Dozer, I dont think understanding them will ever be at the front of the order of life, but as long as we try it goes a long way.
Otter, your gonna get me in trouble! Im already thinking spraying now. But that means more buttering up to someone, possibly costing diamonds, and sold souls at the moment. Gotta take this one slow but thanks for the info! Still waiting for the gas powered boatissery video also. :laugh:
Hayko, I saw your thread on how you made the punch. Good job on that! I thought about doing the same, just dont have the right tools, believe it or not, that ordering the set was a much more expedient process.
I ran the pre compressor checks today. fixed a few small leaks in my connections and what not. But Im gonna get some more (better) oil before using fully. And probably run through 2 more cycles before fully using.