60 Minutes


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

Originally posted by Skinnywater:<br />
The commission was formed to find the truth, and thats what they're finding.
:D Yeah, and the fox is in the hen house to get out of the weather.<br /><br />The commission consists of politicians and was formed by politicians for political purposes.<br />If truth, fairness, sincerity or genuine positive results are the goal, the LAST person you want is a politician. <br />
Bush is a politician, but you believe him, even when the evidence points the other way. Even Bush Sr. thinks Bush screwed up with the war in Iraq.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

What the report stated:<br />President Bush told told the truth.(too bad, no ammo there,huh bscott?)<br /><br />What the report does not state:<br />That there were "no ties" terrorism.<br /><br /><br />I remind you of Saman Pac (sp), where the terroist training camp was found. Amoung the tools, the Fueselage of a civilian airliner. I guess it's true, we see what we want to see.<br />And I saw that camp on my moron box (TV). What I have yet to see are the newly-aquired vidseo of Sadamn's TORTURE, with the obsene stuff digitally masked (like the Abu Grieb video......I Wonder why this is.<br /><br />It's allmost impossible for a liberal to convince a conservative that they are correct.<br />And vice/versa.<br />But whatever you do, try to base your opinions on non-fiction as much as possible.<br />Be carefull of of the intent of the messenger.<br />It didn't take much to turn 60Minutes, an award-winning, news-based program, into a tool for puppet masters. 60Minutes is useless propaganda unless ballanced against Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

Rush and Ann Coulter?!? Balanced???<br /><br />That makes me laugh! I even listened to Rush for a while yesterday afternoon, but I was getting too dizzy with all the spinning going on, and was having a hard time keeping the car on the road.<br /><br />He was discussing the vast left wing conspiracy of the media, as apparently anyone who does not specifically agree with him on everything is part of this vast left wing conspiracy.<br /><br />Methinks poor ol Rush has taken maybe a handful or two too many Oxycontins.<br /><br />Now I could understand if he were talking about Barbra Streisand or someone, but apparently this conspiracy stretches all the way to decorated 4 star general Anthony Zinni, and maybe even to Pat Buchannan.<br /><br />Gawd almighty, I know his show is purely for entertainment, and stuff like that sells, but get a grip, Rush! You are going off the deep end!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

PW, you have an obvious reading comprehension problem. Reread what i posted (tho I doubt it would do any good). You took it totally out of context, and I never meant that Rush or Coulter (or both) could possibly ballance-out the fictional propaganda of 60Minutes at all. There is only so far the truth can go to repair a barrage of BS the likes of CBS eavening News, topped-off by 60Minutes every weekend! They are not God, after all (and niether is GWB).<br /><br />I am just sugjesting ballance to reporting, with some facts thrown in for good measure. I get sick of the socialist media networks pushing thier anti-American propaganda without rebuttal, or supressing the good news for America.<br />And if you think CBS,NBC,PBS,CNN.ALjazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera are balanced, you are one of thier brainwashed puppets allready,so it's too late for you.<br /><br /><br />Perhaps you would prefer Mike Moore/Rush<br />or Hanity/Colhmes<br />Kenedy/McKaine (that's a joke, but there really is a "point/counterpoint" type sound byte on the same channel as Rush in the morning. I sometimes listen to it for a morning laugh.<br /> <br />I have my own preferences. And the ones I sugjested would serve me well.<br />Get your own.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

Bush is a politician, but you believe him, even when the evidence points the other way.
:D That's just plain wrong. <br />You have mistaken me for someone else.<br />My problems lie in his competence and judgement.<br />No, with Bush it's not a question of actual lies that makes me lose belief, it's more of a trust issue. <br />My trust in him is based on my own personal interpretation of his performance and judgement.<br />My personal interpretation is that his performance has gone from excellent, to fair, to poor.<br />His current grade is C- to D, down from an A. If he looses in Nov. it'll be an F. (Keep in mind though, Kerry is failing in a class 3 grades below.)<br />He's made numerous small mistakes, a few moderate ones.<br />Gambled and lost a big judgement call.<br />I feel all current politics, media bias, and ultra liberal activism is loosing the war.<br />And GW is close to doing great harm to this country by allowing Kerry to win the Presidency.<br />I'm not a champion of Bush.<br /><br />For sure, I'm not taking it personal about the Lemming thing either. Together that, your assumption that I don't take evidence into account is wrong. <br />Facts, actual performance, cause, effects and evidence are the mineral I mine.<br />I search hard for truth, I receive "spin" from the media and politicians.<br />I see denial in those seeking status quo.<br />I'm 3rd party conservative with nuetral/isolationist tendencies, a Federalist.<br /><br />Thanks for the conversation but no blinders here. ;)


Jun 19, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

FYI PW...Rush's name and/or opinion is mentioned quite alot lately by the media...Some senator Harkin? wants him off the military radio. Wants it to be more balanced. Thats libs for ya, cant win in the arena of ideas so they attempt to eliminate and/or demonize their opponents. Why would you listen to him? even for an hour? entertainment? yes informative entertainment. <br /><br />Rush isnt going away....and even if he did....I wouldn't matter....Thanks to him, our eyes are WIDE OPEN and the defeat of liberalism and liberal revisionism is winning the day. <br /><br />BTW I saw some of the (911) commission boyz back tracking their reports and statements after George Stef. lobbed some not so soft Q's to clarify the positions yesterday about connection of Iraq and Al queda.. <br /><br />Rush not only reports and comments on the news of the day...he predicts nearly their (libs) every move and exposes them for what they are...<br /><br />You want balanced media?....what the fink is that? your pissed because liberalism has had its way in the main stream media the last 30 years and Rush Limbaugh has been a major factor in changing that...waaaaaaa!wwwwwaaaaaaaa! :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

I saw it & didn't see to much of nothing about Iraq. Not enough to warrant a post, anyway. What up here? Mostly it was about edited for content, what, you don't like those?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Oddjob, I've noticed that uncanny ability Rush has of predicting what the leftists will do in the future, given a miriad of topics.....Mind boggling, isn't it? And he couldn't even even get one right, if he didn't have truth, allong with the best sources in the world, on his team. I only wish I cold afford a sub to "Rush 24/7".


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: 60 Minutes

As this thread is about 60 minutes and the liberal bias that is evident in every piece they present. (Or intensionally omit) The neat thing is, they are dead and don't already know it. Quarter by quarter the rating dwindle away and they just can't figure out why??? News Flash!!! Fox News, Talk Radio, Internet magazines, are all taking more and more market share. What is their response? More Liberal tripe. Real sharp bunch. People like their news fair and balanced. They are hungry for facts, and not emotion, they want stylistic presentation and credible sources. (Did you hear that NY Times) They want the news presented in a way that predicts the future and not directs it.<br /><br />Rush, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reiley, Christopher Hitchins are not pretending to be reporters, they are conservative commentators. Dan Rather an those of his ilk, go about their fairy tale world pretending to be "balanced". The problem is a blind man can see they have an agenda dispite their positions as pillars in the 4th estate. They trade on their reputations and positions to forward their own special brand of social engineering. Those who the left hate so much, the Rush Limbaugh's who have the strength of charactor to stand up and identify who they are, what they are doing, and do it in a way that allows people to think through the issues and decide whether to subscribe or disregard or oppose, is at least intellectually honest. <br /><br />60 Minutes is a joke and would be happy to get the viewership of a daily O'Reiley Factor in the next couple of years. Liberal's identified the power of the media, siezed control and lied to the American public who they claim to serve and present only the news they found appropriate to reach their specific goals. (It worked once upon a time in Germany) One problem, in this country we are allowed to think for ourselves. And based on the ratings for FN, Rush, the silent conservative majority now has been able to be identified, counted, and their points of view dealt with. No matter how they try, this is a free market system, and the past three decades as shills for the democratic party will have to end or they will find themselves broke, discredited, and irrelavant. Liberals will always have NPR and Public television to further their agenda, but who will be watching? <br /><br />Can someone help me find the Al Franken's radio empire??? If he fails, do you think he will blame himself and try and try again to attain his noble goal, or blame others and the stupidity of the American public and continue on with his wildly successful acting career.<br /><br />Has San Fransisco put Fox News on their cable package yet?????


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes



Aug 19, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Christopher Hitchins is a different duck. He recently lambasted Ragan.