Got in a car accident

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Nov 16, 2002
I drive a '96 Bronco, I'm home this afternoon and my buddy calls and tells me to meet him and someone else at the mall. I have like no gas in my bronco, so I take the '98 Camery, all I can say is thank God that I didn't take the bronco, it would have been a lot worse with the bigger heavier truck. Its was my grandparents car, they just moved to ME full time, and didn't need a 3ed car anymore. It was given to me to either sell or keep and drive as my own. My plan was to sell it, and give the money to time, even though they aren't expecting it.<br /><br />Well, now my plans have kinda changed.<br /> :( I'm coming back from the Mall, with a friend in the car with me, which is against the law for me, because I haven't had my license for 6 months yet. Behind me is another friend, in a Nissan 240RX. We are going down the worst road in town. Its real narrow with two very tight hair pin turns. I get to the second bend at maybe 25 mph, and keep in mine its POURING rain out. I was going to fast for the road and conditions. Just as I started to turn the corner, a early 90's S-10 4 door blazer is coming around the corner. Both her and I weren't really hugging the curb, she too the corner tight, crossing into my lane and I took it wide, crossing into hers a bit. I had no time to react, I skidded right into her, almost head on.<br /><br />After it happened I told the kid in the passenger seat to get the hell out of here, I got in the other kids car and screwed. No one around even noticed it, at hope. I get out of the car and walk up to the Blazer, its full of people. Looks like a middle aged mother driving, grandmother in the passenger seat and two kids in the back, kids where maybe 7-12 years old. They all had seat belts on and where fine. It wasn't a real hard impact, because my hood kinda got stuffed under her bumper. The only damaged to her car was a tweaked bumper, and maybe a cracked headlight or grill. I asked her not to go threw insurance, and let me pay to have it fixed, or better yet fix it myself. She said that its her only car, its old and she has no money for a new one. I think she just needs it running right, and isn't to worried about what it looks like, it wasn't in the best condition to start with. She has to talk to her husband, before she makes any promises, but I talked to her on the phone afterwards and she said something about having her mechanic look at it, and she said it seemed to drive home fine. I know for a fact its only cosmetic to her car, I'm just praying that her husband doesn't stick it to me, because if this goes threw insurance I'm totally #$%^&*& <br /> :eek: :( <br /><br />Well, that's only the half of it!<br />Then you have the Carmey I was driving. Its a mess :( I never shut it off while I was exchanging papers and stuff with her. I saw that white smoke was coming the engine, so I shagged *** home, fast. I was loosing coolent the whole way tome.The temp gauge was all the way up as I pulled it into my driveway. I shut it off and I won’t start since. Their is a TON of damage. Here are the parts it needs: Bumper,bumper support,radiator support,radiator,headlight,headlight housing,hood, fender(maybe), and battery (got punctured and leaked acid all over) <br />The unibody frame thing that goes from fender to fender is in a "V" shape, and will need to somehow be replaced, this is the only thing I can't to myself, I think. That parts alone, assuming I buy new will tap me out, money wise. <br /><br />So, right now I'm sitting home praying this doesn't go threw my insurance company. I pay 2,200 a year right now, with a clean record. ThenI have the problem with fixing her blazer, plus the carmey, because my dad has made it clear that I MUST fix it and sell it for what its worth, no matter what my grandparents say.<br />Worse case for me would be I sell my bronce, and use the money to fix this thing, then I’d fix, and drive the camrey.<br /><br />So, I'm not having a good night :( Wish me luck and thanks for listening.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Got in a car accident

You must have a very effective guardian angel looking after you, Ryan.<br /><br />The scrapes you get into and come out whole and uncharged are really something.<br /><br />The Camry is just stuff. All stuff can be fixed, forgotten or replaced. Same for the S-10.<br /><br />Be grateful nobody was hurt and nobody has to face a judge to explain.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

I have never seen an accident where damage is done that has no police report done come out to the good.<br /><br />There is always that person out there that will try to extract all they can from people and this sounds like you might have found them.<br /><br />"Let me talk to my husband" puts a lightbulb off in my head.<br />Watch your back on this one Ryan.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

And now you'll be a better driver. I went into a ditch in similar I'm MUCH more careful about staying between the lines. Everybody should have at least 1 accident. :) <br /><br />Sounds like you're both at fault...why is her blazer your problem? You'd be having a much worse night if it was your truck. Losing my first truck was worse than the neck pains from the accident. :(


May 15, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

Be a better driver. An realize that by breaking the law by carrying a passenger, letting the passenger (an eyewitness) escape to another vehicle and leave the scene, and offering to fix the vehicle so you don't get in trouble.... are all signs of a problem. Please take a look at what you are doing, it's not a good start to life.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

:) Sorry Ryan, I do not sympathise with you at all!!! You are paying 2,200.00, what's in your past????? Unless you live in Boston your insurance shouldn't be that high unless you have past problems!!! Are you not telling us everything????? <br /><br />i pay 859.00 for my very good coverage with commercial plates!!!! ;) :cool:

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Well, when I talked to her on the phone afterwards (I called her) she didn't sound upset or anything. She said it seemed to drive fine on the way home, and no, she never called the police so no report was never done.<br />She just said something about having her mechanic look at it, I'm hopeing just to assure its driveabilty wasn't affected, which I wasn't. From the empression I got, she could care less about the tweaked bumper. If it where to do threw the insurnance and to court, she might have come explaining to do, being she never called the police, which you are sospose to do after any accident.<br /><br />I actually asked her if she called the police, she said no, I left it at that, I wasn't going to call. She drove away before I did, and some gy came out of his house to tell me that I should drive the car home, and it needs to be towed. Mainley because I had someone in the car earlyer, and I didn't want the police learning that from any witnesses or anything, I didn't stick around, and ingored the guy telling me to have it towed.<br /><br />You guys are right about being luckey or whatever, but I really haven't even been thinking about it, ****, if i was got banged up a little I might actually be getting a little sumpathey around here, but nope, I got some pretty ticked off parents. The Carmey is messed up BAD, I'm not looking forward buying the parts, guess I'll go junkyard hunting tomorow


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

RYan, learn this fast bro, SLOW DOWN IN THE RAIN.<br /><br />I have had three accidents, all of them in the rain.<br /><br />Also, be careful of "off the record" accidents. Maybe secretly record conversations (if thats leagle in Mass).<br /><br />Ken

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Fly Rod,<br />NOTHING in my past, no tickets, or accidents. I'm 16 and I drive a 351 V8 Bronco, thats what it costs


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

RYan, learn this fast bro, SLOW DOWN IN THE RAIN.<br /><br />I have had three accidents, all of them in the rain.<br /><br />Also, be careful of "off the record" accidents. Maybe secretly record conversations (if thats leagle in Mass).<br /><br />Ken

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Also, be careful of "off the record" accidents. Maybe secretly record conversations (if thats leagle in Mass).
:mad: Oh God I hope not. I haven't thought it that, she was pretty nice to me when I called. :confused:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

Also, be aware that you are still a juvenile and technically any agreements that you enter are not binding. You parents are the only ones that can sign for you.<br /><br />Ken


Jun 14, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

What azfyrfyter said.And I think that the other lady is an idiot for not getting your insurance information.Whos to say that you will pay(not saying you wont, but how does she know?)And in missouri, I beleive that you commited a crime by not filing a police report.I dont know bout your state but I bet what you did isnt right.Shame on you.And boo hoo hoo, this might cost you alot of money.SO? You admitted to going to fast, as well as having someone in the car when you shouldnt,and NOW you are afraid of what might happen?Cry me a river kid, welcome to life in the real world.One of these days you will have to grow up and face the music,even when you dont like the song thats being played.Its all part of the responsibility of car ownership.Deal with it.Is this how you are going to handle all the bad things in your life?Try to make deals with people to avoid the consequences?But, I am happy to hear that all involved are ok.<br /><br /><br />end of rant

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

cpj, she does have my insurance info.<br /><br />shes got my hame, licence number, and the name of my insurance company. She could have called the cops too, and i actually asked her if she did, and she said no, so she did the same thing.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Ryan, IMHO there is nothin dishonerable or dishonest about offering to settle outside of insurance. After all you have insurance to pay for things that you are unable to pay for. Suffice it to say, however, you now know why insurance is so high for your age. You are lucky that this incident was not a bigger deal. I hope it's 'the one' you learn from and from reading all your posts I think it will be.<br /><br />As to all this other legal BS, not sure about your state, but most states don't even want to hear about you accident unless there is injury or the damage (to other parties) exceeds a certain dollar value.<br /><br />Keep in touch with the lady and make her whole if she gives you the opportunity. <br /><br />All that being said, shame on you for carting someone else around. If I were your Daddy...well I'll leave that to your imagination.

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Nov 16, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

If I were your Daddy...well I'll leave that to your imagination.
Trust me, you have no idea. My dad doesn't know that I was with someone else and this has to be the madest he's ever been with me, I don't want to know what would happen if he knew the whole story.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Got in a car accident

This all happened because a few weeks ago, you posted that you had never had an accident. You were tempting fate to smash into you. :) <br /><br />Check the state laws. Most states now require you to fill out an accident report, either at the local or state level. You only have a few days, or you are breaking the law. An annonamous call to the local police or a state police office will get you the info you need, and the form needed. If you don't fill out the report, and she does, guess what?, the poop hits the fan.<br /><br />You were extremely lucky. You were doing 25mph, she was doing 20mph? Thats an impact of 45mph. Could have been real bad.<br /><br />OK here is the info, and the form:<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />Here it is in PDF format:<br /><br /> <br /><br />YOU are required to file a report within 5 days, because the damage was over $1000. Failure to file the report may result in license suspension. Failure to file report may also lead to your insurance being dropped. Then good luck getting ANY insurance. <br /><br />Also, failure to notify your ins company of your involvement in an accident could lead to being dropped.<br /><br />File the report.<br /><br />Notify your insurance agent, tell him you are working out a deal with her.<br /><br />Keep the Bronco.<br /><br />Work out a settlement with her, possibly buy her vehicle. You can sell it later. Or pay her a cash amount, get a receipt and a signed release of future damage claims.<br /><br />Fix the Camry when you can, if thats what your dad makes you do.<br /><br />Right now, she has a lot of leverage on you.<br />She can (and legally should) report the accident.<br />SHe can call your ins company and tell them.<br />She can file an injury claim at any time.<br />She can pretty much ask for an outrageous amount of money, or she will start getting you in trouble.<br /><br />If you file the report and notify your ins agent, you take her power away.<br /><br />Good Luck, things will work out better if you follow the correct path.<br /><br /><br />ZmOz, her blazer is his problem because 1- he crossed the center line, and 2- she has power over him now.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Got in a car accident

Originally posted by roscoe:<br />ZmOz, her blazer is his problem because 1- he crossed the center line, and 2- she has power over him now.
He said they both crossed the line. What makes it your fault, Ryan?


May 15, 2004
Re: Got in a car accident

IF she does come back and report is..... SURPRISE, now the car doesn't run, her neck hurts, and grandma's back just isn't the same. Now YOUR insurance refuses to pay because you didn't report it in time.<br /><br />As for fault... we only have 1/2 of the story, and it's a memory from a young driver who was probably distracted by stereo, friend, car following them... who knows what else, and he seems to remember they both crossed the line? Dunno, it seems doubtful. The police will decide, and make a record of the skid marks, etc to determine fault, THEN it can be dealt with... but now the evidence is gone and she can say whatever she wants to and her family and grandma will concur while you will be left standing alone (because your buddy left) holding the proverbial bag.<br /><br />NOT a good position to be in. At worst you could be facing a Large settlement for pain and suffering if they should develop a medical problem, real or not, along with jail time and fines. NOT GOOD.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Got in a car accident

Just remember, obstruction of a cop {lying or filing false statements} is a felony. These charges are being brought against more and more people these days. I'd suck it up and put my tail between my legs and do what's right. You'd be dam lucky if no injuries come out of this. Just remember, try and play games and you'll get burned. If you're insurance co. drops you because of failure to comply with your contract {read the fine print} you're SOL real fast. think 2 grand a year is a lot? Get in the high risk pool and try 5-8 grand a year.<br /><br />If she files an accident report and you don't? Wow, then you're really SOL.<br /><br />Me? I pay $1800 a year for 4 cars. I carry a 17 and 19 year old on my policy but then I have 30 years of driving behind me. Good luck