Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

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Jan 21, 2005
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Whats the old saying bass gas or grass... nobody rides for free.... Maybee she was planning on payment in a less traditional fashon.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

But if I don't bring her who's going to cook???? :D


Oct 23, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

As my late wife used to say, they make medication for that!:eek:

Mr. Ross

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 18, 2006
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Wow, I can't read all that but you would make a great lawyer. Back to the question though, yes, had someone invite themselves on my other boat, which had a real nice enclosed head. Was heading out with all the ladies, me being the nice guy that I am, first thing she did was take a huge dump in the pot and plug it up.

She was a fatty so I guess that was the days normal intake but she should have gone at the marina (or the zoo) before we cast off. No more friends of friends and especially her!


Aug 31, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Try keeping a cinderblock and length of chain on board. Tell her it's a Soprano swim toy and you bet she can't swim as far out with it as you've done with a blue moon in your eye!!..... :cool:


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I have a DO-INVITE and my judgement got the better of me over 4th of July. 2 22yr old girls wanted to come on my boat (i'm 29). I say sure you can come out tomorrow when the weather is nice. I fed these girls some liquor and watched there true colors (and body parts) shine. After witnessing there upstanding mannerisms and actions...I came to the conclusion my girlfriend would never want to meet these young ladies.

One of them left her "stripper sandals" on the roof after a night of boozin, and fornicating (yes on a ROOF). She went to retrieve her sandals (using the truck as a ladder), jumped at the roof, slipped, ripped the gutter down and put a massive ***-print in the windshield of the truck.

I DO have pics, but they are definitely R-rated. PM me if interested (I don't mind sharing the love).

Someone mentioned "people think boating=getting drunk on a boat" I used to think this...alcohol is to blame for me becoming a boater. I quit drinking 5 months ago, got bored, bought a boat and now am LOVING a sober life as a boater!
Post the pics! R is fine, it's the x rated that they have problems with!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Sounds like you attract the wackos, sorry about that. Having been in the business many years myself, in upscale, classy places, I know MORE well balanced barmaids(normal women hate that term BTW) than psycho ones like you've worked with apparently.

I've been told that I attract the crazies before.

Most of the places I worked were college type beach and water front clubs. Spring break type antics were pretty much the norm, from the customers and sometimes the staff.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Crackedglass, I just read your story & the only thing I could think of was: This would be a great post if it had pictures:eek:! I carry one of those throw away waterproof camera's just in case something like that happens or in the event Loch ness shows up.:D

I do carry a camera, everywhere I go, I do have pics, but I sure can't put them on here if you know what I mean.
A camera is often the catalyst for wild behavior. It was my old lady at the time that had the issue with the camera and me taking pics. But in the end, it was pictures that finally made her go away quietly.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 5, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Post the pics! R is fine, it's the x rated that they have problems with!

I don't know about you, but the good pics are the one's the girlfriend always seems to fine and erase, right before the temper tantrum over me taking them.

One of the many comments I got one day after a former girlfriend realized that half of the pics and video I took were of her much younger coworker she had invited along was "Do you think she look better than me?!"

I soon realized that "Well, she's a lot younger" wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I do definitely have a DO NOT INVITE list, but thankfully do not yet have a DO NOT INVITE [AGAIN] list.:p My boat is a 4-seater so I can be very selective as to who I bring along!


Master Chief Petty Officer
May 29, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

and the crazy thing is shes been out with us before and she was a blast to have out. But this time, I dont know wtf was her problem.

So Please, Share what you would have done? Have you had anything like this? Share away!

I know I'm late to the thread but the OP's two original posts make me think the girl was on coke.

bartender and been out in the past and never like this.

now she's hyper as hell, cant sit still, cant stay quiet, and is impulsive as hell. yep, coke.
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