i hate to say this mate , but i think you are going to need some you tube vid research into the motor starting procedure , it very hard for me and others to translate the help you need via text .
it is an easy process , but if not done correctly it can be very dangerous and can also do a lot of damage if it comes off the stand running .
please be carful 150 - 200 kg of motor jumping from a stand running will hurt you as it has torque and a gyro effect when running or just cranking for that matter. .
it must be bolted solid to the stand and the stand must be stable , as in you should be able to torment the motor in all directions and it not try to tip over.
a little stoy about motor stands ::: i have built a few stands in the past that were not quite up to par , one for example i made out of pine and coach screws just as a storage stand for a 55 even rude ,
i had no stand to put a DF 250 4 stroke Suzuki , so i utilized it , dumb assed me started the motor whilst it was mounted , steering locked with only a strip of flat extruded aluminum that bent on the first start up /crank ( that was what started the chain reaction
, it torqued to one side and the stand cracked in a few places , luckily i had a big fella as a helper that stabilized the motor whilst i switched it off and hooked the crane to it to stop a $15k engine falling over.
scary moment !.
this stand in the pic is what you need to build , anything less for that motor you have is not going to be safe .as you can see how the steering arm is locked with a very thick angle bracket to the stand.
copy it from the pic if you want.