96 Bayliner 2050 - The Dirty Rotten Baystard


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 16, 2018
Wow, mine are all grown and on their own but that is one of the best lists I've ever read. :thumb:

MC_What have I done?!

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2019
yeah, I don't have a hard time believe that at ALL. I've been around this for 13 years now. You didn't ask for this, but I'm going to give you some fatherly advise:

Tim, this is some of the best advice I have read and can be applied to so much more than just baseball. Years down the road, some day your son is going to call you up out of the blue (especially when he might be struggling with his own kids) and thank you for what you did for him!

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
Man Tim, that is fantastic advise...

Maybe a Mod can make this a STICKY :lol::lol:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2012
Thanks guys. I can't say that I haven't made mis-steps along the way. The one thing that I can say is that my son emphatically knows that he doesn't play baseball for me or his mom. He could hang up his spikes tomorrow all on his own. My only counsel to him was, "Make sure when you're done that you won't have regrets, because you're going to see baseball fields for the rest of your life."

Some of what we see is sad. There's a kid on the high school team who would quit yesterday if he thought his Dad would let him.

Last thing for you Mad Props - You need to turn your child over to the coach in all areas but one, and that is arm health / safety. Overuse is rampant when they start playing more than 2 games per week. Read everything you can about arm health. Learn what causes little league elbow (that's inflammation in the area of the growth plate). Serious long term damage can occur. Help your son learn the difference between muscle soreness and pain. Never play through pain. And you as the Dad might have to intervene and shut down your son's playing if you have a coach who just keeps sending him back out there. But that's all in your future.

Sorry for the thread jack guys. We now return to regular boat restoration programming. :)

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
No problem Tim, thanks again, I think everyone who read that can take something from it, even if they have nothing to do with baseball.

In relation to the boat stuff... I spent about 2 hours last night with the grinder and a 36 grit flapdisk. I sanded pretty much every square inch of the deck making sure to specifically get all the areas that will be high traffic... The last thing I want is to have adhesion issues in those areas. Everywhere else, I tried to skuff as best as possible, but between that and a good cleaning with acetone, I think I will be in good shape...

The downside was, I forgot how much of a mess grinders are... It wasn't all that bad, but I'm glad it was a cool night cuz I was able to be comfortable in jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

Now I just need to vacuum out all the junk and give a quick wipe down. Then I have a few things that still need glassed in
  • Sacrificial seat bases
  • backing for the tow hook
  • backing for the sun deck hinge
  • mounting block for a surprise that will come later :D
Have another busy weekend ahead of me, but I might be able to squeeze some work in tonight


Jan 24, 2018
good thing being back at it. I noticed that even after fairing, I still had alot of voids and you only see them when you paint. So I did an additional fairing step with gelcoat and glass bubbles. works like polyester resin just white.

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
yea, I have quite a bit of gelcoat pigment... I was thinking about coloring each layer so I can tell if I've sanded through it or not. I've also heard pinholes in fairing compound are like a never ending quest to fill lol.

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
Man, I’ve been away most of the winter and you’ve made some great progress. Nice work....love the videos!!

Hey chuck! Glad to see you back... you been down to the Potomac yet this year?

Ps, thanks for checking out the videos.


Jul 29, 2016
Yes, so far three times dodging the rain drops. The river was actually warming up, got to 77. Then it rained and got cooler outside and the Potomac responded. Back down to 72 last week. That wasn’t stopping my 9 year old though. She couldn’t jump off the back of the boat quick enough.

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
Got some work done today... made up the seat base for the helm seat and got it PBed in... also had a little extra pb so I installed an extra support block for the tow hook so my fat butt doesnt rip it out when tubing.

Tomorrow I'm gonna try to pb the port seat base in and tab everything down... I still have a couple random wood support pieces to install but I'm just about ready to start fairing things.


Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
No updates yet... its like 230% humidity tonight and I ended up having a conference call for work that ran 2 hours so didn't make it out... Weather is supposed to be super nice tomorrow so I'm hoping to get some work in... Hopefully I can finish glassing in the bases.

Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
Welp, got some time in tonight and the seat bases are fully tabbed and glassed in... I guess its official, it's time to start fairing and getting ready for gelcoat! I need to double check though and make sure I'm absolutely ready cuz I dont wanna have to sand if off to glass in a cup holder or something lol.



Jan 24, 2018
I hope you have better luck with curing. I have it out in the sun and it helped with the finish cure. 1.5-2% wax is recommended. Not sure if I will stick with it since it got dirty sticking to my socks. Maybe some other top coat in the future


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2012
humidity has been hell here in florida lol

I've been in Florida, Palm Beach, for the last 4 days and it's killing me! I hear it's crazy humid back home too. We drive home tomorrow. I did order a boat part while I was down here though. Should be delivered on Monday.