Brand new boat listing to port!!


Feb 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Suds,<br /> Another good stick approach would be to call your local news station, most cities have them, for a news on your side. I recently got married and the wedding dress ( smaller $ amount but still significant ) was made improperly. The store said they would do nothing, I sent them a e-mail with the TV station copied, and they fixed the dress before I even heard a reply from the TV station for fear of being on the 6:00 o'clock news.<br /><br />Just a thought,<br />John


Jun 1, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

John, I bet you looked great in the dress. lol :D :D :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Here is an idea, I know here where I live the local news has a bit on their nightly news, its called what is buggin you. They report on issuses people are having with local businesses. It has remarkable results. Try contacting yhour local newspaper or TV news channel. Tell them your story and see if they will do a story for you. That should turn some heads and get some sort of ball rolling. I know it works here. When they show a story and the business fixes the problem they do a follow up story, even if they dont fix it they do a follow up story, one business even went out of business because of the negative publicity. Just some food for thought. I am sorry you have to go through this it really sucks.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Suds, I have been reading this thread, on and off for a few days. On July 3rd, I also purchased my first boat, and Odyssey Lextra Tritoon, 2502. My dealer is 6 hours away, 7 pulling a trailer, and I am waiting for a couple of small answers to questions from Odyssey, through the dealer, but feel confident, that they will be dealt with, and afterwards I will post a review. <br /> I can confidently say that if I were having the same problem as you, I'd want to pull a Roy D Mercer, and open a can of whupa--. The most insulting thing is that Chaparral has your money and won't even call you back. I agree that it is time to get your facts, figures, and dates, together and take some kind of action. I also agree that a little local news publicity is in order, and make it known that Chaparral won't even call you back. Maybe that is what it will take for them to at least call and deal with you. The only thing that I can do, is from this day on anyone asking me my opinion of Chaparral, I will refer them to this thread!!!!! GodsBeast


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 16, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Thanks Beast. We went over to the dealer today. We asked to see the manager, but he was not in. Set up an appointment to see him at 4 o'clock, but then was told he'd rather we talked directly to Chap and he called them and told them to call us today. So far no call. We're trying to go through all the correct channels. Trying to be reasonable, but when all avenues have been exhausted we will move to the next step. Oh by the way, we've yet to even meet the manager.

Bobby Powell

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 7, 2001
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

A company that is not willing to take care of a brand new customer is being CHEAP! <br />What got them (Chaparral) where they are today??? <br />Most companies grow because of great customer service. Maybe being CHEAP is what got Chaparral where they are in todays market. <br /><br />Maybe they should change thier name to CHEAPparral.<br /><br />Good Luck and best wishes....after reading this I'm am fearful of buying a brandnew boat in a couple of years.<br /><br />Bobby

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

The manager would rather you dealt with Chap directly? What a joke and what a jerk. You should call the owner of the dealership directly. If he is any kind of good business person he would probably have a heart attack if he knew how badly you are being treated. Then I would call the CEO of Chap and do the same thing.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Sorry if this has already been covered, but it's a long thread. Have you gotten a disinterested 3rd party to look at the boat and give an opinion?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 20, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Just remember one thing, the sqeaking wheel gets the grease, and the more persistant, and louder it squeaks the faster it gets the grease. I had two instances, one on an automobile from Chrysler, and the other an outboard from Mercury (Force) that I had repairs made, and paid for by the manufacturer, after warantee had run out, because I had a legitamate complaint, and was on the phone, and sending letters to the right parties in the organization.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I've been following this post for a few days, and I have a simple test that would answer a lot of qustions about this boat.<br /> - Remove that second battery.<br /> - Load the boat on its trailer.<br /> - Pull it to a highway scale.<br /> - Weigh only the left trailer wheel.<br /> - Weigh only the right trailer wheel.<br /> If the weights are the same, I think you may have a twisted hull.<br /> If the weights are different, there might be a problem with amounts of material that was used to build your hull, or there is something wrong with your rigging set up.

Reel Appeal

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 19, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I was also thinking along the lines of JDK,but was hoping that was not the case.It may be some type of manufacturing defect that no one wants to take responsability for.It's sounds like the old familiar run-around.Everyone keep passing the buck.If it was me,I would call(or visit if necessary) Chapperal boats and raise hell!Tell them your are very dis-satisfied with your new boat purchase.Tell them you want some satisfaction on this or your gonna report them to the Better Business Bureau.You have to let them know you mean business!If,after this call, your Dealer does not politely call you within a reasonable time frame(maybe a week),call back and ask them to reccomend another dealer.<br />For a company thats been around as long as Chapperal,who has JD Power awards AND *awards* for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION,this is ridiculous.Deal with Chapperal directly.Let the folks at Chapperal know they are getting bad P.R. from this via the internet.If they care about future sales,they should help you or replace your boat.Be persistant(with Chap),not the dealer. ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I just had another thought on this. What would JD Power and the others giving those awards think about your story?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

1) The dealer has your money.<br />2) Chaparrel can supply you with a new boat.<br /><br /> Go to a lawyer and have him (or her) send a registered letter to BOTH of above stating that unless you get another boat or a refund within say 10 days, you will start a legal action against both.<br /><br /> I still suggest you do my weigh scale idea above to find out what's going on.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Here are two persons who's attention should be drawn to this thread:<br /><br />Chaparral President Jim Lane<br /><br />Director of marine practice for J.D. Power and Associates, Eric Sorensen<br /><br />This whole situation is so stupid, it simply can not be known to Jim Lane.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Suds, Take UUs advice and just place a call to Jim Lane. Tell his gatekeeper (most likely a very powerful admin asst) that you have a serious safety problem with a brand new boat you just bought from them and can't get anyone to return your calls and the dealer has abandon you. And, bfore you take any further action, you really just want to explain the situation to Mr Lane to see if he can help.<br /><br />Watch how quickly things get resolved. I've been on both ends of the phone in these situations. It works.

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I would go for blood by now, call the press and the tv news put signes on the boat and pull it up and down the road in front of the dealer every free minute you have check with the police about parking on the side of the road. raise as much h*** as you can and draw as much attion as you can have friends and famley go boat shopping have them appear interested in buying then drive by with the boat and signes and have then question the dealer about it then walk out. let them know that you will hurt there bussness every chanch you can. they will call you when sales drop off and they can not explane to costomers why you are un happy with them.This is getting out of hand go for the kill. Have a tee shirt made that say's I got screwed by (dealers name ) ask me how and wear it every time you go to talk to them


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

If I were in your situation I'd stay calm, and get an objective, professional, 3rd party opinion as to the severity and possible cause of the problem. Continue to try to work out something with Chapperal. If they won't return your calls try a registered letter. At some point you may have to go to court and if that time comes you'll need documentation showing you made a good faith effort to resolve the problem. <br /><br />When you walk into to court the judge is going to look at you and instantaneously make a decision that your either a crybabby or a victimized consumer. No matter what he thinks about you personally, the more documentation you have the more likely you are to get "justice".


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

lucky jim, I'd wait on the t-shirt until the court solution failed. It looks to me like the situation is hardly a month old (first post July 15).

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Lucky, Imagine showing up at the dealership with a T-shirt like that - :D I'd pay money to see it...<br /><br />Here's the scene. You head over there with the boat in tow. With lemons and signs all over it. You pull up making sure everybody inside sees how you have it decorated - you beep and wave. You get out of your truck with the T-shirt on and you walk inside and say, "Good morning I'd like to see the owner please" <br /><br />Too much :D <br /><br />Can you imagine?

Karl Seibel

Feb 15, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Suds, after reading all this, it looks like you have alot of boaters on your side. And you seem to be a very patient person. But sometimes you have to get tough. (And now is the time). So don't take anything less than your money back. You get a new boat and the rails start to gonna be pretty pissed off. Good Luck