God bless America I am proud to be american


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 4, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Its more than that though Kev, even though a border separates our 2 countries, we felt we were attacked on September 11th in the same way an American living in LA or Miami or St. Louis or Chicago would have felt (none of us could feel the same way New Yorkers felt that day however). The terrorists attacked more than a country, they attacked an ideology and a way of life that Canadians share with the Americans (with the exception of a few mispronounced words like 'aboot' :) ) Most Canadians were upset because Bush didn't mention us in his address. I was honoured because I saw it as him accepting our country as one with his. Now that being said, I'm a proud Canadian who cherishes the uniqueness of our country that makes us who we are (i.e our houses made of ice ;) ), but from an ideological perspective, we're not as much neighbours as we are 'house mates'.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

I was laying in bed,minding my own buisness,and dreaming my dreams. I dreamt of making myself rich. I dreamt of speaking my mind at a council meeting (i have wierd dreams). Then, I dreamt of passing an accident scene,and not even stopping. I was in a hurry, and into myself.<br />All of a sudden, I was aroused by a stinging pain. It turned out to be a bee. As I was rubbing the site of the attack,thinking that I had rolled-over onto this insect,ANOTHER bee stung me! Then another!!! I quickly realised ,in my groggy state, that I was under ATTACK by these insects!!!<br />I shot-up out of my slumber,and found the trusty can of insecticide. At that moment, the niehghbor (hearing the ruckus), knocked on my door,and offered to help in any way he could. He had been stung before, and knew how it fealt.<br />Together, we will clear these INSECTS from our nieghborhood.<br />The sleeping giant has awaken!!!!!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2000
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Without wanting to distract people from the main purpose of this post which is in the title, I'll weigh in as a Canadian and throw my 2 cents in on the way I think most Canadians (and maybe many other people across the world) see this situation.<br /><br />1. I think Canadians feel like we're in this too 100%. It could happen anywhere and it's an attack on our way of life too. From my perspective, it felt like they did it to us as well as to you.<br /><br />2. Having said that, they did it to America not us and so it's up to America to decide how you want to respond and Canada to support you anyway we can. <br /><br />3. We'll support what you want to do within reason and even quite a bit beyond reason in the circumstances, but Kev79's right, its not "our country right or wrong" it's your country so at some point we might disagree with you -- I just haven't seen anything to suggest it's going to happen anytime soon. <br /><br />4. I think most Canadians are a embarrassed that the state of our armed forces limits how much practical help we can give -- but sometimes a country needs a wake up and our government is hearing it loudly right now. <br /><br />5. I think most Canadians would like to see our government more in synch with your president, but our government is a little lost because just before this happened Chretien happened to be clashing with Bush over trade issues and so they weren't exactly good buddies. Also, we've got a a little too left of centre government right now so its not surprising Chretien is out of step with Canadians and the White House as to how to respond to what happened. I see some posts here about Hillary -- think of us being in the same situation government-wise you would be in if this happened with Clinton in the White House. Better yet, think of it as Clinton with Ralph Nader as vice president. Then imagine the congress and the senate both support them on every vote. Now you've got our government right now.<br /><br />Coming back to the purpose of this post, my hopes and prayers are with the friends and families of the victims, and I believe your country will come through this better and stronger than ever.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

By the way, I think that most folks in the US see Canada as the same place. I live in Florida, so I may be speeking outta my ss,..<br />But I allways thought the border was much more open than say the border with Mexico.<br />And when watching TV, there is never any mention of nationality,and you really can't tell if the actors are Canadian or American,unless they say "house" or "around".<br />I work with an American of French/Canadian decent.He had a fit getting sworn-in as an American citezen, but since that day, you best not call him "frenchy" ,(his old CB handle). He'll reel on ya, and tell you "Take off, eh...I am an American! You hoser!!" And he sure is.<br />He proudly displays the flag, and has since I've known him. I don't think there is much of a border up that way. maybee there should be none at all.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 22, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Hi all well all I really have to say is that all canadians are behind the US they are the Brothers and sisters and we beleive it's time to stop all of the bull**** with the middle east and lets get done to buisness...knock em out!!! I know canada seems like a safe haven for all immigrants but lets get our **** together and start doing some background work on these people!!! our prime minister is a prime example that someone handicapped can run a country!!!!!! what a joke eh!!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 22, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

oooooooooooooops sorry didn't mean to put down any one handicapped.....wow like we are all handicapped in one way or another.....but our prime minister is a joke!!!!!!!!! sorry all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 31, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Good morning all, it is now about 00.37 here<br />in Tennessee, and I just finished reaing all<br />the reponses to this post. I too, am a PROUD<br />AMERICAN, 50 years old, borned, raised, and<br />educated here in the USA, and it is in my<br />opinion that it time that we start taking<br />care of our own, instead of every third world<br />country that comes along.<br /><br />Let us look at the facts. First, these counries have been fighting since the beginning of time, and nobody has stopped them yet, are they going to stop now? I seriously doubt it. Secoundly, good ole<br />Uncle Sam sends these countries food, money,<br />and weapons, which are ultamately used to<br />do some type of harm to us. Thirdly, if our<br />countries leaders through the age, would have<br />held onto all the counries that we have saved, or bailed out, instead of giving everything back, and paying to reconstruct it, where would we be now? Not in this position!<br /><br />It is time we AMERICANS woke up, It is time<br />we ask government what they are going to do<br />for us, instead of what we are going to do for them. They seem to have enough money to <br />do for all these other countries.<br /><br />I know that I will catch some flack for what I have written, but the facts are the facts.<br /> WE TAKE CARE OF OTHERS BETTER THAN<br /> WE TAKE CARE OF OR OWN


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 5, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

12footer, I like that analogy, that was great. Well, I was just wondering, and you all definatly answered the question. I am glad to hear that our relations with canada is so well. Sometimes, to stick to the principle, I picture somthing more far fetched. Like would I go fight for Afganistan if the same thing happened to them. Them being so far away, I would say no (especially in light of recent events). But the consensus shows that although we may be a world of neighbors, depending or your perspective a realitivity, the one's that live next door are different.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

I realize I'm rather late in responding to this post, but like most of you...I'm still a bit out of sync...still spending a great deal of my time watching CNN or other news sources.<br /><br />I recently recalled when former President Bush envisioned the US becoming "....a kinder, more gentler nation" and although I welcomed his remarks...lately it's become even more obvious we are not dealing with kind, gentle, or even remotely sane people. <br /><br />Last night I watched a special on flight 93. As you know, this was the only hijacked airliner that did not kill countless people on the ground when it crashed in rural Pennsylvania. This was because a group of passengers and crew decided to make what could be described as the first selfless and heroic stand against terrorism on that horrible day. And so began our fight...<br /><br />Let the nations of the free world stand as one...now and forever...and finish the fight that began on September 11 in the skys over Pennsylvania. Let us have the faith and confidence in our leaders, our military, and ourselves to see this through to the end. <br /><br />My prayers and blessings to all...<br /><br />Walt


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Walter: With regard to your mention of George Bush (the elder) and his "Kinder, Gentler" initiatives, I concur that the world is generally neither kind nor gentle. I recently saw Phil Donohue making the talk-show rounds, ranting until he was red in the face that a military response would only make things worse. He wants to give those poor misunderstood terrorists a big hug and make them mend their ways. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"<br /><br />I like the comment from Don Imus better:<br /><br />"Kill Osama bin Laden".<br /><br />To which some reporterette asked: "But what good will that do?"<br /><br />Imus answered: "I don't know. Let's try it and find out."<br /><br />Yup.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 11, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

next time you see a peace rally pull one of the peace makers aside then ask him <br />A/do you believe in peace and no response,<br />then he will say peace to all no reponse<br />B/ punch him in the face hard when he gets up <br />tell remember you sad no reponse just peace.<br />C then hit him harder then repeat steps A and B <br />D/you see how foolish you are,now lets get payback big time the only shame of it all is<br />that I cant go to fight I am 45.<br />Again as allways god bless America


Chief Petty Officer
May 16, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Hey Mercey,<br />Check out the title of this thread....<br />Backlash


Oct 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

?????????????????????????????????????????? :rolleyes:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Haven't you ever heard of John Wayne, Mercy?<br /><br />GOD BLESS AMERICA!<br />Now, I have to go to the libary,thanks to you.<br />I am 49years old, and was just a twinkle in my soldier-daddy's eye in 1941.<br />But I got a tv set,and watch the History Channel. But being an American Network, I figure I need an unbiased source to answer your funky questions,<br />When i have them, I'll be back to post a genuine response,short of what you call "TABLOIDISM".<br />I can tell you this. Yor post angered me.<br />This is something John Wayne would turn-over in his grave about.


Oct 30, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

12 FOOTER.<br /> Surprised at you not cutting me down as an anti American as this could be easily mis-interperated. I applaude you in your level headed approach. If I were to have angered you, then this feeling we share. I thankyou if you are to read up on these and related events. Education (which I do not deny you of) speaks volumes when in the company of the "un-educated". Should you find this research exaustive, please do request anything you find difficult to obtain. Details on the battle of britain I do hold an extensive library of over 3400 photographs and plates. Naval records contain only 1800 pictures and plates although the transcripts I hold are exaustive. The reason in this decline is hours spent at sea without public admirance virsus the family with the box brownie taking a snap in the rear garden any old battle craft be them friend or foe,(these would be country folk). Airmen also carried photography for obvious reasons and were known to use up film on return from a sortie. This decline also is represented in the quality and amount of ground troop photographs. Keeping light and nimble photographs were mainly taken by the panzers almost trophy like, it reflects in the scenes depicted.Sad. However, some Americans were known to have carried cine photography of which a small amount remained intact. I do not hold this as my belief is that they should remain as a still. I would find original cine almost impossible to obtain regardless.<br />The truth is out there. Its just the map needs reading.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Jeese, Mercy! What are you? An unemployed history teacher? I hope I got these right!<br />Your First question,"1,what DID Eisenhower say this? I took it as "WHEN DID Eisenhower say this?" The answer is never. He said (and I qoute him,"Hitler should be aware of an aroused democracy". He said it December 11, 1941,the day (your question#3)Hitler declared war on America.<br />Your question 2, the aroused democracy was he U.S. (US).<br />Your question#4, Four years. The United States declared neutrality. Sept3,1939.<br />Your question#5, The soviet Union asked for assistance when they were still allied with NAZI GERMANY. I would've flatly refused too.<br />However, it should be noted, that the United States did assist ,and offered as early as december 22,1941...11 days after Hitler's declarationof war.<br />The Enigma...The polls did..They decoded the first cypher rotors.This is the genius who did it. His Name was Mariam Rejewski:<br /> http://home.us.net/~encore/Enigma/Images/Rejewski.GIF <br /><br />Further info....1940,February 12.....<br /> British seize two of the three unknown rotors used in the naval Enigma from a crew member of the U-33 captured after the submarine was sunk by Minesweeper HMS Gleaner in Scotland's Firth of Clyde<br />Further info..........So you like to read..Read this. It's Hitler Declaration of War. You will gain much insight.I urge you to learn what your family and mine faced back then.<br />site;<br /> http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1941/411211b.html <br /><br />Mercy, after carefull research, I feel confident enough to answer your questions.<br />I appologise for the unorthodox way I fealt it had to be done.<br /><br />NOW THEN.....<br />WW1 and WW2 were so named because they were fought globally, by Internationally allied forces. It was fought and commanded by generals. These generals attempted to keep<br />in contact with thier allied counterparts ,and associated governments,and made discissions on the fly.<br /><br />The Korean War was fought by polititions, who literally FIRED thier chief general in the field. All he wanted to do was WIN this thing,and bring his forces home. But it was not to be. It ended in a stalemate.<br /><br />Vietnam was fought by polititians, who had us go in after the french had thier fill. Generals were forced to fight according to direct command from Washington.After our forces were held-back to the point of being a police force, and the body bags from this incompetance and delayed discission-making came home to an angry public. It wasn't easy, even for the pacifists.<br /><br />The Gulf War was fought by a global alliance (the U.N.), with America as the spearhead force. Again, generals in the field were given the riegns in it's execution. Only when we drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait,and were blowing away the retreating armies,did our government pull the plug...To avoid such attrocities. Even though we had victory,we have to face it's instigator again.<br /><br />Bosnia...A genuine cluster-f**k, was a well-intentioned effort to stop the ethnic cleansing taking place. It was meant to be a police force from the word go. There were members of the Americn media on shore, showing the landing craft of the "envasion"...Dangest thing I ever saw!<br /><br />Now a few questions for you..<br /><br />1: What do all the victorious conflicts have in common?<br /><br />2: What do the qaugmires have in common?<br /><br />3: How many British buisness persons and tourists were killed on September 11?<br /><br />4: What makes this one different from all the conflicts listed above?<br /><br />Number 4 is a biggie,Mercy. It is set-appart from the others by many things ,but I'll answer one thing that seperates it. Our sacred soil and American civilians were killed because they were in a center of American-baased capitalism,run by kris tians (spelled so it wouldn't be "starred-out" by the robotic sensor here on iboats).<br />As the bombing of London cemented your nation with resolve , the Aqueda cinched our resolve. Our president said " This is a war to end terrorism. ---- It will not end until the evil doers are elliminated". I fully expect that when the Taliban are backed-into a corner, the Northern Alliance forces will crush them utterly. There will be none left standing, and extreme prejiduce will give light to true attrocities. The United States Armed forces may decide to have a hand in this too.It will not end with aqueda. It won't be over soon,and our allies will evaporate as incursions are made elsewhere. This is to expected. But we will not stop. And as President Bush said, "You are iether with us, or you are against us". Mercy, be carefull with whom you side with. You are iether for us or against us. NOW, I answered your questions. You should answer mine!<br />GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.<br />


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

Well, I wasn't expecting that. My anger has deminished a little. Missunderstandings I guess. I'm just an average American who's soul was wrenched from his body September 11.<br />I'm not a weak-souled man,having survived a father who had been there, done that. He instilled in me at the buckle-end of a belt what the proper way to fold the American flag was. I did not weep then. In boot Camp, I did not weep after the 25miles,and the pain that put me in the infirmary. But I wept at the sight of the towers falling...Openly.<br />Watching the History Channel made me weep too, on occasions..Such as the TRUE story of the "Bridge Over The River,Quay". Movies have a sinister way of distorting the truth.<br />"There will be wars and rumours of wars", Nostrodamus wrote.<br />But this has changed what America was forever. Now, we must preserve what we can of our freedoms and Constitution.<br />If you would like to take this debate to Email, I'm sure Admin5 would not mind. He takes pride in how this site is friendly,and flames are rare.<br />I kinda like it like that too. so,feel free to Email me anytime. I look forward to further corispondence if you desire it.<br /><br />


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: God bless America I am proud to be american

To 12Footer: BRAVO!!! A superb bit of research and objective response.<br /><br />To Mercey: You sniveling whiner!! Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (the greatest English speaking person of the 20th, or any other century) would have been ashamed of you! How many BILLIONS (2001 dollars, to keep perspective) of dollars were "LENT" to the UK by USA and NEVER repaid?? Do you remember "lend lease"? How many American seamen drowned when "not at war" bringing you the supplies you had to have to survive?<br /><br />The UK is our friend and ally. You are an embarrassment to us both.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . <br />JB :)