87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Seeing as the original seat wasn't square or straight, and neither is the boat.. I decided to do a 'test' with a bit of the salvaged wood from the original, temporarily braced and brad nailed/screwed to the new base section I started tonite..


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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

all went well.. untill I tried to climb up onto the boat with it. Using a 5 gal. pail for a step stool...:cold: yup, it kicked out, I went down in a flurry of cursing and swearing.. and the frankenseat came crashing down on my head. But apparently the brunt of the impact was centered on my left knee.. Not too serious, but sure hurt a lot! (not sure if my pride was hurt worse tho.. dumbas...) :facepalm:


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Aug 19, 2012
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Ouch, its all part of the build..I left my transom clamping boards on the gunnel when I cut out the keyholes with a sawzall..one came down and hit my face......spent a week or so swearing nobody punched me..:facepalm:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

But what the hey, its only blood... Carry on!! :laugh:

Test fit was pretty good, so i made a few adjustments and went ahead with it.. It's actually starting to look like something.. and its freaking HUGE! :eek: Had to hold phone way up high just to fit it all in the frame.. but it looks right, the original foam fits nice, so its time to start building the seat bolsters and lower seat panels i guess.. :)


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banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

good thing ya built that in two pieces or else you need a crane to swing it into the boat lol

thats huge lol


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Looks like its gonna be a nice comfy place to enjoy some boating!
Is there any space underneath that can become storage?
And yeah, It's Large!:eek:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

good thing ya built that in two pieces or else you need a crane to swing it into the boat lol

thats huge lol

Ya, I'm wondering if that's what they did at the factory.. lol

Looks like its gonna be a nice comfy place to enjoy some boating!
Is there any space underneath that can become storage?
And yeah, It's Large!:eek:

Yes... some 'boating' (beer drinking/girl watching..ahem..)

And as for storage, the aft cabin is directly below it, so not really an option, but I do have a plan for a small storage locker in/on the corner, and a hinged drop down 'work surface' (ie; a place to set beer, rum bottles, perhaps food.. :lol:) from the rear of the bench, facing the rear deck area. That's part of the reason I build it as 'heavy' and thick in that section.. That is the next engineering feat to undertake, after the bolsters/seat bases are ready to cover.. My shop gets messy pretty fast, so I'm hoping to do ONE big clean up, and do ALL the upholstery at once.. then cover and hide it till spring :)


Aug 19, 2012
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

My shop gets messy pretty fast, so I'm hoping to do ONE big clean up, and do ALL the upholstery at once.. then cover and hide it till spring :)

You and me both......an hours mess takes a day to clean...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

......an hours mess takes a day to clean...

:facepalm: yup, and sometimes more.. seams the more space you have, the more mess you create.. I would ask 'what is wrong with guys like us?' but the list would be shorter if the question was ''what ISN'T?" :laugh: Its my boat, my shop, and I'll do as a dang well please... :tongue:


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Hey BD:

I have checked out your thread a few times since you started it a few months back. So, I'm subscribing in.

I think your pencil drawings of the seat assembly are OK :thumb: It is kind of ironical that these "fiberglass" boats are mostly "wood" (it seems)
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slow joe

Oct 23, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

:facepalm: yup, and sometimes more.. seams the more space you have, the more mess you create.. I would ask 'what is wrong with guys like us?' but the list would be shorter if the question was ''what ISN'T?" :laugh: Its my boat, my shop, and I'll do as a dang well please... :tongue:

At least I'm not the only one that feels this way. :lol: Regardless of the project I'm working on my garage becomes a disaster very quickly.

Lookin good thus far!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Hey BD:

I have checked out your thread a few times since you started it a few months back. So, I'm subscribing in.

I think your pencil drawings of the seat assembly are OK :thumb: It is kind of ironical that these "fiberglass" boats are mostly "wood" (it seems)

Hey man, welcome aboard :) Im the 'manual' guy at my shop, pretty much all the other guys use mastercam and run the CNC's so I've been drawing on paper, napkins, cigarette packs, parts for years.. :laugh: guess I'm getting old and stuck in my ways now... And yes, seams to be all the the wood in fiberglass boats tends to rot a lot faster than a wooden boat does! :lol: make you wonder sometimes...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Progress! Been busy with all kinds of 'stuff' lately, but still put in some time on the seat project. Got all the bolsters/panels built and foam cut/fit ready to upholster, and after many napkin and cigarette pack drawings, got a workable drop down table figured out for the rear of the seat... 3rd pic is the frame I built out of 1x1" 1/8 aluminum from work (we have a LOT of it hanging around..) and ill polish it all up nice in the end, either anodize it blue, or just spray a clear coat on it, i have't decided yet..


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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Then there was a lot of head scratching an beer drinking.. but i managed to find just enough room in there to make these little shocks work (found at home de pot, meant for overhead kitchen cupboard/pantry doors.. for $25 each I'll see how long they last, re-engineer at a later date if need be) It is a bit snappy, but holds itself shut well, and seams to be plenty strong for its intended purpose when in the 'down' position. I just didn't trust 1/2" ply to hold up over time, so I made some corner braces out of 1/4" aluminum to screw to the wood, and drill/tap to attach the shocks. Made for some interesting and technical cuts on the teak side trim pieces though.. :facepalm: The piano hinge is screwed to the aluminum frame with stainless 4mm flat heads, thanks again to my work, and all the white material/backer is leftovers/off cuts of 1/4" uhmw sheet, also from work :joyous: (and yes, my boss knows about it all, I'm not a thief) I'm thinking its gona look really cool with some red/blue LED lights mounted above/inside of the top seat section, maybe on a micro switch so as soon as the door opens they turn on.. and I have a tone of teak bits and pieces I've collected over the years, so I'll trim it all up nice in the end too.

And then I had to take it all apart, so I can paint everything :faint2: I may be a bit nuts, but it seams to look a lot better/nicer with the gray paint :laugh: I don't know yet if the spray adhesive I have to glue my foam on is going to work with the paint, hence the areas that aren't painted yet. I'll do a 'test' tomorrow when its all dry. So now that i'm good an high on paint fumes, I think I'll grab a beer and head for the hot tub :D


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"


The drop-down table looks nice and some LED lighting would be a nice feature.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Merry Christmas!:D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Hey folks! merry happy whatever you celebrate, and belated new years as well :lol: had a bit of a rough time through the holidays and the last few weeks, so I haven't been on-line much. Long story short, my car died, stranding me (again..:facepalm:) on Xmas eve, got towed home, spent more $$$ and time than I wanted, went through almost ALL my firewood, as it was -20F or colder for about two weeks straight. Oh, then I went back to work, only to get laid off. :cold: and to top things off we just got hit with the storm of the century that basically buried my whole surrounding area in 4+ feet of the white stuff. In about 8 hours (thats on top of the 2 feet we HAD already) People were literally abandoning their cars on the roads, which were covered in massive snowdrifts, which you couldn't see anyway as it was a complete white out blizzard. The cops were going in on snowmobiles to get people. :eek:

ANYway, I've been scrambling a bit to keep bills payed, picking up odd cash jobs/ect here and there, and should be receiving unemployment soon, so seeing as I had some time on my hands... i borrowed a pickup truck and got a few loads of free skids/pallets to chop up for fire wood for the shop, and seeing as all the materials were here (bought before the holidays), I figured I might as well get something done on the ol' bayliner :)


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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

and on and on it goes....of course along the way, I kept coming up with other things to do.. :laugh: had some 'salvaged' black piping from another boat seat from the past, so I cut the staple strip off it and stuck it through the loop of blue material I wedged between the frame and upper bolsters.. turned out not bad in the end I think..


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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2013
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

still have to make/install the top teak corner pieces and trim, (which will even out the blue piping in those areas) and wrap/re-install the rear flip down table, but then shes pretty much done! :) I'm not 100% happy with it cause I'm a bit of a perfectionist..:lol: but it will do for now


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Aug 19, 2012
Re: 87 bayliner refurb/restoration project... "The Big Dirty"

Sorry to hear your holidays werent as merry as you would have liked, I do think the couch came out great tho!!..nice job