So far my "DIY" thoughts...
Regarding the outdrive resealing, Mark has explained it exactly. Im confident that I could do the seals but my trepidation is rooted in the unknown. Like Mark said lacking the marine expertise to identify non obvious problems. Not to mention trying to make a list of the specialty tools needed. Also, I could not find any instructions or step by step guides for the seals. I could see various seals when I was studying the mercruiser sterndrive manual but its all mixed in with other info. I hope im not over complicating or overthinking this, Im just trying to make a sound decision based on the unforgiving reality that the reseal may not have a happy ending. But like Scott said ,even if i do it twice its still less than the shop would charge.
So far my "take it to a Shop" thoughts...
Honestly, I haven't found a shop that I really fully trust. Im looking for honesty, integrity and price. For instance, I went to a shop looking for a coupler, they gave me a price of 300.00 i got the exact same coupler off ebay for 150.00. I understand these guys have families and its a business but geez. I would have paid an extra 20 or even 30 to support the local shop but double?? This was a real turn off. The other issue was say I spend anywhere from 700 to 1000 to reseal the upper, lower, and waterpump... then out of the blue... oh, your gonna need a bearing too, or oh your gonna also need a gear too.... either one or both of these scenarios will bring me to the price point of the SEI
So far my "SEI" thoughts...
So far from my internet research the SEI has been overwhelmingly welcomed and accepted. There is a small percentage of diehard merc loyalist out there that don't really say anything bad about the SEI but rather they just prefer the Alpha One outdrive. The attractive points for me are the no fault three year warranty, and the price. I found no evidence of inferior workmanship or quality of parts when comparing the SEI to the Alpha One. However, one common notable downside to the SEI was that the paint does or did not last as along as expected.
At this point im 90 percent sure I'll be ordering a SEI. However my current problem is selecting the correct outdrive. For my Alpha one replacement there are seven different choices on SEI's web page. I called SEI and they said they could tell me the correct outdrive if i had the engine serial number. Unfortunately i wasn't near the boat at the time. But, this is what i dont understand, if the outdrives are matched by gear ratios's then the engine serial number isnt a good guess? its not absoute right? because what if somebody somewhere along the line since 1986 changed the stock gearing??
So with that being said im going to have to learn how to count teeth!
I will be so glad when im past this part of the restoration, this almost makes me want to go back to grinding fiberglass!