Re: God bless America I am proud to be american
Jeese, Mercy! What are you? An unemployed history teacher? I hope I got these right!<br />Your First question,"1,what DID Eisenhower say this? I took it as "WHEN DID Eisenhower say this?" The answer is never. He said (and I qoute him,"Hitler should be aware of an aroused democracy". He said it December 11, 1941,the day (your question#3)Hitler declared war on America.<br />Your question 2, the aroused democracy was he U.S. (US).<br />Your question#4, Four years. The United States declared neutrality. Sept3,1939.<br />Your question#5, The soviet Union asked for assistance when they were still allied with NAZI GERMANY. I would've flatly refused too.<br />However, it should be noted, that the United States did assist ,and offered as early as december 22,1941...11 days after Hitler's declarationof war.<br />The Enigma...The polls did..They decoded the first cypher rotors.This is the genius who did it. His Name was Mariam Rejewski:<br /> <br /><br />Further info....1940,February 12.....<br /> British seize two of the three unknown rotors used in the naval Enigma from a crew member of the U-33 captured after the submarine was sunk by Minesweeper HMS Gleaner in Scotland's Firth of Clyde<br />Further info..........So you like to read..Read this. It's Hitler Declaration of War. You will gain much insight.I urge you to learn what your family and mine faced back then.<br />site;<br /> <br /><br />Mercy, after carefull research, I feel confident enough to answer your questions.<br />I appologise for the unorthodox way I fealt it had to be done.<br /><br />NOW THEN.....<br />WW1 and WW2 were so named because they were fought globally, by Internationally allied forces. It was fought and commanded by generals. These generals attempted to keep<br />in contact with thier allied counterparts ,and associated governments,and made discissions on the fly.<br /><br />The Korean War was fought by polititions, who literally FIRED thier chief general in the field. All he wanted to do was WIN this thing,and bring his forces home. But it was not to be. It ended in a stalemate.<br /><br />Vietnam was fought by polititians, who had us go in after the french had thier fill. Generals were forced to fight according to direct command from Washington.After our forces were held-back to the point of being a police force, and the body bags from this incompetance and delayed discission-making came home to an angry public. It wasn't easy, even for the pacifists.<br /><br />The Gulf War was fought by a global alliance (the U.N.), with America as the spearhead force. Again, generals in the field were given the riegns in it's execution. Only when we drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait,and were blowing away the retreating armies,did our government pull the plug...To avoid such attrocities. Even though we had victory,we have to face it's instigator again.<br /><br />Bosnia...A genuine cluster-f**k, was a well-intentioned effort to stop the ethnic cleansing taking place. It was meant to be a police force from the word go. There were members of the Americn media on shore, showing the landing craft of the "envasion"...Dangest thing I ever saw!<br /><br />Now a few questions for you..<br /><br />1: What do all the victorious conflicts have in common?<br /><br />2: What do the qaugmires have in common?<br /><br />3: How many British buisness persons and tourists were killed on September 11?<br /><br />4: What makes this one different from all the conflicts listed above?<br /><br />Number 4 is a biggie,Mercy. It is set-appart from the others by many things ,but I'll answer one thing that seperates it. Our sacred soil and American civilians were killed because they were in a center of American-baased capitalism,run by kris tians (spelled so it wouldn't be "starred-out" by the robotic sensor here on iboats).<br />As the bombing of London cemented your nation with resolve , the Aqueda cinched our resolve. Our president said " This is a war to end terrorism. ---- It will not end until the evil doers are elliminated". I fully expect that when the Taliban are backed-into a corner, the Northern Alliance forces will crush them utterly. There will be none left standing, and extreme prejiduce will give light to true attrocities. The United States Armed forces may decide to have a hand in this too.It will not end with aqueda. It won't be over soon,and our allies will evaporate as incursions are made elsewhere. This is to expected. But we will not stop. And as President Bush said, "You are iether with us, or you are against us". Mercy, be carefull with whom you side with. You are iether for us or against us. NOW, I answered your questions. You should answer mine!<br />GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.<br />