72 Thunderbird Formula w/twin 165hp Mercs


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Glad you are enjoying it after all that work, its a nice feeling! Thanks for dropping in, good to hear from you!


Jul 11, 2014
Thanks for the well wishes. I remembered something that happened to me a few months ago that gave me one of those it's a small world moment. I was pulling the boat into the marina I use at the Panama City Marina and was in a hurry because I was late getting back in and the wife was waiting. I had a guy yell something to me which I couldn't hear and thought he was asking me what kind of boat I had or telling me. I turned off one of the engines and turned down the radio and finally heard what he was saying. He was saying iboats and was I Mark. Finally figured out he recognized the boat from iboats. I laughed and said yes. Didn't get a chance to talk more with him to get his name since I still had a agitated wife waiting on me I quickly loaded the boat on the trailer and hauled butt to the house. I just thought it was funny and how broad a reach iboats has. 😄


Jul 11, 2014
Wow I cant believe I haven't posted in over a year. Still here and still having fun on the Formula


Jul 11, 2014
I also slapped some Thunderbirds on the sides. They are as close to the original style as I could find.


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Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Glad to hear it, nice to see your post! Any upgrade plans or is she doing everything you need her too?


Jul 11, 2014
Doing great we bought a second boat because one is not enough. Its a 2005 SeaRay 260 Sundancer, we call that one momma's boat. Its more of a cruise and wine boat. Has a single Mercruiser 350 with a Bravo 3 outdrive, generator, A/C, water heater, frig, sleeps 4 can have 10 folks on board relaxing so if you come to Panama City I can entertain large groups now:D

Been working with AllDodge trying to figure out an engine/alarm issue we are having right now. Its bad when the 1972 boat is running better then the 2005 :facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Wow that’s one nice rig ! Congrats !
My wife wanted a camper so we just purchased a 31ft class C ..
Happy wife happy life ! :lol:
We may head out your way at some point with it .. Maybe we could drop in for a visit !


Jul 11, 2014
Any time sphelps, give me a heads up and I will have Momma's boat gassed up and cooler full waiting on you. Hopefully by that time with all the help I am getting I will have all the engine issues worked out :frusty:


Jul 11, 2014
Well it’s been a year since last update. Boat broke down on me September last year and 2 weeks later we got blasted by Hurricane Michael a Cat 5 hurricane so priorities got changed from boats to rebuilding everything. We survived and insurance took care of us. House, fence and yard have been repaired so 2 months ago back to working on the boat.

Steering linkage fell apart so fixed that.

Starboard outdrive leaked fluid out of the prop shaft so rebuilt the bottom and top. The bottom has never been apart and that was a 2 week long saga but got it done.

Port outdrive needed the top rebuilt and replaced impellers on both outdrives

fuel tank sender unit quit working and still haven’t fixed that

starboard engine surging and having all kinds of issues at high rpms. Turns out it was the electric fuel pump. Replaced with a new mechanical pump and both engines are running at 4200rpms pushing boat up to 45mph.

Back fishing again until this past Thursday the 4th when about 15 miles out my steering locks up and won’t steer right only left and just short of center. After messing with it for 2 hours it started steering again normally. Made it back and took it home. Turns out the gimbal ring on starboard engine on the right side lost that pin. The pin was jamming at first not allowing the outdrive full movement causing the steering issue. The pin finally fell out and problem solved except we ran the 15 miles in with only the left pin holding outdrive to gimbal ring. Luckily nothing cracked or broke.

Anyway now I get to fix that. I love boats.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Mark ! Thank goodness you guys are ok ! I had to put out an APB on you over in dockside . LOL!
I knew where you lived and where that storm made landfall . Wow ! I’ll bet that was an experience ! :lol:
‘Hopefully y’all left town and didn’t ride it out ... Good to hear from ya !


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
That is a bunch of issues, and also glad you guys are ok
Good thing you have another boat, even though its giving you a bit of an issue now


Jul 11, 2014
Nope it was supposed to be at most a Cat 3 until about 24 hours out it turned into a strong Cat 4 and actually determined 6 months later as a Cat 5. Too late to leave so battened down the hatches and stayed at a friends house a little further in shore by about 10 miles. Unfortunately it moved us closer to the eye as it moved in land. I got some scary videos. We got hit with winds that were well over 120mph. The house we were in held together and luckily had no big trees near it but the neighborhood was full of huge oaks, magnolia and pine trees. After the storm was over which lasted about 4 hours no trees survived. Houses all around us looked like tornadoes had hit them. We were trapped in the neighborhood for about 24 hours because all the roads were blocked by trees, debris, power lines and power poles. With an army of chain saws we made one squirrelly lane out to Hwy 231. Then south towards Panama City. Took another 2 hours to travel the 10 miles because of again all the mess.

I went to south Florida on a hurricane Andrew convoy with our police department back in 1992. That was the only thing close to what I saw here. Andrew was bigger as far as square miles effected. That was the only good thing about Michael it was quick and not very wide but it was an A** Kicker.

No power in some areas for over a month. No cable or internet for 2 months, phone service sketchy for a month. They literally had to replace 90% of all power poles and every foot of power and cable lines. The debris took 6 months to clean up and some areas of Mexico beach, Parker (my mom lives there) and Callaway still have debris in several spots.

Every business, restaurant, grocery store, mall, Walmart’s, Targets, everything was closed for weeks, months or some have never reopened.

it has been an experience I hope to never repeat and yes the next one I am probably hauling butt out of here.