Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

Bobby D.

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 10, 2003
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

I have been keeping up with your saga. It certainly has been interesting and alot was learned.I commend you for your perseverance.


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

if you have not invested in a parts manual i would. check this site out in the mean time www.boaterssupply.com one thing about locating the part #s on this site is some of the #s have been updated so they dont always show the actual #s as installed for that year. only the original parts manual will. you can get that on ebay cheap. -<br />i can tell you that i bought my motor as a 1992 120, through months of investigating <this site helped alot> it turned out to be a 1988 140txcc-v6 case with 2.25 to 1 (12:27) ratio.<br />i just received the parts to get rid of water control valve. so we will see if the info i got here was correct.<br /> if the motor is a 1989 and the carbs have not been swapped you should have these jet sizes:<br />-<br /># 41 idle<br /># 50 intermediate<br /># 63D highspeed <fuel bowl><br /><br />but i wouldnt go buying those yet until you know what carbs you have. but hey if its running good dont try and fix it. that could lead to more problems.<br />ill go back and move up one of my previous ?s, see if i get a response


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2K Boat,<br /><br />Thanks for the site. I will take a lok.<br /><br />I have discussed my swap with the marina. They will be here in a couple of hours. They claim that the jets are not installed incorrectly, I have my jet locations missunderstood. Acording to my manual, as I look at the carbs with the cover off, lowest is the idle and this has a size 30 in it! I see this as the idle. <br /><br />Marina also claim that intermediate is 54 and idle 17 I think. <br /><br />Time will tell. No way I can test today thuogh as the see is too rough.<br /><br />Keep you posted.<br /><br />NG


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2K Boat,<br /><br />I can not find my engine listed.<br /><br />Mine is BE140TLCUA. I presume that 140TL$$$ is a variant on this. It does show the jets in the oriantation that you told me and what I believe to be true.


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

that comes out to be a 1987 model, which is the smaller bore <3.50> loopvee. the parts listing on that site are vague when it comes to carbs. (not showing which is 120 or 140) there are few jet combos listed and i dont know which is correct. <br />-<br />the bottom jet <orifice> is for idle (air)<br />the mid jet <orifice> is intermidiate (air)<br />the fuel bowl jet <orifice> is high speed (fuel)<br />-<br /> the mechs should have a micro-fiche, ask them to show you your year which according to what you listed is a 1987 140TLCUA. they should be tunning it by that year.<br /><br />-<br />you really need to order the correct parts manual for that motor.<br />now that the correct year is know hopefully someone with more knowledge can help with the correct jetting for that year.<br />i think ive done all i can, was just trying to help.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2KBoat,<br /><br />If you were here I would buy you a case of beer.<br /><br />The mechanics have just been and confirmed the year as 87. He used INTRODUCES. Each letter correspondes to a no. I = 1, N=2, r = 4, c=8 and u = 7 which gives 87.<br /><br />They brought a new carb body and swapped all the jets. He said that the jets should be 16 and 36 for that year. With what I now have I shouldn't be too far off.<br /><br />Can't wait to try it in the sea as soon as it calms.<br /><br />Thanks for all your help. Without your steer on the jets being swapped I would still be at the hands of the mecs.<br /><br />I just hope the sizes I have in are the optimum setting.<br /><br />NG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

let us know how it turnes out. have fun


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

ng- i was just curious on your status with the carbs?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2K Boat,<br /><br />I had the boat out on Thursday.<br /><br />It performs better, but not as I think it should or did.<br /><br />It starts, but requires choke to keep it going.<br /><br />I can accelerate from standstill but there is still some slight delay. Hard to explain. If I go from forward idle and then open the throttle it sort of thinks about it, burbles a bit and then the power comes on. Far far better than it used to but not as I am sure it should.<br /><br />The other problem is that when I slow down and come to idle the engine gets slower and slower until it stalls. Then I need to start it on choke and quickly push it into gear.<br /><br />I expect this is fione tuning. If the idle was set-up for the other (incorrectly sized) jets then it should all be done again with the jets I have now.<br /><br />I think I can do this myself as I have a manual now. It says to go from the beginning with timing. I don't think that is needed. I was going to put it into gear and then adjust the idle when in motion.<br /><br />What do you think?<br /><br />NG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

when they changed the jetting i hope they went back and rechecked lync&sync along with idle timing and max spark advance.<br />what jets did you end up with?<br />before mine went down it wouldnt idle either after it warmed up, went through the carb thing because my jets were different, although it turned out to be a 88 140 not a 92 120 its still jetted for a 120. before i could finish had head gasket failure that had also contributated to my problem.<br />ill be putting the spare ph on here shortly, due to scored cylinders from overheat.<br />if im lucky the crank and all will still be ok to put in empty block after it is bored. that way ill still have a spare sitting.<br />the trashed power head is severly eaten up by salt water around cylinder sleeves where it mates with the heads. it will just be a conversation piece on why you should flush after every visit to salt water.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2K Boat,<br /><br />No, the guys just replaced the jets. No additional adjustment. What should be checked?<br /><br />I have a manual and it tells me how I should check timing and sync. Do I really need to do all that again? I don't think I need the copy you kindly offered as the manual is quite descriptive.<br /><br />Jet sizes are now idle 14 intermediate 30.<br /><br />NG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

you never did say what the high speed jet in the fuel bowel was?<br />i would go back and check just to be sure<br />also i would put the jets in that the 1987 parts manual calls for. i think earlier i posted the jetting for an 85. im shure the 87 is different by a size or two. but with out the actual parts manual i cant say. when i go to the shop to pick up my gaskets tomorrow ill have them pull the micro fiche and tell me whats listed for the model you gave.<br />-check my feb 14th post for the correct 1985 sizes.<br />also take a magnifying glass and look at the #30 to see if its a #38, it mite be that if it is a #30 its way to far off from the #40 a 1985 140 calls for.<br />did you ever get a parts manual?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2K Boat,<br /><br />I think the high speed jets are either 60 or 63. I can't remember.<br /><br />The problem I will have with swapping jets is getting hold of them. I have 1 dealer and parts are limited to say the least. I don't have a parts manual. I have seen one though and it gives many options. One even lists intermediate jets smaller than the idle which is very confusing.<br /><br />The 30 is definitely a 30 and not a 38.<br /><br />Thanks for helping<br /><br />NG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

ive got a 1987 120/140 parts manual coming in as soon as it gets here ill post the carbs jetting.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2KBoat,<br /><br />Thanks for the interest. I have a good feeling about the outcome.<br /><br />My only problem will be the sourcing of the jets if needed.<br /><br />NG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

yea im grabing up the parts lists to help in case i get spare parts atleast ill have a list for each year starting in 85 to 97.<br />my spine plate has been giving alot of pain so i havent been able to put spare power head on yet.<br />hope to have the other pulled this weekend.<br />-<br />will post those sizes when i get them.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

2kboat,<br /><br />Did you manage to get the parts manual?<br /><br />BG


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

yea i finally got it, sorry been dealing with docs and att's. do you have an email address?


Nov 11, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

just waiting on you response, sorry for the delay the guy claimed he mailed it so i waited and waited then i fnally emailed him back to recheck and sure enough it was still sitting there.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 4, 2001
Re: Heeeelp Evinrude 140 again - paging 2KBoat or Evinrude aces

I skimmed through the postings and I have 2 '90 115s. I have had what appears to be the same or very similar problem. What I discovered was the engine was sucking air in the fuel lines. The black plastic hose clamps have a tendancy to split on the opposite side of the clamp. You might re-check each vacuum line, fuel line and VRO line for a cracked clamp. My favorite way to find them is to see if they will rotate on the hose. This can be a really annoying problem. When you find the magic connector the stalling problem will disappear and the engine runs like new. Hope this helps.