Re: Air America Files Chapter 11, but I thought....
Boomyal said:
POINTER94 said:
Please someone help me with 3, just 3, "radical" statements made by Rush. He is on a minimum of 3 hours a day, five days a week. There should be tons of examples of this out of control Radical.
They can't POINTER. It's the truth that sets the Left against Limbaugh. They can't refute him. They either have to claim that he is mean (and you know that mean people suck) or that he is divisive. Of course any bit of truth that the Left would like to ignore is divisionary..
You could say that black was black and if it did not fit the Left's agenda they would call you divisive.
Rush Scumbag does not lie?
Al Franken wrote a book that completely disproves that theory.
When Rush Limbaugh's lips are moving, he's lying.
Didn't Rush have a lot to say about drug addicts and how much jail time they should receive? How come when it came out that HE was a drug addict, all the dittoheads didn't campaign to have him jailed? A certain lack of moral consistency, it seems.
Rush used to slam the ACLU all the time. When the ACLU stepped up to the plate and helped him with his legal fight on the drug stuff, he shut up pretty quick. Funny thing, that.
The lying gasbag till has a huge following, even though his own behavior makes a mockery of the philosophy he espouses. It is pathetic. Stupid is as stupid does.
The righties claim that Air America broadcasts lies and outright fiction. Provide actual examples. Please document the source of the information that you believe proves that what was broadcast is a lie. Opinions don't count. Actual documentation does.
The Air America business plan was pretty **** poor. Too much debt, not enough revenue. AA has proved that there is a market for progressive radio. The Jones network is doing fine. Even Clear Channel is converting stations to a progressive format. Radio is all about money. If a broadcaster can bring in advertising revenue, they will get airtime. Air America will survive. Too many people are starting to figure out that right wing radio is a load of bull puckey. Ratings are dropping fast.
I used to be a Republican. I can't be a Democrat. I am more a Libertarian than anything else. I believe that the goverment should be concerned with national defense and infrastructure, IE, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc. They government should also regulate business to provide a level playing field and not favor certain companies and industries over others. Every citizen should have to serve two years in public service of one sort or another. Every citizen should have to learn to shoot a gun and own at least one firearm, along with ammunition, AKA, the Swiss civil defense model. The government should completely stay out of people's private lives. Eat, drink, smoke, snort, inject whatever you want. Have any kind of sex you desire with any consenting adult. Live with whomever you choose. Civil unions (the business side of marriage) should be available to any adult couple that wants one. Marriage is a spiritual and/or religious concept that should be totally seperate from the business side of adult partnerships. Freedom means equal freedom for everyone, not just the people you approve of.