Got off of work early today so I finished cutting and fitting the main structure.
I still have to round out the edges and waterproof then I can get them glassed in.
I still have to figure out how I want to do the raise in the floor under the bow.
I can do it the easy way like the factory and just put a few blocks attached to the underside of the deck to make the ramp tab in the deck and fill with foam it lasted since 73 so it couldn't be that bad of an option.
I was going to run another stringer forward of the bulkhead in the 3rd picture attach it to that bulkhead then end it in a bulkhead that is in the center of the bow.
Either way I will be filling the area with foam which is why I am having trouble deciding which option I want to go with. Not sure if the extra work and material will be worth it to accomplish the same thing:noidea: