Got in a car accident


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

OK ZmOz, I missed that.<br /><br />Forget the dang Camry. No one cares about it.<br /><br />You want to be a responsible law abiding citizen, or a wild punk kid?<br /><br />It doesn't matter what she does. You have an obligation under the law to file the report with the state. <br /><br />Incase you missed it, I supplied the link to the law, and the form you need to fill out, see post above.<br /><br />Oh forget it. Daddy has you spoiled and will cover for you in the end. But when she files a report, it will be too late for you. Then the insurance, blah blah. I hope they stick it too you good. Maybe then you will learn your lesson and grow up.<br /><br />You'll be sleeping in the garage on the floor cause the Bronco will be gone. Maybe you need to go a year or two without a license and a vehicle. Oh jeez, whats a kid to do without a flash ride?

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

I'm curious Ryan if you have maybe shared our post to your problem with your Dad. If not your dad maybe your mom?<br />I'm sure he/she may have some advise to all the negative and positive to what all of us have posted.. <br />PS I bet your front wheel drive linkage has sustained damage or your drive axales, that is why it wouldn't release out of park. The car has had enough time to settle and things do shift around, crack and break. Check your trans line going from your radiator it may have busted also and fried your tranny. And may have lost your tranny fluid.. <br />If it is rear drive then the tranny may have been pushed into the firewall. And it is binding the linkage..

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

I talked to my dad when he got home and got the whole story about what the lady told him.<br /><br />She had planned to file an accident report tomorow, but she says that she will wait untill her mechanic looks at it. Once he tells her its safe to drive, my dad asked her to either A. Take it to our friends body shop and let him fix it for her, or B. get a estamate and let me pay up front in cash. Although we are really hopeing she won't, if she does decide to file an accident report, she says she'll call me and let me know that shes going to do. At that point it will be over, I'll have to file a report as well let both cars go threw insurance, then bend over and take the "new" insurance bills, who knows, the insurance company could refuse to cover me in the future and drop me.<br /><br />Before this time tomorow I should have the answers to all these questions.

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan I am going to share something that I really hate to think about and I will share this with all the iboats members if it will help you..<br />I am sure they to have done stupid things also..<br /><br />I just turned 18 and that summer I bought a hot 1967 pontiac Lemans. My plan was to repaint it and do some killer fine tuning.. My mom however didn't want it to leave the property until the brakes were completely fixed, insurance was added, and it was fully gone through by our mechanic, because I had to pump the brakes to get the car to stop.. <br />Well, the very next day I took the car to the park and picked-up 2 girls I went to school with. We went as far as 1 mile and ahalf down the road where it turned into county dirt road with a ditch.. The ditch had water in it and one of the girls wanted me to go to the left of the low side of the ditch and stupid me did it.. I got stuck in the gravel and water. I put the pedal down on the gas and it got traction. I went flying out of the ditch and hit a tree at 25mph.. I could not stop at all and just slid.. I had no brakes at all..<br />The 2 girls had some injuries and I was left passed out in the car.. We all went to the hospital that day by ambulance.. <br />I had to step up and pay for all the injuries and the hospital bills with my trust fund. $16,000 went by-by ASAP.. But that is not it, one girl suied me and I had to turn it into my insurance company.. The girls got their pain and suffering and I was lucky to get 80% back of my trust fund.. It was also filed with DMV and I had to get an Attorney to save my record and licience considering I was driving on a permit only.. My poor mother lost her AAA insurance over me being stupid. But what saved me the most was reporting the accident and doing the right thing by paying for the bills that were incured by my stupidity no matter what.. My record was cleared because it wasn't concidered a on purpose thing I did..<br />This was just like what you did.. YOU may have cut the corner, but you didn't do it to cause an accident... It just happened... The bad thing is if your friend is hurt like he says he is, you will responsible for his medical.. That is your moral responsiblity, so If you don't want to pay for the rest of your teens and 20's you better watch your next step.. At least you have insurance, that is what it is for.. Your buddy can take you to court and will win.. So step back and let the insurance co.handle this mess... Your Dad is totally responsibly for you and he should be the one making you the do right thing instead of helping you get around this... He is suppose to be guilding you about right and wrong.. Not showing you how to get around it..<br />Good luck and really think about this; We are just humans and do make mistakes..<br />But learning from them will stay with us for alifetime...<br />Believe me it is harder to do the right thing, than to be dishonest..<br />You have to sleep sometime and I bet you have already had a few dreams over this..<br />Keep us posted.. Share our thoughts and get some imput from your parents...<br />PS.. The tree I hit wasn't damage, they don't move when they are over 100yrs old.. My car was totaled and I had to sell it for parts. The whole front end was totaled and the engine was shoved into the firewall. Tranny shifter broke off and I broke the engine mounts completely off.. My dream car was gone.. After a few months passed I bought a 1955 chevy as a project car and a 1980 sundowner sport..<br />Also I almost lost my eye. I hugged the steering wheel so hard I bent it like an hourglass right before I hit the wheel with my forehead. My knee landed up into the lower dash that was steel.. I couldn't walk at all and my chest collasped from the impact. The 2 girls thought I was dead and left me in the seat. She even took my pulse and didn't feel one..<br />I came to after about 2 long minutes..<br />I hurt so bad...<br />Thats all..


Jun 14, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by roscoe:<br /> OK ZmOz, I missed that.<br /><br />Forget the dang Camry. No one cares about it.<br /><br />You want to be a responsible law abiding citizen, or a wild punk kid?<br /><br />It doesn't matter what she does. You have an obligation under the law to file the report with the state. <br /><br />Incase you missed it, I supplied the link to the law, and the form you need to fill out, see post above.<br /><br />Oh forget it. Daddy has you spoiled and will cover for you in the end. But when she files a report, it will be too late for you. Then the insurance, blah blah. I hope they stick it too you good. Maybe then you will learn your lesson and grow up.<br /><br />You'll be sleeping in the garage on the floor cause the Bronco will be gone. Maybe you need to go a year or two without a license and a vehicle. Oh jeez, whats a kid to do without a flash ride?
I am standing and clapping for that post roscoe.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Somethings not right on her part.... she wants it looked at but don't want her insurance to be notified, or file a report... sounds kinda fishey to me on her part. <br /><br />and Paying outside is OK... and finding someone for her to take the work to is ok... happened in the family myself, only it was my mom, and she got hit a a private snow plow. Said his premiums were too high and didn't want it against him, he did, like he said made arrangments at a friends auto body place and had it fixed...


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

I will also add this... I've been through my share of stupid idiotic, my fault crap that has been riding on me since I started driving. I've had shares of accidents, reckless driving, and tickets. They were my fault.... BUT then I grew up and realized that sometimes not filing a report, no insurance, driving crazy, and whatever just wasn't the way I wanted it to be. I got smart...after getting stupid and changed my ways... Do the right thing and it may not seem like it's right now... but if your like me and in a few years regret the crap you did... you will learn having a clean driving record is worth all that much more. Take my advice... File the report first... Find out her insurance company, get your insurance company involved... let them fight it out... thats why you pay them. They are going to find out about the accident anyways... but tell them if damage isn't that'll take care of it. <br /><br />Take my advice... I've finally got good rates... and I've been driving almost 10 years... It's not something you want hangin over your head.

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by Dave J Z:<br /> Somethings not right on her part.... she wants it looked at but don't want her insurance to be notified, or file a report... sounds kinda fishey to me on her part.
DAVE J Z you have to remember it is not just the ladies car.. He had a passenger that is hurt too. That is a whole different Ball Game.. His buddy could be hurt for a longtime. There are also several people involved in this problem including the auto mechanic if he lies to the insurance company..

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Not to dwell on this other boy that was also in the car, but if this kid files a complaint and gets an attorney. Ryans Parents will be responsible, depending on the laws set forth to his state.. They could loose more than just insurance , maybe a house or any property that can be attatched..<br />Also who's name was the Camery inn. If it is the grandparents, they can get them too. I have heard people loosing their homes over this stuff and it happens everyday.. Not enough insurance. <br />The 1,000,000/3,000,000 policies sometimes isn't enough to cover things these days..


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Your buddy could claim his slipped disks in his back that really ocurred a few day back actually are the results of the accident. Think he won't? Think again

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

No offence guys, but your blowing this out of porporsion.<br /><br />My passenger isn't hurt, he said he bumped his head on something, but is fine now. He is a good friend and would never cause a prolbem because of it, or even tell his parents. I'm not even in the least bit worried about him. Besides, he doesn't even exist, as far as I;m concerned, I had him tossed out of my car in seconds flat, on one ever saw him in all the confusion.<br /><br />Some of you should read up on your laws before calling me a criminal. The worst thing that is going to happen here will is my insurance rates go way up, plus I have to pay for fixing the camrey (I have no colision), best case, the lady lets me fix her car myself


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

I'll share a little story too.<br /><br />6 Years ago, February, I was taking my motorcycle, might have been less than a year old, to my father in law's house to replace the clutch. It was cold, there was snow on the ground but the roads were clear. <br /><br />I started the bike up and drove it out of my parent's back yard through the snow. Once I got to the street I did a quick little burnout to clear the ice off the tire and heat it up a little. My wife followed me in my truck as I left and headed out. Got to the first bend in the road exaclty 1.5 blocks away and as I applied throttle in the turn the bike completely disappeared from under me at about 40 mph. <br /><br />I remember I hit the ground and tumbled, saw sky-road-sky-road a few times then settled down in a nice butt-slide down the road with the bike sliding in front of me. I watched as the bike slid right into the guardrail and pirouetted all over the place. My wife luckily didn't run me over and I immediately sprung up (thankfully wearing full riding gear so not a scratch on me), picked up the bike and tried to get back on it and get the hell out of dodge. <br /><br />Here's the thing, I wasn't really doing anything wrong, except that I for some reason still had that "run and hide" mentality, probably from all the stupid crap I ran from when I was 'younger'. <br /><br />Bike won't start, people are stopping to see if I'm OK, so I decide to push the bike home. <br /><br />Now the cop pulls up. I explain what happened and he graciously idled behind me as I pushed the wreck home. <br /><br />Filled out an accident report which for some reason I originally didn't want to do.<br /><br />Went through insurance, thought for sure some new plastic and a few parts would have it back on the road. <br /><br />They totalled the bike, valued around $7000 at the time if I remember right. Bent frame, swingarm, lots of other crap that wasn't immediately visible.<br /><br />Moral of the story, If that cop hadn't showed up and I just ran home and didn't get a report, I would have been stuck for the value of the bike (it was financed). I ended up only having to pay a few hundred bucks for my deductible and a small inequity in the value of the bike vs. what I owed on it. <br /><br />take it for what it's worth, a (true) story.

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Your so right Wildbill59 that is what happened to me.. Thank god the attorney I had also hired an investigator to watch the girls. One girl got into a fight and tried to get my insurance to pay for her injuries. It was questioned and she got fraud changes put on her.. Tell ya what, when money is to be had on someelse's miss fortunes, an attorney will be easily found with his hands out.. It's all about the money... What a hard, cruel lesson to learn at 16..<br />The good thing is, that this is just a lesson and Ryan at least shared his problem with us and is open to advise.<br />In 20yrs he'll be telling others what he did and maybe share his experience with his kids. Hopefully he'll be able to laugh about this..That's life..

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

CPJ......Why did you shoot your dog?....JK

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> No offence guys, but your blowing this out of porporsion.<br /><br />My passenger isn't hurt, he said he bumped his head on something, but is fine now. He is a good friend and would never cause a prolbem because of it, or even tell his parents. I'm not even in the least bit worried about him. Besides, he doesn't even exist, as far as I;m concerned, I had him tossed out of my car in seconds flat, on one ever saw him in all the confusion.<br /><br />Some of you should read up on your laws before calling me a criminal. The worst thing that is going to happen here will is my insurance rates go way up, plus I have to pay for fixing the camrey (I have no colision), best case, the lady lets me fix her car myself
Well now everyone can tell now how best friends you two are..... That is just plain stupid what you wrote.. <br />So did you push him out so fast, that all you were worried about was yourself?<br />Did you even ask him if he was OK before you so called tossed him out?..<br /><br />I am so glad that wasn't my 14 yr old boy in the car with you..<br /><br />Here is something to think about.. Did you know that a pissed off mother is more scarier than an upset father..<br />I bet if that mother of the other minor found out about your little accident.. I would pack my bags ASAP and get out of town...<br />This could get very ugly..<br />That boys parents should know what you did.. You better grow up.. At least for your friends sake..

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Another thing if you are both at fault. Her insurance will pay your damages plus medical for your friend.. your insurance should pay for her damages minus the deductables..


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 8, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

roscoe has some great advice! Listen!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

Just curious- you had a car following you that presumably had a good view of the accident. Where exactly were both cars when they collided? You say you both crossed the center line; in all honesty, how far over the line were each of you when you collided (e.g., you 75%, her 25%; you 90%, her 10%; she crossed over but got back on her side before the collision)? <br /><br />She may be acting weird if it was partially her fault. Then you're looking at her car with just a damaged bumper, your car totaled, and both of you partially responsible. And presumably you've got witnesses in the car following you. <br /><br />You've (rightfully) reacted with guilt in relation to the passenger you shouldn't have had in the car. But I'd be curious as to the honest proportion of blame w.r.t. the actual accident (and I do mean honest; don't let any subconsious bias creep in and influence your answer). If there is truely shared blame and you report the accident, make sure you don't let your guilt over having an unauthorized passenger color the way you describe and handle the accident (but don't 'shade' it in your favor, either).

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

I'm 100% at fault, end of discussion.<br /><br />The carmey will be fixed the middle of next week. A flatbed picked it up this morning and brought it to my dads friends shop. We priced out all the parts and ordered them. I bought all aftermarket parts, its going to cost me $600-$700 for the parts. One of his techs is going to pull the frame crossbar thing out for me, and replace the radators. It will be running and ready to go by the end of the week. I'll then drive it to my school, fix the fender,replace the hood,bumper,bumper support,headlight,turn single and battery, then I'll paint the hood,bumper and fender at school myself, my shop teachers won't charge me for the little matarial I'll need, I do a lot for those guys,they own me a favor or two. So thats whats going to happen with the camrey, weather the lady reports it or now, because I have no colision.<br /><br />As for the ladys blazer, I'm still waiting to hear back, if her mechanic is closed for the holaday today she'll know tomorow.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Hey Ryan, glad it seems to be working out for you.<br /><br />I seriously doubt your speeds are correct, that looks to be about a 20 MPH impact.<br /><br />I hope this teaches you to slow down, and also keep the passengers out of the car.<br /><br />Ken