Bow eye safety chain?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Sooo from looking at the chart then, he didn't do anything illegal if I'm correct about the state he was in at the time.....
BUT it would appear that the voters in several states believe that he was being unsafe even if he didn't cause the accident at all....

An interesting thought occurred to me tho.... I wonder if the boat broke free from the trailer BECAUSE it jackknifed OR if the jackknife occurred BECAUSE the boat had broken loose and worked back causing tongue weight to be thrown off and inducing sway??????????????????????


Oct 23, 2008
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I don't suppose you noticed I wrote POTENTIALLY contributing factor?

There is a ton of research on cell phone use while driving. Even with hands-free devices, it's about the same as driving while intoxicated.

Back to topic: Even my lowly Bayliner's trailer came from the factory with a bow safety chain.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

sure I noticed.... You left the door open so I took the route that was most fun LOL

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Really good point my transom straps are only rated for 5000 lbs. now im thinking what are the transom u-bolts rated for as well.

An important consideration about the strength of bow eyes, stern eyes, cleats, etc.: look at the direction of the pull and think about nails. You can hang a large weight vertically from a small nail driven horizonally, even until it bends, but it doesn't take that much force to pull that same nail straight out. Tie-downs on stern eyes and cleats are not an issue for the hardware, but that old bow eye takes a lot of straight pulling--especially if you winch up your boat rather than power load on. Same goes with hanging a boat or towing.


Jun 12, 2012
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

How did this thread go from safety chain to cell phones?

I noticed safety chains appearing on trailers sometimes in the early 90"s, if memory serves.

Until then we got along just fine without them.

Since I have a 10,000 lb rated winch with a 10,000 lb rated strap hooked to the bow eye, I really can't see the need for another device to hold a 3500 lb boat.
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Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

so I guess you also view shoulder belts, airbags, crumple zones, daytime running lights, 3rd brake lights, abs, dsc and all the other safety innovations as unneeded too?

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

How did this thread go from safety chain to cell phones?

I noticed safety chains appearing on trailers sometimes in the early 90"s, if memory serves.

Until then we got along just fine without them.

Since I have a 10,000 lb rated winch with a 10,000 lb rated strap hooked to the bow eye, I really can't see the need for another device to hold a 3500 lb boat.

What's the little piece of pot metal the size of a nickle that secures the gears rated for? And its wire spring? That's what matters.

My 1988 trailer has a chain but my 72 (?) does not--but it's a small trailer for a 13' boat. I don't recall about the larger trailers we had in the seventies.

I'm as old school and traditional as they come, and use old tools, gear and equipment long past its natural life (which usually exceeds the new crap they sell now) but I am also willing to accept improvements, especially one as simple, common-sensicle and cheap as a safety chain.


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

My dad's old Chieftan's Shorelandr trailer ( 1976 I think ) had a safety chain on it when he got it, possibly was original because it was welded and painted over white, and the trailer had probably never been painted a second time.. We lost wheels off of an axle and had to chain it up to get home a couple times ( worn spindle ) but never lost the boat or even rocked it.. Boat was secured with a strap over the rear gunwhales, safety chains on and the winch tight, checked twice before moving each time, never an issue beyond the wheel which happened twice

A safety chain will cost less than $20 to install, so there is no reason not to have one, even if 'just because'.. Looking at the Fulton T-600 winch that is on my old trailer, the pawl just flips in and out and is not spring loaded like 'modern' winches. It's over 50 years old and it's interesting that Fulton still sells the same winch, hopefully the pawl is different, I'm sure a good bump could unlock it.. I will probably rebuild the winch using the modern T-600 parts sheet
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Mar 9, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I have a 1976 Rolco that does not have, nor ever had a provision for a safety chain. It's got a 20' runabout on it, and it has never been an issue. Again, that doesn't mean that a safety chain isn't a good safety measure, but mine has been trailered for almost 40 years without one, as have tens of thousands of boats, without incident. It's a cheap investment for safety, to mitigate a small chance of your boat coming off of a trailer. I'd actually consider it necessary for all roller trailers.

I have owned a few 90's boat trailers that also had no provision for it. My ShoreLander JetSki trailer has no safety chain, either. I currently have a 2001 TrailMaster trailer that DOES have the welded eye underneath the winch post, but it has apparently never had a chain on it (paint is flawless on the eye and post itself). Once I move my runabout from the Rolco to the Trailmaster, I will add the safety chain because the provision is already there and I have to add longer safety chains anyhow, so getting the extra chain is inconsequential.

The safety chain is not a universal item on most trailers I've seen, and is likely dependent on the dealer/state requirements instead of standard practice.


Rear Admiral
May 23, 2011
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I have one last thing to add guys. My safety chain did save my rear one time coming off of an electric only lake. The ramp I was on was very nice, and had a great grade to it. It actually was one of the easiest load/unload ramps I have ever used. I pulled the boat all the way onto the trailer with the dock rope, and just clipped the bow hook onto the eye. I went to pull the boat out of the water to a remote spot so that I could get off the ramp, and as I continued pulling forward I heard the ratchet start to unwind and I stopped. Halfway up the ramp the boat started to slide of the bunks and almost fell completely off the trailer. I never locked the ratchet pin, or hooked up the safety chain before I pulled forward. Idiotic maneuver, I know, but now when I pull the boat up the ramp I always check my ratchet lever and strap on the safety chain.

My buddies and I were shocked at me almost ruining my boat. From then on, we started to call the chain "Plan B."


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I have ripped 2 winch sraps in the last couple of months.which in turn cut a bow strap,boat slid back and rubbed though rear strap. will be adding turn buckle. i didn't trailer my boat last 2 times i left the water,back problems. never again. i will always be the one securing boat, my brother has owed a boat longer than I have. but his boat isnt as big or heavy. I will have to teach him how,made mulyiple trips 600 miles each way never had a problem. he wasn't getting boat all the way forward to roller stop, so the boat would rock and shift on trailer. lucky i never lost it.Im in ILL I dont think I have seen a trailer without a saftey chain or cable.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 26, 2011
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Wow; This is a wild thread.:) The very first thing I do when purchasing a new boat is install a safety chain if it's not equipped with one. For me is well worth investment for peace of mind.


Chief Petty Officer
May 29, 2012
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Let's presume for the moment that boats coming off trailers are not a statistically contributing factor to serious accidents.

If the above possibility were accurate, perhaps it is because most use redundant and cheap chains, turnbuckles, and ratchets.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 19, 2013
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I just bought a boat, but since its at a marina I haven't towed it yet. This thread has been really helpful, but for someone who has never towed anything other than a log splitter the thread is scary too. Sort of like those old crash videos they showed you during drivers ed classes with all the pictures of boats scattered on the road :)


Rear Admiral
May 23, 2011
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

I just bought a boat, but since its at a marina I haven't towed it yet. This thread has been really helpful, but for someone who has never towed anything other than a log splitter the thread is scary too. Sort of like those old crash videos they showed you during drivers ed classes with all the pictures of boats scattered on the road :)

Well, really bad stuff can happen if you slack off preparing for a tow, or just neglect your equipment. Some people run their tires until they blow, some change them when it is necessary. If you take the steps to be as careful as you can, and be proactive about maintenance, the odds are in your favor. Most of the guys on here have had boats for a long time, and have seen it all, so they do everything in their power not to be this guy. Little Car Pulling a HUGE Trailer up a hill Crash - YouTube


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 19, 2013
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

got my trailer and it has a hook welded on the trailer for this. I will put a chain on there, but will investigate that turnbuckle idea and having it connect directly to the trailer frame rather than the support for the winch. I doubt I would have ever known that I should use one before seeing this thread so thanks!


Jan 8, 2011
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Well here is one more for safety chains. Last weekend when I trailered to the coast about one hour, backed her up to the ramp, went to take off my straps (bow and stern), and found my bow safety chain hanging from the bow eye! That was a first for me. The nut that secures the chain to the trailer apparently came off during the ride and the chain was just hanging there. Fortunately for me I was taught by my dad to always add a tie down strap at the bow (I never really understood why, and rarely found anyone else who did this, but I did because that was how I was taught). So my safety strap at the bow was in place and doing its job. I guess it is kind of belt and suspenders but I feel good about it anyway knowing I am doing everything I can to be safer on the road for both my family and others. The cost of that extra strap is likely less than $10 and will likely last as long as the boat.

Oh, another good use of the safety chain is when backing up or down a steep ramp. If the bow strap winch were to break loose, you will not end up with your boat on the pavement. I leave the chain on all the way to the water, and unhook when I unhook the winch strap.
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Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Thanks for a good reminder to check all the connections, not just the obvious ones.

I had the whole bow eye pull out of the boat, leaving the winch cable and safety chain securely attached to the eye--about a foot from the boat. Roller trailer; belly strap saved the day. So belts and suspenders would have a second line tied from the bow cleat to the trailer winch stand.


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

...I had the whole bow eye pull out of the boat, leaving the winch cable and safety chain securely attached to the eye--about a foot from the boat. Roller trailer; belly strap saved the day. So belts and suspenders would have a second line tied from the bow cleat to the trailer winch stand.

Did this happen on the road?
I would have thought that the stern straps would have prevented it from backing up more than an inch or two.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Bow eye safety chain?

Did this happen on the road?
I would have thought that the stern straps would have prevented it from backing up more than an inch or two.

yes, but I use a strap across the gunwales ("belly band" or "belly strap" in common parlance) rather than two stern straps. SOP for many boats around here. And it worked--even though it should have been tighter and thus less movement. This was on the highway.