Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

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Seaman Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Tough outing!

Needed venting. Good replies. Good luck. Good cocktail party picture.

It all happens and unfortunately all on the same trip for you. Probably should not be on your boating list.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

So he took all your fish? How many fish did you all bring back that day? Who caught them?

We each pulled in about 6-7. When he left me with 4, I was a little PO'd. I did catch up with him a couple weeks later, after I had cooled off. I explained the whole thing and how these fishing trips are supposed to work. He said since I invited him, it should be on my dime.

We don't talk much anymore...

On a separate note, the wife and I have decided on a plan for future outings. If we're going anyway, you're welcome to come along. You have to bring your own provisions. No gas money needed, since we had planned on it anyway.

If the boat trip is your idea, pony up for fuel. I get 1 mile per gallon, gas is $3.25 at the marina, and the tank is 300 gallons. You do the math.

If you show your ***** (figuratively, and sometimes literally), it might be your last trip depending on circumstances. If it's all adults and you want to be a little foolish, then it's all in good fun. If the kids are there, then you get sent to time out.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 11, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

If there is a next time, make her ride in a tube about 50-100 ft out behind you. :)


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 10, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I do a lot of sidework for boat owners. I make good money, and save them a LOT of money! Almost inevitably, they ask me to come fishing with them, no charge, they'll provide everything. I offer, but they stand their ground. And they may drink, I wait 'til I get home.

I like the way that works...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 6, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List? i take (the soda) from her like a damn child and throw it out....

I am SO right there with you on that. Sounds like a B movie, just a walking accident waiting to happen.

On YOUR boat.

Whatever you gotta do, it's all about having fun, and from the sounds of "Erin", I'd prefer a trip to the dentist.

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

My list is very easy to compile. It consists solely of people who did not provide me a meal when I took them boating all day.

Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

John, I'll still take Erin on my boat if she's cute !!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I have a tee shirt that say on one side, "I'm the Captain". On the other side it says, "The captain is always right" It's your boat;- you're the captain!! If she's not behaving, make her walk the plank.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Seabob4 has it right. Good courtesy = good fun, no stress and continued friendship.

I do think the primary in this thread had a different beast altogether with one character who does not spend much time around boaters or water recreation.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Sounds to me like 'Erin' needs to be signed into rehab for a bit.

I had one onboard a few years ago, only it wasn't me but the old lady at the time that invited her. It was all OK till she stripped and tossed every stitch of clothing overboard, the old lady went ballistic, we were all laughing till we had to try and get an under the influence stripper back onboard. I at first left it to the old lady to get her back onboard, but when that didn't work, it was up to me. Somehow my old lady didn't feel I was gentlemanly enough and that started a whole new issue. You try getting a screaming, naked, half crazed drunk woman back onto the boat that don't even realize she's drowning. Then only to have her jump right back overboard because she can't find something she forgot in some article of clothing that's now long gone. We ended up having to put those floaty things on her arms like a little kid so she didn't drown in one of the many overboard attempts. There were several beach towels onboard, every one we put on her, she tossed overboard while screaming every sort of profanity you can imagine at passing boaters. Somehow the old lady made it all my fault, one of my comments was that if she didn't want me to look she shouldn't have brought someone onboard that looked better then herself. That comment certainly didn't help much.

Me and one buddy ended up finishing the day with his girlfriend, him, and one passed out half naked chick that didn't come too for several hours. I dropped my old lady off at a nearby dock at her request soon after the last reboarding attempt. -- She became the one that I'd never invite out on the boat again, the psycho chick turned out to be alright once she sobered up. When I returned to the dock at the end of the day I found my truck with four flat tires and no side window with a nasty note attached. The psycho chick sort of did me a favor I guess. I never saw the ex again, probably the best thing too. The psycho chick turned out to be under the influence of several controlled substances, but a stint in rehab straightened her out for good, but she wasn't any fun after that.
I soon came to the conclusion that the stripper/barmaid type didn't make good girlfriends, at least not for more than a few days.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

The story seem to start out OK until the old lady issues. I am assuming old lady was only girlfriend and sorry about having to deal with the vehicles issues. I am sure you only handled the nakedness as best as you could and unfortunate everything else went south. Hope tow vehicle was not too much trouble to get back on the road.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

The old lady was a girlfriend of the time that I had lived with for a few years at that point, the truck was an easy but expensive fix, four new tires, a new window, and a new glove box door. The best thing she did was stay far away after that. Her things were in the trash pile two days later. For spite, I moved the psycho chick in. It was fun for a short bit but got old fast. At least that one didn't complain about how I spent my money. She had no license, (she had lost that long before), so she didn't drive my truck, never even asked, he dad had money, so she never asked for cash, and she had a job that paid well.
It was the whole getting drunk and naked in public thing that I couldn't deal with.
Besides, she sort of set me up with a friend one night, she too got all upset when that went further than she planned. (They worked opposite schedules).

All of this was a good number of years ago now, I've got no clue where any of them are today, nor do I really care. The OP's post just really reminded me of it all and that type of person. They sure can be fun, at least until you get older and get tired of all the partying and running around.

The whole story sounded to me like a clash of lifestyles or age groups.
For me, it seems that the 'married and settled down' bunch and those still 'single and free' don't have a lot in common anymore, regardless of age. Any attempt to mix the two groups always ends in disaster. Besides, I have no tolerance of drug use, I don't much care about someone who has a few drinks or enjoys a few beers, but drug use is a whole different game and again, a complete different mentality that again don't mix in most cases.

I have to say I sure wasn't complaining too loud when she stripped, it was the standing on the bow and screaming to other boaters and those on shore that got me mad. I'd have figured one of the two other woman on board would have shut her up but neither said a word. I was just glad the lake patrol didn't see or hear her that day.
For the record, she never acted that way again, at least never when it was just me and her. It was my soon to be ex girlfriend that became the problem soon after. (Keep in mind that she was the one that asked the psycho chick to come with us, I was against it till she showed up dressed like a cocktail waitress with a bikini in hand). I think the girlfriend was trying some sort of test thing, but I failed it. The part I didn't get is why she got so upset afterward, it was her 'friend' that caused the problems that day.

Just one question to the OP, was 'Erin' at least easy on the eyes?


Apr 30, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

John, I'll still take Erin on my boat if she's cute !!

Sounds to me like 'Erin' needs to be signed into rehab for a bit.

I had one onboard a few years ago, only it wasn't me but the old lady at the time that invited her. It was all OK till she stripped and tossed every stitch of clothing overboard, the old lady went ballistic, we were all laughing till we had to try and get an under the influence stripper back onboard. I at first left it to the old lady to get her back onboard, but when that didn't work, it was up to me. Somehow my old lady didn't feel I was gentlemanly enough and that started a whole new issue. You try getting a screaming, naked, half crazed drunk woman back onto the boat that don't even realize she's drowning. Then only to have her jump right back overboard because she can't find something she forgot in some article of clothing that's now long gone. We ended up having to put those floaty things on her arms like a little kid so she didn't drown in one of the many overboard attempts. There were several beach towels onboard, every one we put on her, she tossed overboard while screaming every sort of profanity you can imagine at passing boaters. Somehow the old lady made it all my fault, one of my comments was that if she didn't want me to look she shouldn't have brought someone onboard that looked better then herself. That comment certainly didn't help much.

Me and one buddy ended up finishing the day with his girlfriend, him, and one passed out half naked chick that didn't come too for several hours. I dropped my old lady off at a nearby dock at her request soon after the last reboarding attempt. -- She became the one that I'd never invite out on the boat again, the psycho chick turned out to be alright once she sobered up. When I returned to the dock at the end of the day I found my truck with four flat tires and no side window with a nasty note attached. The psycho chick sort of did me a favor I guess. I never saw the ex again, probably the best thing too. The psycho chick turned out to be under the influence of several controlled substances, but a stint in rehab straightened her out for good, but she wasn't any fun after that.
I soon came to the conclusion that the stripper/barmaid type didn't make good girlfriends, at least not for more than a few days.

Ive dated a stripper. she was a blast.... wish i had my boat then! lol


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Strippers and barmaids(better call them bartenders if you know what's good for you) shouldn't be classified the same at all.

I lived with a stripper on and off for 4 years when I was younger. Drugs and craziness where the norm. She was awesome to look at and awesome in the sack but a drama Llama otherwise.

There are MANY women who bartend who are normal, and great people. My wife and I where both servers and bartenders when we met. My wife is the most well balanced female I've ever met.


Mar 10, 2006
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

One of my favorite sayings about "beautiful women"...

"No matter how good she looks to you, somewhere, some guy is tired of putting up with her sh**...

Words to live by.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Boating can make a difficult person even more difficult. You are in close quarters, no way to "walk outside for some fresh air and calm down", an element of danger from the water, motor, and perhaps current, tides, dams, storms, critters, etc. (which the problem people seldom appreciate), more work on the "host" than simply having someone over to the back yard--work, responsibility and expense. You don't have a lot of flexibility to change activities if the trip isn't going well and you are stuck with the weather. You are burning one of the limited days to go boating, so there's some resentment if they are even a slight PITA. Many non-boaters assume boat=place to get drunk. We boaters know it's not.

For that reason you have to be circumspect about who goes along. And you may have your friends and family under control, but if they bring an "unsuitable" passenger, it all goes to pot. I have worried about this a lot when my children, who are boaters, take friends out. Things can easily get out of hand for them, through no fault of their own.

Similarly, people sometimes say to me stuff like, so-and-so's nephew wants to learn how to duck hunt; why don't you take him? I say, well, for starters, would you choose to spend your few vacation days in a small car for 7 hours with a total stranger? Because that's how it is, sitting in a duck blind. The risk of being "stuck" on a boat can be the same.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 30, 2005
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

We invited some friends out on the boat last year and my friends wife wore a tiny tiny bikini. I honestly didn't know she had store bought 'hooters' and she was proudly displaying them. I did my best, honestly not to look, but geeezzz she looked nice. I have a high maintenance EXTREMELY jealous wife and she told me after our outing she didn't like her wearing that on our boat. I just smiled and made something up to break the ice and said something like "yuh she was a little all about me huh?"

Needless to say they won't be invited again. Damn!!
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