Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

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Apr 30, 2010
Wondering if anyone else has had people on their boat, that after the "experience" you had, you will never have them back on again.

I DJ on Fridays, and we took a bartender down with us to the lake on saturday while we went out with friends.

So she was going to meet us down there, and we would meet up with her since she has friends on the lake down there but then she ends up riding with us down there, which is cool because she lives about 20 mins from my house and the lake is 2 hours away.

So she comes over, and Talks NON-STOP the whole ride to the lake. I would turn the music up and then she would talk louder...

So lets fast forward 2 hours....

We get to the lake and meet the group of people we were going out on the boat with, get the boat all ready and we load up. We cruise out to our swim spot, drop anchor. We all grab some noodles and hop in the water. Well "Erin" had brought one of those big inflatable kickballs from the grocery store. So she throws it out in the water and then grabs the noodle to jump in.

Well in the course of 5 seconds the water has pulled the ball a good 30 feet from the boat. So she jumps in and starts swimming after it. Eventually she is about a good 100-150 yards from the boat and Im yelling at her to come back, we will go and get the stupid ball with the boat. so she starts to swim back and a guy on a jetski comes over to grab the ball for her. Well "Erin" starts yelling at him "thats my ball, dont take it" well the nice guy on the jetski was like "F* you" and throws it the other way... so now this damn ball is on the other side of the cove and a kid who is playing on the shore picks it up and takes it.

So she swims back over and hangs out... still talking non-stop. At this point, im regretting ever asking her to come out with us, b/c the group of people who met us at the marina are a real fun group to hang out with.

So while we are still that the swim spot, she is constantly asking it we want to go to her friends house on the water and cook out and play games and such. Im like dude, its 100+ outside, the LAST thing i want to do it cook out on a grill or play games off the water.

So for the next 45 minutes, I get asked over and over if we want to go there, or meet up with them or this or that.... I mean I go to the lake, without plans. If we get hungry we go to the lake bar, if we feel like swimming we swim, I don't want plans that in a hour we are going here and then 2 hours we are doing this.

Well the group we are with are getting annoyed (BTW our group is riding with us as well on the boat)

So finally I'm like ok, imma drop you off at the dock of your friends house, you all can do whatever it is you want to do in this 100+ temp, and we will come get you later.

So we drop her off at the dock. At this point, im getting pretty irritated, and im wishing I never brought her, but shes off my boat. and its someone elses turn to watch her.

So we get up to this dock and she gets off, and we start to pull away and she starts yelling "My redbull is in the cooler" so being more pissed now I take her redbull and chuck it to the shore. As her friend she is with now on the dock thinks it be cute to push her into the water (Cellphone in pocket).

Now the "Oh thank god she is gone" is coming from everyone on board. So we all cruise over to the bar & grill on the lake. We sit down and order food and drinks. At this point im still pissed/embarrassed. But everyone else is having a good time so I start to loosen up and relax again.

45-60 min go by and we are all laughing having a good time. Im starting to finally unwind and relax....and then "Erin" and her friends show up.

They come over, Erin just helps herself to my steamed shrimp. and our party of 5 has turned into a party of 8. She then tells us how she got off work for the night and we all should stay the night at her friends house. And we are all like no, we didn't bring anything for overnight and use every excuse in the book. And again for the next 30 mins she keeps trying to get us to stay the night. Im like look, you are more than welcome to keep your car at my house and you can stay the night if you want to soo bad, and come get your car tmw. but Im not staying nor is my g/f wanting to either.

So she decides she is going to stay at her friends house, but her bag and stuff is in our SUV at the marina. So I'm thinking great, here is my golden opportunity for me to get rid of her for good today. I'm thinking that all i have to do is run her to the marina via boat, she can get all her ****. The group we are with can run to the store in their car and grab sunscreen, water, ect. and by the time they get back i would have ran her back to her friends house and finally get that cancer away from me.

Sounds like a plan right?

So we pay our tab. and walk down the steps to go to the dock to get in our boat. well "Erin" is no where to be found. Well come to find out "Erin" went to the RR and found some girl who drank to much puking her *** off. So she wants to stay and help this chick. At this point I'm about to lose it. Im telling her, leave her, let her table know that she is sick and its their problem. I dont need any other problems to deal with.

So Erin finally come down to the dock and start realizing that the dock is hot and she didn't have had her shoes on and is jumping around and then leans on someone else's boat and falls right back into the boat. Cigarette in hand along with some drink (That i don't know where she got). So now she is laying in someone else's pontoon yelling im stuck, help me. So my girlfriend who has had enough of her now, grabs her cigarette puts it out, and takes her drink and literally drags her out of this other persons boat.

We get her into our boat, and put her in the back, told her she is to sit here, not to say a damn word, not to move. NOTHING! Now im pissed. because we go to this play EVERY weekend. Everyone knows us, and its embarrassing.

So the whole ride back to the marina she is asking us to stay over and hang out with them. And not to be mad at her b/c she fell.

So we got back to the marina and tied up the boat. Our friends were going to run out to the store and "Erin" was going up to our car to get her stuff. We got her back on the boat so now its just my g/f, "Erin" and myself on the boat the plan was to ride out on the lake and drop her off at her friend's house. We get about half way there and all the sudden I look down at my gauges and now of them are working and all of them were maxed out and I'm thinking something is wrong.

It being 100+ outside I'm not sure if we were over heating or not, but figured it would be safe just to turn the boat off and figure things out. So we are just drifting in the middle of the lake, I open up the lid to the motor to try and cool the motor off. I went to my fuse box to see if anything in there was messed up. At that point I couldn't see anything wrong.

This nice guy stopped by on a boat and asked if we were okay and needed a tow back to the marina. So we have this guy tow us back figuring it would be better to be back on land then drifting in the middle of the lake. The entire ride back "Erin" is sitting in the front of the boat putting make-up and complaining about everything and asking every second what is wrong with the boat and what are we doing. We don't know what's wrong but we want to get back to the marina and try and re-group. During the ride she is sitting on the bow, and a wake hits us and she falls on the floor, and just lays there telling us she is ok. spilling her drink all over the place.

We get towed back and our friends are on the dock and try and come out and help us get tied up. The entire time we are trying to get our boat tied up and "Erin" is calling over to the boat that just towed us in and yelling at them wait wait can you give me a lift up the lake to my friends house. At this point we start yelling at her like don't even ask that of them its not good enough they just towed us back into the marina.

We get tied up and now "erin" is looking for her carkeys b/c they are missing. As she is looking for her car keys, she comes to the realization that she needs to use the restroom.....

.....To be continued.


Apr 30, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Ok part two... here we go!

So Erin decides she needs to use the RR. So the way our marina is setup the RR's are on top of the hill (150 yards away) so you have to walk. Well she is convinced that their are restrooms in the shore store by the docks that she can use. We tell her their aren't we have been coming to this marina for years. but she doesn't care, she wants to find out for her self. so she leaves all her crap on the dock and goes to the shore store, comes out 10 seconds later after they told her she has to go to the ones on the hill. She comes out and we are telling her she needs her shoes, b/c the blacktop is gonna be like an oven (it was in the 105's all day) so she doesn't listen, she starts walking... well after the genius figures out the pavement is hot, she turns around... and.... WALKS INTO THE LAUNCH RAMP AND PEES!!!!!!! Now our ramp it HUGE it will do 6 boats at a time. SHE DOES THIS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! WHILE BOATS ARE LAUNCHING and LOADING!!!!!! and then proceeds to swim around in the ramp. At this point. I seriously just wanted to drown her.

She gets out of the water and starts to get her bags and such and goes to the SUV to look for her keys.

Now you know when you first buy a new car, you tend to be more anal about it? Well we just bought our SUV. so she tries to get in it while wet, and i wouldn't let her in, so she then puts her bags on the hood to look for her keys, so i'm cussing her at this point to take her **** somewhere else. so she puts it on somebody else's hood, now i'm yelling at her for this. Finally I told her to call a cab and find her own way where ever she wanted to go.

Now all she is doing it making more of a scene, so i tell her to dry off, get her *** in the vehicle and i will drop her off at her friends house and im leaving her, I dont care if its the wrong house, wrong street, wrong state. I dont care anymore. I want this problem gone.

Well she wants to look in the boat again for her keys, so off to the boat she goes, I told her to not step onto the boat again. keep off the dock, keep off my boat. because if she falls and goes in between the boat and dock and drowns i'm responsible. So i go into the boat and look for her keys for her one more time so she will shut up about it.

So we get her in the truck, and she FINDS HER KEYS! Now she doesn't want to goto her friends house, she just wants us to take her back to our place to get her car. Im thinking to myself There is no way in hell i'm sitting through a 2 hour ride home with her after all this.

So we back the trailer down to the water and load the boat up. Get it out of the water and we go about unloading it and such, and calling it a day because i can't stand it, our trip was ruined. no one had fun, she whined and complained the whole time. Im embarrassed.

I told her she has two options. To GTFO out our truck and call a cab or i'll have the local LEO help her out. Either way, i'm not budging on making that ride home with her. and she's giving me the "but my car is at your house, why wouldn't i ride home with you." So my other half gives in and tells her if she shuts up and sleeps the whole ride home she can ride back with us... and poor tracy (my g/f) gets out of the car out of frustration to say goodbye to our friends who came out with us...

And "erin" tells me, why is she mad? why would i want to go to sleep? Im not even tired?

I'm just beyond pissed I tell her she really just doesn't know when to stay quiet.

So we are getting ready to finally leave the marina and she opens up a Dr. Pepper, now she has spilt drinks all over the boat all day, i'll be damned if she is going to spill a dark soda in our new truck. so i take it from her like a damn child and throw it out....

Now we are proceeding to leave our marina and she finds her subway sub that has been setting out in the truck in 100+ temp and proceeds to open it up to eat it. I tell her to toss it out... she doesnt, she shoves it all in her mouth. But at this point im thinking atleast she wont talk to 30 seconds.

She finally passes out on the ride home... we get home 2-3 hours later, and she leaves... FINALLY

But there is no way in hell she will ever be taken back out with us. and the crazy thing is shes been out with us before and she was a blast to have out. But this time, I dont know wtf was her problem.

So Please, Share what you would have done? Have you had anything like this? Share away!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 10, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Read your post over on BOC...effin scary! Good thing you DON't drink!

Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Dude you type too much.!!! :D. I got tired from reading all that. :eek:

Is she cute ??. ;). Send her over here and your problems are solved. :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 29, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

So, Erin talks a lot, eh?
I'll look for the cliff notes version tomorrow.:eek:

The Famous Grouse

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

So, Erin talks a lot, eh?
I'll look for the cliff notes version tomorrow.:eek:

I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I'd have dropped Airhead off about 100 yards from her friends dock. With a life jacket, of course. . .



Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

So what was wrong with the boat?....LOL erin sucks


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I just have to ask...............

How was the next trip out with Erin :eek::D


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Sounds like she needs to meet my friend "adam" look at my "drunk guy doesn't get it" post ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 13, 2007
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Make a fool out of me once, shame on you...

I can relate- have friend on my crew at work who overheard us talking last summer about going fishing. He's a big guy, 6'1" and 275, could pull arms and legs off people for fun if he wanted. We say okay, give him the time to meet at my place and we'll go. He isn't on time, calls and wants us to pick him up at his place. No big deal, we do so. He isn't ready, so we have to help him get all his crap together. Loading it into my boat, he hops over the door from the ski platform to the deck, and cracks the lid on a storage locker with his big feet and body weight.

We get to the lake for a two day fish-fun trip, and the fishing is pretty poor this time. It's obviously my fault, and he's moody about it. We go to do some swimming and cliff jumping (Lake Powell, Utah) because it's upper 90's and hot. He won't get in the water, yet complains about being uncomfortably warm!

We leave the next day, all having had fun except for him. When we get home, everyone kicks in for gas, he acts like I'm asking him for a kidney.

Now he is bugging me again about taking him to Powell to fish! Unlike 'Erin" he can make my life very uncomfortable, as in limbless. I told him I'm going only with my family this time, and have sworn other non-family to silence. Hopefully, after the trip in late August, I'll have arms with hands to type with!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 23, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Sounds like a time to use the phrase- Take a long walk off a short pier!


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Hopefully, after the trip in late August, I'll have arms with hands to type with!

MOngO wanna go fishin...



Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 5, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Sounds like there was more than alcohol involved in her case.
What was with her insistent need to go to her friends place?


Apr 30, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Dude you type too much.!!! :D. I got tired from reading all that. :eek:

Is she cute ??. ;). Send her over here and your problems are solved. :)

Dude, I wouldn't even put you through that. And i dont even know you!

So, Erin talks a lot, eh?
I'll look for the cliff notes version tomorrow.:eek:

Way tooooo much.

I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I'd have dropped Airhead off about 100 yards from her friends dock. With a life jacket, of course. . .


What worried me was her jackass friend pushes her into the water as we are pulling away. about 5 feet from my outdrive.

So what was wrong with the boat?....LOL erin sucks

Ended up being something stupid. Put a new stereo in and when i wired it from the existing harness the wires were pulled tight. so i cut a few zipties off to loosen up the wires and wiggled them and they all started working.

So im guess from the tension it pulled something loose.

Sounds like a time to use the phrase- Take a long walk off a short pier!

No Kidding!

Sounds like there was more than alcohol involved in her case.
What was with her insistent need to go to her friends place?

I dont know, but someone from BOC mentioned thats how someone on coke acts, but i dont know if shes that kind of girl. I know erin enjoys going out and having a good time, but i wouldn't pegged her as that though.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

It sounds like ERIN is a piece of work. Also, perhaps, she could not decide which set of friends she want to make plans with. So, she made plans with both then tried to make them gel.:rolleyes:
BTW..... what's BOC?:)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 6, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I don't really have any "will never invite again" people but there are people who's boats I will not go on when I'm invited. The ones with POS boats that break down in the middle of the river.


Apr 30, 2010
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

It sounds like ERIN is a piece of work. Also, perhaps, she could not decide which set of friends she want to make plans with. So, she made plans with both then tried to make them gel.:rolleyes:
BTW..... what's BOC?:)

Bayliner's Owners Club

Shes a piece of something... not sure what yet...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 17, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

I guess me being younger and my friends as well, they don't understand the whole chip in for gas idea. Yeah I know if I invite someone to go out on my boat then I should pay, I get that. Well I have friends that can't manage moeny as well as my wife and I do or they just spend it all on booze. So I have, well lets just call them, "persons" that liek to invite themselves onto our boat to the lake they would like to go to. I am happy to go out and have fun but when it comes to the awkward time of filling up AGAIN them always seem to talk a long time at the RR or in the store. I understand if i can't affroad the gas or the up keep I shouldn't play, but when they state in the convo. leading up to the weekend they got half the gas I believe them. So needless to say they had their one "free" ride.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

"Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?"



Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 8, 2009
Re: Do you have a "Never Invite Out Again" List?

Yes indeed...

and my Mother In Law is at the top of the's too much for me to fight the compulsion to push her overboard. Just kidding...sort of.

I would have dropped her off on a secluded island with just her redbull for sustenance.
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