Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

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Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 22, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Look in e-bay, Bayliners are the cheapest selling boat out there. everybody knows it,, most were sold with the force outboard motor. the small 18ft and under were sold cheap and made cheap. imho


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

when is was test driving the 2008 new bayliner, one of the old excutives, admitted that in the 80's if it had a bow and stern, it would sell. and they sold them. they're sorry for it now as they have to live with that stigma. but the 2008 205 and 225 are quality boats.


May 20, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

It always boils down to one thing, you always get what you pay for. Bayliners are cheaper than most other boats, try to resell one and you'll know that although cheaper up front you will pay dearly when trying to resell one. I've talked to boat dealers and when they asked me if I had a trade and told them yes, the first thing out of their mouth is if it's a Bayliner I don't want it. It will take years for this perception to wear off. I also must mention during the years, bayliner must continue to make a decent quality boat.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

If I buy a bayliner, I'll just wear really dark sunglasses so people don't recognize me, either that or paint over the bayliner graphics and logos :)


Jun 13, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

I'd love to get about 100 old boats from the 80's out on a lake. I would pick them more from condition but of all makes.
Then I would take 30 'vocal' boat critics out to the lake and then blind fold them.
Then walk them around the boats, let them drive them (with a little help). Let the listen to them and let them rub there hulls, handle the fittings, turn on the lights...maybe the bilge pump or whatever.
Ok, 'experts' spot the Bayliner......Yeah, thats what I thought, not a clue. Ok, now the Four Winns...uh, uh, same thing, not a clue. How about the Sea Ray...nope? not yet....keep going. Good thing those blind folds are hinding half of the red faces.
Some people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
An earlier comment spoke to the fast that the best brand is most often the condition of the boat and its history.
You Betcha!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

That wouldn't be a fair test... The bayliner could be identified by smell.. (rotting wood and upolstery)


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Easy test, whichever one couldn't get on plane and/or sunk would be the waterlogged bayliner.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Howdy folks;

Well I guess I messed up. Bought an 86 Capri 19' 125hp Force driven open bow. The price was in my reach(no payments). I thought I was having fun as did my family but granted we have only been on the water about 10 times this summer with no real problems. Oh I did tow a WaveRunner back to shore. I have enjoyed tinkering and learning things about outboards and boats. Manuevering, launching, docking, mixing oil and gas is becoming second fiddle and replacing plugs pretty simple. The boat still shines, interior is not sun torn and gets compliments from friends and neighbors(ignorance I guess). Bought a quality boat cover, put a bimini top, nice stereo and built a hinged table top to cover the opening between the back seats. Looks and sounds sharp. The Force hood needs a new paint/sticker job. Its pretty faded and peeling. Will I regret the purchase? Reading this forum makes me think so. Will I learn about boats? No doubt. 20 years later this little boat is still pulling tubes and catching fish. I can't see it being poorly made to last this long. But you all know better. Thanks for the candid thoughts about my brand and purchase. Quality must have started improving after the eighties..


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 9, 2005
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

. So I am not going to tell you what a bad deal you got or your boat is junk that is not my style .

What are you talking about dude? I just read most of the posts and you basically said your boat is great bayliner sucks. And no im not quoting but thats the message you sent. Im sure you love your boat and its probably very nice and gets you where you need to go. But you basically sit there and tell everyone how much better your boat is than a bayliner. Ok so your boat is better in your opinion. yeah bayliner was a crappy boat. Hell back in the 80s everyone told me never to buy a bayliner. I ended up selling my jet skis and bought a boat. yes its a bayliner. yeah it had its share of problems but I fixed them all. Im curently working on the interior and a swim platform. i havent doen any tear out waiting till oct-nov to paint it also. I take it out all the time. I can tel you that when I was looking for boats all the so called premium boats the sellers were asking astronomical prices for old boats. and some of them were in worse shape than the bayliner I bought. But most of them basically were telling me well its a Sea ray or its a Well craft or pick your brand here. Most figured youre gonna be sold on the name. All I cared abotu was if the boat was sound. on one Sea ray I knew the guy left it out the floors were so soft I was afraid to walk on them. his answer was oh thats a easy fix. He jsut wanted to sell his POS to some unsuspecting buyer. the guy who sold me my bayliner well yeah I got a good price, but I put some $$ in it. will it last for 2-4 years. Im sure. the hull is fine so is the motor and outdrive. the interior is ok. probably will need some work but otherwise Im out fishing and enjoying soem quiet time with my wife at the lake or river. Do I wish I was on a new Reinell or Ebbtide? Sure who doesnt. but I guess im not that much of a elitist to really give a crap. I do have the $$ to purchase a brand new 30-40K boat but never owning a boat before ( only jet skis ) i didnt want my first boat to be new. one of my wifes friends owns Sun country marine. he advised me against buying a bayliner but I told him its only gonna be a 2-3 year boat max. the salesman in him wanted to sell me a new boat. then Ill move on to a new boat. I dont expect my bayliner to fetch the price a so called higher end boat will on the used market. im basically fixing it for myself and my family. but when I sell it I will know everything works it will be in great working shape.
personally I feel boaters are more preudiced against each other than anything else. Pretty much every boater out there thinks his boat is better than anythign else. you could take two guys who have tow top of the line boats and each one will tell you the other guys boat is a POS.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

"anti-bayliner kooks" ???? Why are there ANY "anti bayliner" people at all if bayliner makes such a fine boat?.. Of all the brands of boats available, the bayliners get the most criticism by far.. Is there a conspiracy? or do people just pick on bayliner for the fun of it?... Why arent' there any "anti-regal kooks" etc. etc.?????..


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 16, 2006
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Because before Brunswick bought the company the brand name was know for poor quality workmanship. Many people are still living in the stone-age.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2007
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Wait.. you mean a bowling ball company was making boats?... no wonder!...


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

I can tell that at least here that all boats of this style Searay , Maxum ,Bayliner,Ect ,Ect all lose there value at the 15 to 20 year point



Nice 26 ft Searay cant even give it away


nice chaparral cant sell it

They all suffer the same issues with poor sealing of wood that leads to rot porblems (even Grady White )



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 16, 2006
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Wait.. you mean a bowling ball company was making boats?... no wonder!...

Aah yeah, only the worlds leader in marine engines and boat manufacturing.

Brunswick Corporation – Fact Sheet
May 2007

Brunswick Business Units:

Mercury Marine Group
Based in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, Mercury Marine is the leading producer of
marine engines in the world. 2006 net sales were $2.3 billion. Primary products
include Mercury and Mariner outboard engines; Mercury MerCruiser sterndrive and
inboard engines; Mercury Precision Parts and accessories; and MotoTron
electronic controls.

Brunswick Boat Group
Headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee, the Brunswick Boat Group is the largest
maker of pleasure boats in the world. 2006 net sales were $2.8 billion. The Boat
Group makes Sea Ray, Bayliner, Maxum, Hatteras, Meridian and Sealine pleasure
boats from 16 to 100 feet; Baja high-performance boats from 20 to 44 feet;
Albemarle, Boston Whaler, Cabo Yachts, Laguna, Palmetto, Sea Boss, Sea Pro
and Trophy offshore fishing boats from 13 to 52 feet; and Crestliner, HarrisKayot,
Lowe, Lund, Princecraft and Triton fishing, deck and pontoon boats from 10 to 26
feet; Attwood, marine parts and accessories; Kellogg Marine, Land ‘N’ Sea,
Benrock and Diversified Marine parts and accessories distributors; and IDS dealer
management systems. Brunswick is one of the largest boat makers by units in
Europe, with such brands as Arvor, ?rnvik, Quicksilver, Uttern and Valiant boats.

I can tell that at least here that all boats of this style Searay , Maxum ,Bayliner,Ect ,Ect all lose there value at the 15 to 20 year point

Next time I decide to buy a 20 year old boat I will keep that in mind.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 16, 2006
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

This topic bugs me soooo much. OK, no doubt lots of 80's Bayliners seemed to fall apart/rot/rip easy/etc. However, a well-kept one may be in great shape still, so it's still the INDIVIDUAL BOAT when buying 20 yr. old boats!

Now, there is also NO DOUBT that boat building has become far more similar between brands. That's what happens when only a few companies own MOST of the popular brands like today. Does that make a Bayliner the same as a SeaRay? No, of course not - different upholstery, fittings, materials here and there, etc. BUT can the Bayliner be a fine boat? Sure it can.

I have heard very little bad about bayliners made the last several years, and much good. The flooring/stringers/etc. are a completely different design than the 1980's boats, so their is no way your opinion of a 1980s Bayliner has much use in considering more recent ones. In fact, it may just be that the OLD reputation of bayliner as a lowest-quality boat is the BEST thing for new Bayliner buyers! Take advantage of their attempt to change perception of their product with higher build quality - BEFORE the reputation chances - and you have yourself more boat for the money!!!

No, I'm not a Bayliner owner.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Aah yeah, only the worlds leader in marine engines and boat manufacturing.

And McDonald?s is the largest restaurant chain. Does that make their food any better?

Cick here to see what actual owner say about their boats:

Power Circle Ratings (the Ratings) are an easy-to-use system developed by J.D. Power and Associates for All Power Circle Ratings are based on the opinions of consumers who have actually used or owned the product or service being rated. Since the Ratings are based on J.D. Power and Associates research studies that survey a representative sample of owners, they are indicative of what typical buyers may experience.

High ratings for a particular product/service/company do not necessarily mean that every customer will have a positive experience. It simply indicates that, on average, consumer perceptions of the product/service/company indicate that it stands out when compared with competitive products/services/companies.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 16, 2006
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

And McDonald’s is the largest restaurant chain. Does that make their food any better?

Cick here to see what actual owner say about their boats:
Never said anything about Bayliner being "better". Think about it, no one is forced to go to McDonalds.
And no one is forced to buy a Bayliner also. But you don't get to be #1 year after year by having the worst product available either.

According to the JD power survey Maxum Boats rank lower than Bayliner in almost every category. How can this be? We all know that a Maxum is just a dressed up - slightly higher grade Bayliner.
Those surveys mean nothing.
For instance:

SeaRay Engine 4/5
Bayliner Engine 3/5
Maxum Engine 2/5 . . . . . don't they all share the same engine?

I guess Brunswick sends all the "good" engines to SeaRay and all the lemons are sent to Maxum.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

Those surveys mean nothing.
For instance:

SeaRay Engine 4/5
Bayliner Engine 3/5
Maxum Engine 2/5 . . . . . don't they all share the same engine?

I guess Brunswick sends all the "good" engines to SeaRay and all the lemons are sent to Maxum.

Engine: This score is based on customers’ satisfaction with the boat’s engine. Specifically, the ease of starting, quietness at cruising speed, reliability, fuel economy, amount of fumes, and smoothness when shifting into gear.

Three of these criteria can be directly affected by the design of a particular boat. A motor that gives satisfactory performance on one boat might not give satisfactory performance on a hull of a little different design. If Maxum under powers boats for price point buyers then expect some dissatisfaction by them paying a premium for the Maxum and getting only typical performance out of it.

Perhaps the Maxum isn't the dressed up higher quality Bayliner you thougt after all. Perhaps its ranked lower becouse the product didn't meet the owners expectation of a higher grade Bayliner.
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