hull?? Or should I do it as it was?
Next I cut out the foam boxes. On the port side the foam was completely dry!!!! :faint2:
I seriously considered not cutting out the starboard side, but then I decided since everything was going to be new, why not make everything new.
So glad I did as this side had water in the lower aft area. Would have been only a matter of time before more water would have gotten in, although I haven't figured out where the water was coming in from. Hopefully I will find it just for peace of mind. Wait, do you have to have a mind before you can find peace in it???:facepalm:
Here is a few more pics.
Thanks everyone for the help and support !!!
Take Care- Troy