Got in a car accident


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan, I remember being your age. I'm feeling kind of old now, being it was 13 years ago. Damn. Anyway, your thought process is to be expected but it is a bit immature. I am not insulting you and don't take it that way, you posted here obviously looking for advice/sympathy/discussion and that's what you're getting.<br /><br />When I was your age, (actually about 18 since in NJ you can't drive till 17) my insurance got to upwards of $4000 at one point. I had to open a powerwashing business and insure the truck I was driving as a semi-commercial just to be able to afford to drive, along with work my *** off to make the $$ to pay the bill even then, as it was still $2500. We won't get into my history, suffice to say I knew where most of the parts bolted and unbolted from my cars back then. <br /><br />Number one, thank your stars right now the family you ran into was not hurt. And pray it stays that way. that will be the biggest financial and legal problem for you if injuries develop.<br /><br />Number two, suck it up and at least file an accident report. You still do not have to make an insurance claim. Yes an accident will go on your record, but better that than the alternative if something happens down the road and you should have reported this and now you can't. <br /><br />Number three, slow down, on the road and in your life a bit. You seem like a decent guy, just take it easy a bit. At 16 it's human nature to push limits and do things impulsively. Take it from us who have been there, try to think things through. It's pouring rain, your driving illegally, you're a new driver, it's the worst road in town, and you still conciously decide to carry too much speed into a hairpin turn. What if it wasn't an S-10? What if it was the 7 and 12 year old running home in the rain down the street? They're a lot harder to get parts for. Again I'm not insulting you, just trying to give advice. <br /><br />Good luck whatever you do. <br /><br />PS - did you ever fix that mailbox you plowed your mirror into? :D <br /><br />We (most of us) like you and want to help you. You have to listen for that to work. <br /><br />I have been where you are. Trust me.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

These guys are right Ryann. She has plenty of time to file a claim. My wife bumped into the back of a pathfinder in the mall parking lot once. Did not even scratch her car. They both looked and exchanged info. No harm done and they were on their way. A month later we get a call from our insurance agent about a claim against us. Turns out the guy claimed bent trailer hitch and scratched paint. Nothing we could do. He could have done anything to that car in the time that passed and blamed it on her. You should at least call your agent and tell him whats up for your own protection. <br /><br />If you are willing to take a chance and break the law, no matter how minor an infraction. You better be prepared to face the consequences if you get into trouble.


May 17, 2001
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan, best of luck for you with this mess. Just hope and pray that attorneys don't get involved. Their cost is a lot more than your insurance premium is or was. That is exactly why insurance is forced down everyones throats and is mandatory in the majority of the states. <br /><br />BTW, when your young and doing something that you know your not surpose to be doing is when you will get busted. It happened to me several times when I was your age. I'm glad my dad MADE me realize the rules and laws are there for a reason.<br /><br />You forgot one part that you will need to replace on the Camry- - The Engine- - Driving with the temp guage pegged out does and will cause extensive damage to an engine. <br /><br />Your grandparents should have their car covered with their insurance which would have paid for the damages. I can't understand why people pay for insurance and then won't use it? That is why it is there. <br /><br />Good Grief Ryan, good luck to you bud..... ;)

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

This just keeps getting worse, my grandmouther took a hard spill this morning, cracked her head open, bleading on the brain, might be a stroke, she's getting sergurey now.<br /><br />Still haven't heard about the accident from the lady yet, I plan on calling her again this afternoon if I don't hear anything. I guess if she does nothing I'll be forced to file an accident report.<br /><br />Not haveing a good weekend at all........

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

I see it differently than most here. If an accident can be worked out among two parties that were involved then let it be. I bumped a guy that was driving a new (still had paper plates) Tacoma. It put a nickle size dent in the bumper, and nothing more. I offered him $278 as that was all the cash I had on me. Normally I don't carry but pocket change but I had just left the bank and was going to get a transmission. He turned it down saying that he wasn't sure what it would cost. We exchanged all information and he agreed to let me have his truck fixed. I bought the bumper at the dealer for $96, paint was $21, and since my dad paints cars it was free, although he would have charged $50 to paint it. Total my price was $117. I delivered it to the guy and put it on his truck. I also gave him $35 to take his wife out to eat and thanked him for not reporting it. It was very important for this not to be reported to ins. About 3 weeks previous I had hit a coon and it did $2500 damage to my Hyndai. Ins paid and didn't raise rates. My agent told me that as long as I didn't have any more problems in 12 months that it wouldn't affect it in any way. If I had another accident they would use BOTH to raise my rates. <br /><br />I draw goverment checks as I work for the prison system. I also monnlight as a police officer. That being said I hate the govt in my business anymore than just absolutely necc. Why the need to file a report if she does nothing, isn't that what you want?<br /><br /><br />Heres my advice Ryan. Draw up a little form. It should contain an agreement that there are no injuries, no one was at fault, and that you will return her vehicle to its previous condition. This will protect you in several ways. It shows that you and her agreed that there is no fault. It shows that you both felt this was an appropriate response. It shows that it was agreed upon by both of you.

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

I talked to a friend family friend whos been in the autobody/insurance busness for 30years, he owns a huge body shop and does all the work for the local Honda dealers. He's intersted in helping me out, I think.<br /><br />He told me If the lady is going to report it,I'll haev to over and let insurance pay for it, and dealing with the black mark on my record. If that happens he has some serious "pull" with insurance companys and will make sure the Camrey is "totaled", and I think I should be book value for it (about 5,100) <br />If at all possable, he wants me to settle it out of insurance. We have to find out what shes going to do. He called the ladys house for me, her and her husband whern't home, her brother reffered to it as the "fender bender" and said the'd be home late this afternoon. All I can do is hope for the best, I took a ride by where it happend, my headlight and grill where still all over the street, no skid marks, though, must be because it was wet.<br />The speed limit on the turn is 15mph, i had to be doing at least 25. BUT that sign was posted comeing up the hill, I didn't see one coming down the hill, where I was before the accident, not that it would have made a difference.<br /><br />I got to say, when I was out driving my Bronco this morning I was perfect angle, I could have been a driving instructor ;)

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

When I was talking to the friend about it, he too said that I better be thankfull that I wasn't driving my bronco when it happend, the bronco is about twice as heavy, and it would have been a solid head-on. I think the reason the inpact wasn't real hard is because the camreys hood/headlight was stuffed inder the corner of the blazors metal bumper. I really bleave if I had been in the bronco everyone wouldn't have walked away

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Oh, want to her something ironic?<br /><br />My passenger was "Matt" the kid from the other thead with the slipped disk. When I called him last night he said to check my windsheald, said he hit his head pretty good on something, no cracks in the windsheald, though, so I've reall roughed that kid up in the last few days, first the back now his head!

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan you are only 16 and you drive... By rights your parents are still responsible for your actions.. You need to get a grip of yourself and take a deep breath and really think this out with yourself.. What did you wrong in the first place?... You drove a vehicle with another car following you in unsafe driving conditions, that right there tells me you are still a kid not fully thinking about what may could happen.. You were so lucky that you didn't kill someone.... When you took driver safty did you see a film called,"RED Asphalt"..??? Anyway that is an eye opener when I was your age.. I have been driving for over 20yrs and have seen some really bad ones..<br />The minute you told your parents they should of been responsible enough to call the accident in..<br />RYAN- This is a trerrible twisted circle of lies you are starting and you can't keep trying to cover them up.<br />Ryan Get that lump out off your throut, swollow it down and make your call.. I am sure your not sleeping good at all..<br />Ryan it was just an accident, it happens.. Believe me I have been there and have walked in your shoes and if you try to still cover it up and your insurance company finds out, you will loose more than just your insurance. I am sure the MASS police would have a good lecture for you too.<br />Look Ryan it takes 2 to get into an accident and it sounds to me you were both at fault..<br />If you tell the truth now and step up to the plate and take on responsibility instead running by using tiny white lies to cover up.. You will be respected in the future.. This is the part that really sucks about being an adult and growing up..<br />You better do it, becuase if someone does it for you, I garantee you this... Your buddies may not think so highly of you as you think..<br />I wish you alot of luck in your decission.. Don't let to many days pass on this PLEASE.Your only hurting yourself, there are others that have alot to gain in your accident.. Its just starting.... Talk to your parents and be honest to them..<br />Goodluck

jims plan b

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 4, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

It's time to grow up Ryan.<br />You sound just like about 1,200 people that I work with every day. They to try to beat the consequences to there actions and make those around them feel sorry that are in a bad spot.

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> I talked to a friend family friend whos been in the autobody/insurance busness for 30years, he owns a huge body shop and does all the work for the local Honda dealers. He's intersted in helping me out, I think.<br /><br />He told me If the lady is going to report it,I'll haev to over and let insurance pay for it, and dealing with the black mark on my record. If that happens he has some serious "pull" with insurance companys and will make sure the Camrey is "totaled", and I think I should be book value for it (about 5,100)
RYAN you are only 16years old Right... You do realize that your asking a certified repair auto body machanic to commit fraud.. He can loose his licience.. You talking about this on the internet isn't goin to help your case.. It is called insurance fraud and it comes in all shapes and sizes.. Now you have just hurt the only person that can get your car fixed.. This is a lesson I hope you will be able to get out of..<br />Good Luck its not to late... You Better Use your Brain..<br /><br />PS Ryan, That lady is an adult and she has more to loose than you at this point.. It is her responsibility to report all accidents over 500 in damage.. And I am sure the damage is way over 500 to both vehicles...<br />You better stop this STUPIDITY and DO SOMETHING.. PLEASE for your own sake...<br />You sound like a very nice and conciderate person to me with some honesty, so do what is right..


May 15, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by Kenneth Brown:<br /> ......Heres my advice Ryan. Draw up a little form. It should contain an agreement that there are no injuries, no one was at fault, and that you will return her vehicle to its previous condition. This will protect you in several ways. It shows that you and her agreed that there is no fault. It shows that you both felt this was an appropriate response. It shows that it was agreed upon by both of you.
Problem is, to the best of my understanding, a minor can't enter into a legally binding contract or agreement, which this would be.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan, I repeat, there is nothing illegal, dishonest or immoral about trying to settle this between yourselves. For the life of me I cannot fathom why so many think that to be a good citizen you have to report this to the police and to the insurance company. See my previous post re probable reporting requirements. Those facilities are there for when people cannot settle or will not settle.<br /><br />The only place that I see signifigant wrong is in the transport of unrelated passengers. This law was made for good reason and I think you can plainly see that now. Repentance will come with you now following those rules and incouraging others around you to do the same.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Tis true AZF. He only needs her to think it is. His dad could do the contract for him if he's really concerned.<br /><br />One more thing for the form- It should have a statement to the effect of "This form ends all further matters arising from the accident that took place on 12-12-2005" or something to the effect.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

I can't speak for MASS, but in MI you are legally required to file a police report if an accident occurs and there is either personal injury, or property damage exceeding $500.00. You do not however have to involve your insurance company. I suspect that this is the same in just about every state with certain differences in limits.<br /><br />From reading your posts Ryan, I draw the conclusion that you do not care. You do not care about much, unless it makes life difficult or uncomfortable for you. Look at what your wrote, and how you wrote it or misspelled the words. It is time to grow up, own up to your actions and accept the consequences. If you put as much effort into obeying the rules as you seem to be in skirting your responsibilities, this would have NEVER happened. I have absolutely no sympathy for you in the accident situation. I do however pray that your grandmother recovers well from her mishap.<br /><br />When I was 16 (21 years ago) I had an accident. I lost control of my car, I over-corrected in three consecutive fish-tails. I then hit a curb in a nursery's driveway and rolled my car sideways three times, going air-born at least once. I felt my seatbelt holding me in my seat, inside the car. That is why I am adamant about seatbelt use.<br /><br />Due to personal injury, my insurance was involved. However I went back to the nursery the next day and told them what had happened. Since I destroyed their mailbox and it’s post I insisted on replacing both. The owner resisted as he routinely replaced the mailbox from “accidents” and was used to it. I owned up to my responsibility. I used my own money and purchased a new mailbox. A neighbor gave me a post and I replaced the nursery’s damaged property. Because I handled the property damage myself, my insurance agent said that the insurance company would not surcharge me for the accident. So you see, by owning up to my actions, I was able to gain respect, responsibility and still did not have my insurance go up. The insurance agent said it was because I proved it was an accident and that I was a responsible driver.<br /><br />I am not trying to insult you Ryan, really. It’s just time that you accept some responsibility, become a respectable adult and start caring for more than yourself. If you don’t learn these lessons now, you will have a very difficult time when you leave the relative safety of mommy and daddy’s home.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

When I wrecked my truck the cop who came said she was not going to file a report and it was up to me whether I wanted to or not. My truck was totaled, and I had to file a report only because the insurance company said I had to before they would pay. If I didn't want the $4k they gave me, I would have never had to file a report of any kind with anyone and nothing would have been on any record...legally.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by David L. Moore:<br /> ....but in MI you are legally required to file a police report if an accident occurs and there is either personal injury, or property damage exceeding $500.00.
David L., I'll bet if you read the fine print the $500 does not count if it is your own property, only that belonging to others that you damage.<br /><br />I also would not be so quick to condem Ryan's character. He's not trying to get out from any responsibiliy in the matter, and once again, just because he doesn't report this accident does not make him morally challanged. He might be very fortunate that this incident flys under the radar. I'm sure the signifigance of it all will have a full impact on him.<br /><br />BTW, if he reports it to his insurance company, regardless of no claim from the other party, it will go on his insurance record as a chargable accident.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

One question. What does your father think you should do?

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

My father called his friend, the body man and set me up with him, so whatever he tells me to do is what my dad wants, him and my dad are like best friends. My dad also called the lady today, he said she seemed like a real nice lady (I thought so too) but she hadn't decided if she was going to file a police report and/or insurance claim yet. She says she won't know until she has her mechanic look at it. Like I said before, I think she just wants to make sure I didn't shorten useable life of her car, and I know for a fact I didn't. The damage is only cosmetic. I remember her saying how it was an old car, with lots of rust and miles, but it was all she had. A new replacement bumper could cost me more then her car is even worth. Our friend is sending one of his flatbeds to my house bright and early tomorrow morning, loading up the camrey and taking it to his body shop. I'll go with him and get a parts list. I'll try to get as many of the parts I can at the junkyard, and he can buy the rest aftermarket. Next problem is, it needs to go on a frame machine, for the front uni-body crossbar thing, that's something I can't fix myself, I need someone to replace both radiators, the AC one and the regular one. Once that's done, I can do the rest myself, including paint. But, I have hope one of his guys will do that for me. They don't get paid by the hour, they are all on commission, they get a % of the total cost of the job, so that's could be a problem for me.<br /><br />I might take a few picts for you guys to see, if I can work up the stomach to look at it again.

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Nov 16, 2002