God bless America I am proud to be american


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Point well taken,RossJ. And I really did know better than to let evil get under my skin like that. In the Navy, they teach you "Not to hate,but to kill". And one must really dwell on that phrase when confronted with anger and true hatered. They have a way of steering us off-goal,making one act from the gut,instead of the brain.


Oct 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Ross J. An applaudabley calm approach considering the flack! Your close to being the most level headed American I have had the pleasure to have had retorted. I am pleased to have logged in this site except for the fact that a few have given rise to the fatal blood presiure routine. For this I appologise.<br />12 Footer take it easy. Who could be as dumb as to not know the strategic sides of NATO during the gulf war. (12 footer nov 28 2001) Common knowledge as broadcast by the BBC an d independent telivision Europe was that Americans killed more British personell in the gulf than Either Iraqis or even Kuwaites.(yes we all know kuwaites were not foe). The telivision showed the technological supioriority of warheads. Just a kinda shame that 5 British tanks were hit ya know? I can sense your gonna get angry with this but let me tell you this. While in Africa I learned of the American personnel that suffered the same fate. Glee I did not harbour. Nor any feeling of self reliance. For amongst a nation of muslims I stood. Did they cheer or did they simply keep there feelings of happiness to themselves until out of NATOS ear? No. Some even couldn't bring themselves to speek. These African muslims want this piece of **** as underground as the rest of us. Its just the methods available is not within the grasp of the developing third world. The whole of Africa applauds us. They just like me, Wish it was done and not sold to network telivision like a kinda freek show.<br />Sad but true.<br />M<br /> :(


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

TO ALL ON THIS "NON-BOATING" forum!!! Stop the B--- S---. You are all being bent by the media, Just pray for peace, be glad you are still here.You have the right (Given to you by a GREAT Country) to speak your mind, but take it to the local taveren. Terrism?? ,I knew a few friend's lost in the 911 attack. Or If you think you can do a "BETTER" job--Run For Office.......

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Just a wee note to say that I'm a Kiwi and proud of it.<br />I write on this forum about topics of interest to myself and have discovered many interesting and exciting contacts. <br />My thoughts are with the USA and her citizens throughout this campaign and I remember my father and his fathers comments about freedom and democracy well.<br />These people fought during the great WW1 & WW11 campaigns. My mothers town was host to American servicemen stationed by Warkworth (north of Auckland) during WW11 and her experiences were all positive. <br /> During my youth our family have hosted USA Air Force personnell in Devonport and have greatly enjoyed the company.<br />Thank you <br />Ross


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Mercy, I am still missing something, or you are. Do you mean that the US forces who launched the weapons that killed thier comrads in arms were targetted???<br />Do you mean that the planes that were driven-into the Pentegon and WTC were NOT targetted?<br />what is up with that little pearl of "wisdom"?<br /><br />And what does that sllly,deranged, morally bakrupt leader of the "sillyban" have to do with the Muslum faith in the end? Regardless of his claims, what the F"<+ is up with that?<br />We know that no true islamic would even THINK of such acts of evil. Unfortuinately, just as the German-American and Jappanese-Americans durring WW-II were rounded-up and shipped to isolated concentration camps here durring wartime, the E Indian-looking people are being profiled at airports. My son, who has German,Italian,Irish genes, looks to all outward appearances like an E Indian, and goes thru hell at the airports.He does so without a whimper,because he knows what he looks like in a mirror.<br />But the fact that he has all these nationalities rolled-up into one man,should tell you smething about what America is.."Give us your tired,your poor,your hungry" yada-yada. And for gawd's sake, drop the stinkin "hyphonated handles",like African-American, Italian American, Japanese-American,and the like!!!!<br />We ARE Americans. We can't help what we look like, but we are proud of our appearances,both individually,and as a country of free people. We still have our skirmishes stateside with things like black vs white, red vs orange, but with the freedom your father and mine fought to protect, we can still say so. You will hear from free people speaking thier minds. You will not even know that the oppressed people in the third world HAVE minds to speak. If they did speak out, they would dissapear in many countries. This is what Enrique Perintell meant when he opened this thread,and he spoke his peace. Viva La America and all it's diversity and freedom. Viva all free men worldwide. Let the concept dominate the planet. As to third world ountries, try it.You'll like it!<br />To all those who would inentionally kill inocent people, may Alla spit on your corpse.<br />For you are an infidell, and not worthy of sleeping with swine. The mutli-national forces will route-out the evil doers, one country at a time. These pig-dogs wlll be erradicated from the world, not just the free world. Then the countries that harbor them will be left to re-thnk thier idiotic decissions of the past,or they too, will die by the terrible swift sword. Free human beings will secure thier governments. America has a long and proud history of leaving the rest of the world allone,untii we are attacked. We do not like our ships,buildings,people bombed. We turn into absolute Imerial Roman Legions when this happens. Hang on, Mercy.This is gonna be one heluva ride. Like a kicked hornet's nest, do not get in the way. Then when victory has been secured, we again,leave them allone.<br />This is one of the things that OSB got his ups in a ball rar over. When the Soviets left his country (his adopted country), so did the Unite States. We had no intentions of imposing freedom on the Afghans. As allways, they were left to make thier wn way in peace and freedom. Old OSB didn't understand this, so he became part of an oppressive regeme out to impose a twisted moral rule out of humans. This approach will never work! It never has.<br />But given a chance, this country would e a tourist's meca,with freedom-loving street vendors and shop owners plying thier wears,girls becomming doctors and scientists.<br />I can assure you, this and a world rid of terrorism in all it's twisted forms,are all the true American wants in the end.<br />So get ready for the American ,German, Italian ect tourist to say,"Hey buddy..How much for that 8x12 rug?" in a formally opressed country.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Hey 12footer, you really went on a roll today.I am a HAWK & always will be, having spent 291/2 years in the NAVY> WE WILL WIN! Just pray for peace."Every day is a Holiday"


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Yea, i kinow i know. This guy just pushes my buttons for some reason. I can't help myself.<br />Nice to see another fellow "Squid" on the forum.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Hello 12footer,<br />for my two cents worth, I think you just upgraded to 24footer. Well said sport, and remember, there's millions of people around the world that are also feeling for the USA at present.<br />Ross


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 11, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Hello Guys<br />when I posted this remark back in sept14 I<br />was in state of shock now that I am feeling <br />better Iwant to thank all that posted thier<br />thougts I love this country and now is time<br />to go on and lets try to help our own people<br />and hope this country gets out of this recession period.now lets all go fishing again,some day we will all go to NYC and pass<br />by trade center and will remember.<br />will always have this site in my heart in time where we needed to vent.Enrique Pimentel<br />from Miami florida. enriquepim@aol.com

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

I've seen the lights at 'ground zero' on TV and although I'll most likely never see them, I was reminded of a quote from our ANZAC prayer, "In the rising and the setting of the sun, we will remember".<br />I believe there has been a Kiwi flag discovered in the rubble and it is to be presented to our Prime Minister when she visits the USA. Thank you, these things are very important, this travesty has included many of the small nations.<br />Ross


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

It is the day after Thanksgiving,2002. I just thought I would revisit this old thread, and see if anything has been added, if anything prophetic took place, and to otherwise re-affirm my resolve.<br />It apppears Mercey may be a tad busy over there...I wonder what happened to his faction?<br />Did he perhaps meet a jolly green giant from Uncle Sam?<br />I also want to give thanks to God for my family, my country, and for progress towards terrorist irrdication.<br /><br />This past year has been very productive. although Benlaidnot is still hiding in a hole, his second-in-command has been arrested.<br />Our forces stand ready overseas on multiple fronts, and the ememy is clearly clueless. All they can do is chew antacid tablets until the inevitable ball drops, probably thinkin stuff like, "If only we knew what areas to evacuate before a strike!" LOL.<br />Mercey (if he still breathes is probably hiding in a smelly hole over there.<br />I breathe free air,enjoy sunlight, and am not afraid.<br />Regardless of what attacks are actually successful here and abroad in the comming year, I spit in the eye of the fanatic muslim pig-dog terrorists.<br /><br />This morning, attacks took place in Africa upon Isreali tourists,and an Isreali airliner was fired-upon by Shoulder-launched Sam,but missed.<br /><br />Now, these operatives have to go back into hiding. Too bad,so sad, too late.<br />Say goodnight, "Mercey", NuN, Phil V.<br />I enjoy freedom and sunlight. I believe God and his son will win thru for our team.<br />Ala must regroup,and his followers must join true Chritianity,or dissapear like Druids.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

12Footer mercey is probaly benlaidnot hiding in a hole using a laptop made in japan powered by a colman generator m,ade in the U.S.A. Being a vet of vietnam i used to get mad at I-O DOTS like him but no more you and i can only hope he will receive one hell-fire missele made in the U.S.A. :eek: :mad: :D


Nov 10, 2002
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

I have been sitting here reading the many post on this subject and several things kept popping into my head.<br /><br />First: I am very proud to live in a country where ideas (right or wrong) can be discussed/argued.<br /><br />Second: I thank the moderator for not locking this one down. I think enough of that is occurring in the Middle East.<br /><br />Third: I am all for kickin' ***, but remember no matter how technologically sanitized our weapons are, someone/something is going to get broken or killed.<br /><br />Last: To err is to be human.<br /><br />My dad used to always joke by saying "Just when I thought I had all the answers, somebody changed the questions."<br /><br />Hope everyone truely had things to be thankful for yesterday. I'm thankful I wasn't a turkey. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Meant2Be, that's what I like about this place also.<br />Good folks, good managment, and it "don't cost nothin"...(I'm so cheap,I squeak when I walk).<br /><br /> :rolleyes:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

I just thought I would get this post a bit closerv to the new contribution from Marcey.<br />I need to keep my perspective here :)